The Death Knell

Chapter 5160 Changing goals

Of course the Divinity is in the Omega Universe.

It is now the headquarters of Luther's plan, and it is also Noah's Ark. It is the final escape route to ensure his own safety. Naturally, a smart man like Baldhead cannot put all his eggs in one basket.

Earth 0's industry and family fortune are good, but not safe. The key is that if you need to cooperate with Deathstroke, you must also have the ability to travel through different multiverses.

So the Divinity was placed in the Opgar Universe. As a newly occupied colony, it needed a powerful weapon to suppress it.

As for the Doom Fortress, its current role is more like the shuttle or landing ship that Luther used to travel between different Earths and the Divinity.

In the past, if the Fortress of Destruction crashed, he might still feel distressed, but with the existence of the Divinity and the new multiverse share to provide materials, it would be easy to rebuild a fortress.

Besides, just because it crashed in the Amazon rainforest, it doesn’t mean it’s completely scrapped. Given its sturdiness, it should be able to be restored if it’s picked up and repaired afterwards.

"Omega Universe, I'll fly you there." Superboy Supreme opened his arms with a sunny smile: "There can be up to three people at a time, which one of you will come first?"

For him, traveling across the universe is easy, just fly hard and it won't be too slow.

Holding two and carrying one on the back, you can actually hold one in your mouth, but after thinking about it, Superboy thought it would be inconvenient to smile, so he decided to forget it.

There were only about ten people present, and it could be done in a few round trips.

"No need to run back and forth, do you remember Deathstroke's cloak? Imitate that." Raven made a voice, and she walked in the rain to the transportation that everyone used before, the big wooden cart: "I used dark magic to strengthen it and make it have Life support function, all of us get in the car, Superman you just need to pull the car and run."

As she spoke, she raised her hand and began to cast spells regardless of whether the owner of the cart agreed or not. Compared to a sorcerer, she was actually more like a sorcerer who cast spells with blood, so she cast spells very quickly, and the rich darkness came from the ground like a Erupting like a fountain.

This is Gotham. It may lack some things, but it definitely does not lack dark energy. In the eyes of a spellcaster, the whole city is like a cauldron of asphalt, and the boiling sticky substance in it is naturally darkness. energy.

"Not bad, not bad." The chief saw that the cart he had built was still functioning and had received a mysterious side upgrade. He happily touched his hair and threw a look at Luther, like It proves that his invention is a good thing that is truly beneficial to mankind.

There is actually no grudge between the two of them. Baldhead mostly goes around the Doom Patrol because they can't squeeze any money out of them, but they are still very dangerous.

Although they are a team of superheroes in name, the entire team is made up of reclusive anti-heroes. It’s a group of mentally ill people who just don’t have to deal with each other.

But the Chief doesn’t think so. Luther thinks he is the smartest person in the multiverse. Many people also recognize his intelligence and technical level. But coincidentally, the Chief also thinks he is the smartest person in the multiverse. He thinks about everything I want to differentiate myself from the bald ones.

Of course, most of the time, it's just fighting in the air for self-satisfaction.

For example, at Lex Industrial's new product launch conference, Baldhead recently invented a three-dimensional ducted hair dryer that can help people dry their hair quickly.

The chief in the mansion far away in the mountains would watch TV and compete with Luther. First he would scold him for being bald and having no hair. Wasn't the invention of the hair dryer for nothing? Then he took out a hair dryer and compared it with Luther's products from a distance.

Can Lex Industries' products help people dry their hair quickly? Then my hair dryer is more powerful and can lift off people's scalp. Is it better?

Won, hahahaha!

Every time this kind of distance competition usually ends with the chief laughing alone in the basement of the mansion...

"In this case, I won't go. Gotham cannot be left unattended." Batwoman walked up to Damian and reached out to touch his head: "The technological regression caused some chaos before, but now technology is back. , I don’t know how lively it will be in the city yet, I have to take care of my home.”

Damian didn't speak, he was thinking.

Because of Luther's arrival, everyone's action goals were unknowingly deflected by Baldhead. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

Does anyone still remember that when the Troublemaker was called in, everyone's goal was to find Superman?

As a result, before the bald old man said a few words, the target of the action became to deal with Prolaya and the God of Forgotten?

Although everyone suspects that Superman's disappearance is related to the enemy, and solving the enemy may be a direct solution to the problem, doesn't the difficulty also increase?

Lex Luthor is really a powerful guy. He first said that everyone's plan was wrong, and then threw out his own suggestions, thus gaining the right to speak and control the plan.

So should I speak now to expose this?

Batwoman's hand was still on top of her head, and Damian didn't bother to pay attention to her. The boy just looked at Harley secretly and found that the latter was also looking at him and winking at him.

Apparently, Harley noticed this too, but she saw nothing wrong with it.

It's not a big problem to go directly to the ultimate goal. Besides, if he tells his lieutenant once he finds a way to deal with Prolaya, no matter how fast Luther moves, he won't be able to move faster than Deathstroke and Batman.

When the time comes, this team will probably go looking for Superman due to reality.

"Emiko, Crush, Djinn, you stay and assist Batwoman." Damian made a decision. Instead of discussing with his teammates, he ordered them to follow their orders: "I will follow them myself."

"Are you sure?"

The Asian girl played with her bow and arrow and asked. In fact, she knew her abilities well. It might be a bit unsatisfactory for an archer to participate in a space war. In order not to be held back, staying on earth is the best choice.

"I'm pretty sure. Please help keep an eye on the adults of the Justice League. Don't let Martian Manhunter take everyone to the cliff. Also, be wary of Can Luo being used by the enemy. You must always wear a mental shield."

The boy shook his hand off his head and gave Red Arrow a pre-partition explanation. At the same time, he signaled his aunt in name to take a few teammates to do something together, and added by the way:

"Also, in Gotham, don't kill people casually, you know what I mean."


She was not happy when she heard that she was not allowed to kill people and was crushed. She did not strike lightly or harshly, and she would 'touch' someone to death if she was not careful. This was obviously what Damian told her.

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