The Death Knell

Chapter 5163 Transparent Monster

"Well, what on earth is this thing? It seems to be immune to physical attacks, and it's not that big..."

A cage fight was going on in the transparent cylinder, and several human shields in the farmer's team were playing their due role. Thanks to Jason and Mike being immortal evil spirits, no matter how many times they were knocked down, they would be torn apart. No matter what kind of rags it becomes, it can get up again and again.

Constantine was not in a hurry. He walked around the cylindrical space, muttering words and analyzing the enemy's situation.

As a fairly knowledgeable sorcerer, of course he has seen many weird monsters, and even evil things that live in dog feces.

But he didn't know if he drank too much or if the cancer cells had metastasized to the brain. He looked at it for a long time and couldn't remember where there was any description of this invisible monster.

Generally speaking, invisibility and physical immunity are standard features for ghost monsters. Without these two skills, ghosts would be too embarrassed to come out.

But the thing in front of him that looks like a dog but not a dog is obviously not a ghost. Otherwise, if he is holding a shotgun filled with holy water bullets, the other party should feel it immediately.

The authentic No. 7 holy water is the purest positive energy crystal. Ordinary ghosts will be frightened and run away for dozens of miles if they smell the slightest smell.

But that kind of goods can only be found in the Angel Reincarnation Pool in the Seventh Heaven. You can't find it in the main material world of the human world. You have to try your luck with plane merchants and astral mages. And it's expensive, so you need to come up with it. A high price to pay in exchange.

What Constantine currently has in his firearm is holy water No. 4 from the Vatican, but it is still powerful enough.

Just being sprinkled with flour, the translucent dog never looked at Zha Kang, which showed that it was not afraid of holy water at all, so something else had to be done.

"No, you still don't know what it is?"

Ghost Face suddenly appeared behind Constantine, holding his arms and shaking his legs. Although the Ghost Face mask obscured his appearance, his helplessness could be heard in his voice.

"Fake! You scared me. Where did you come from?"

Zha Kang said this, but he wasn't actually that surprised. It was just that the suction force he used to smoke became stronger, and the cigarette butt in his mouth burned faster.

He looked at the center of the circle. There lay a ghost face with a hole in his chest, and pieces of internal organs were scattered on the floor.

Looking behind him again, the new ghost face was intact, still holding the small dagger in his hand, but the mask on his face had changed. It was a fun-loving expression with a crooked mouth and eyes, and a piece of red spitting out of his mouth. Tongue.

"Didn't I tell you before, I'm not alone." Ghost Face shrugged, and he also watched the excitement outside the magic circle: "The one who died just now was the first generation Ghost Face, and I am the second generation, but it's still me. , you asked me to find a young lady, so you can’t refuse."

"Your friend is dead, and you just want to inherit the right to find a young lady?" Zha Kang looked at his Leziman mask, and then at the adjutant beside him: "To be honest, you guys are really crazy."

In fact, the craziest one is probably Deathstroke, right? What kind of freaks he creates make Batman's stamp-collecting targets seem a bit normal by comparison.

This mysterious house is a bit shabby, but now it suddenly feels like the surrounding air has become a bit cold.

"He is me, and I am him. We are both ghosts. Besides, he is just a dead person. He is not my friend. At most, he can only be regarded as... a colleague? The kind who comes to the company and spends time in tea. We bumped into each other occasionally in the toilet, and we nodded to each other."

This funny ghost face is very talkative. Like other ghost faces, his favorite thing to do is actually call the victim to chat.

Every serial killer has his or her own classic killing techniques. Ghostface likes to chase down fearful prey, which makes him feel particularly happy.

"Hey, you still have a company." Constantine threw the shotgun in his hand on the sofa first, then opened the drawer under the coffee table and rummaged around: "How many people do you have? Is the company called 'The Grimace Club'?"

There was all kinds of garbage inside the coffee table, including empty cigarette boxes, empty wine bottles, waste paper and fruit peels. I don’t know when they were stuffed in. It was filled to the top, and when it was turned over hard, the garbage kept pouring out like spring water. .

"Hehe, I was just making an analogy. Killing is our hobby, not our profession." Ghost Face also laughed. He was tricked to death by Zha Kang once before, and he didn't seem to care much.

But he didn't say how many ghost faces there were.

At this time, in the purple light circle, the flour in Leatherface's hand had been sprinkled, and the outline of the monster was relatively clear, so he also picked up the chain saw and joined the battle.

For a time, three human shields took turns on the field, and the kitchen knives, machetes, and chainsaws kept flying, which effectively dragged down the enemies in the powder.

It's just that Nailhead just stood there, observing, while the Rubik's Cube floating in his hand kept spinning, as if it also had its own ideas.

In fact, as a hell priest, he really has a way to deal with this monster, which is to use a Rubik's Cube and seal it into the dark hell with iron chains.

But now everyone's goal is the monster's brain and the information that may exist in it. Seal cannot solve the problem.

So Nailhead is waiting, waiting for the opportunity to take action.

But Constantine, who was outside the magic circle, was a step faster. He found what he wanted from under the coffee table and returned to the magic circle holding a large brown paper bag:

"I found it. This is it. It can probably solve it."

"So what is this?" The adjutant saw that he finally took some action, so he asked in a good mood: "Also, do you know what this monster is?"

"I don't know, but it must be a type of void monster, and it is controlled by the Forgotten God. Ha, it doesn't matter, because I know that void monsters all have a common characteristic."

Constantine, who had a wretched expression, smiled slightly, spit out the cigarette butt in his mouth and stamped it out:

"That is, they will read the thoughts of their prey and become something they are familiar with or curious about, thereby luring the prey closer and then launching an attack."

Creatures that can enter the void are often not weak in strength, so simply confronting them head-on is not a wise move.

No one knows how long these monsters in the void have existed, but in such an environment, they have evolved some special hunting skills. This is natural selection.

Predators in nature are hunters, represented by tigers, leopards, wolves, etc. There are also ambushers, such as spiders, snakes, and mantises.

The former's hunting action is very ornamental, and the animal racing is indeed beautiful to watch, but the hunting success rate is actually not high.

The latter not only has a high success rate, but also saves energy. The transparent monster we see now is obviously the same.

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