The Death Knell

Chapter 5164 Solution

Earlier, Harley and Superboy-Prime flew by in an enchanted cart from a distance. The adjutant told Constantine and let him know who was on the cart, so he had a basis for reasoning.

At that time, I still remember that the monster outside the door fell silent. It was actually reading the thoughts of passers-by and trying to change its body.

It failed because Harley had X-metal stuck to the back of her head, so did Damian, Superboy-Prime was protected by a bio-force field, Raven's brain was protected by the Trinidad, and the Doom Patrol were all a bunch of lunatics.

In addition, it was too fast to hunt, so the monster did not chase those people, but stayed here and continued to make sounds like knocking and snickering, attracting people in the house to open the door for it.

To put it simply, what it changes is actually what everyone in the house is interested in.

This monster is invisible because Constantine is known as the Detective of Hell. He often deals with demons and ghosts and likes to investigate cases to make money, so things he cannot see interest him.

As for the general outline of the monster, which looks a bit like a dog, that is a misjudgment caused by the outline mold, because it should actually be more like a rabbit. Xiao Zha’s favorite animal is the rabbit.

The first magic trick she learned as a child was to pull a rabbit out of a top hat. This animal has a special meaning to her.

After the farmer team was sent by the adjutant, the void monsters also began to read their memories and change into the shapes they were interested in. But who likes tentacles, who likes spiders, and which likes vertebrae? This is There is no way to number them one by one.

Constantine knew that these people were classic horror movie characters and toys created by Deathstroke, but it was impossible to say how much he knew about the inner world of the killer.

After all, he is a spellcaster, not a serial killer.

In short, the monster in front of me read the thoughts of everyone present and turned into something that theoretically everyone was interested in, so it became an indescribable thing.

And it was this that allowed Constantine to find a way to deal with it.

"This monster is reading our minds. For every additional person, one more characteristic will appear."

Constantine, who spread his hands, explained this to his adjutant, and at the same time showed the contents of the paper bag in his hand to the suspended projection:

"This is a fungus from Scandinavia. In ancient times, it was also called Berserker. Those who ate it foamed at the mouth, were not afraid of pain, and had endless hallucinations in their minds, as if someone had opened the door. Lift your skull, and then connect your brain directly to the starlight in outer space, it will be so exciting.”

"So this is a kind of narcotic, and the Sheriff also has voodoo mushrooms in his hands." The deputy probably understood Constantine's plan: "But you don't need to discuss it with me, just do it."

"As a sorcerer, this is a kind of herbal medicine." The bitch received the permission. His eyes fell on the face of the ghost beside him, and he picked a few mushrooms from a pack and handed them over: "Eat it, It’s up to you to solve the problem.”

"Me?" Ghost Face scratched his head with the handle of the dagger. He didn't quite understand how he, just an ordinary person, could be the answer to the problem: "Can this really make people happy?"

"Try it. You are an American college student. When it comes to drug taking, no one here should know better than you, right?" Zha Kang handed the mushroom forward again, signaling the man in black robe to hurry up.

"Well, the community public high schools in the United States are really not that good. They gave me all kinds of bad habits. If you had studied there, you would know." Ghost Face took the mushroom and stuffed it under his mask, and then There was a slight sound of chewing.

This thing works extremely fast. It can be said that within a few seconds of entering the room, Ghost Face started dancing on the spot, as if he had entered a disco or attended some rock music festival.

"How do you feel? What did you see?" Constantine, holding the paper bag, stretched his neck and asked, like a salesman making a return visit.

"Come on! Wuhu! The plane, I saw the plane, the plane is shitting!"

There is no certainty about what kind of hallucinations people will have after eating mushrooms. Although they say they will see little people dancing, in fact most people see all kinds of things just because of the disorder of nerve and electrical signals. Spots and spots of light, and then subconsciously think what they look like.

The ghost face with foam flowing out from the lower edge of the mask is obviously not a normal person, and the hallucinations he has are also heavyweight. Even a person with such a heavy taste as Constantine can't imagine what it is like to shit on an airplane in a short time.

But just because he couldn't think of it didn't mean that the monsters in the circle couldn't think of it.

Zha Kang stuck out his tongue and clicked on the sleeve of his windbreaker. This activated a hidden secondary magic circle and teleported the dancing ghost face No. 2 beside him into the purple light magic circle in front of him.

As if by conditioned reflex, the void monster began to read the newcomer's thoughts, and then its body covered in flour showed corresponding changes.

A helicopter-like propeller grew out of the organ on its back that looked like an anemone, an octopus, or a spider.

And Ghost Face, who was thrown into the cage, got up and continued dancing, seemingly not afraid of anything.

"Um, Brother Nail, help kill this number two, thank you!" Constantine shouted towards the magic circle. Anyway, Nail Head is the most idle.

The bald man in a tight leather jacket looked at the adjutant, and the silver-haired girl nodded. So the priest of hell raised his hand, and a sharp chain suddenly popped out of the Rubik's Cube he was holding, and penetrated the head of Ghost Face No. 2. , causing him to die suddenly on the spot.

The corpse was conveniently thrown to the monster, who ate it in one bite and disappeared.

Shaking off the brain matter, the iron chain retracted into the metal Rubik's Cube with a whoosh, as flexible as a snake.

"I understand, so this is your plan."

Another ghost face suddenly appeared behind Constantine with his arms folded, shaking his head as he spoke:

"I'll first eat mushrooms, which will produce uncontrollable and chaotic hallucinations in my brain. Then you throw me into the magic circle and let the monster read my hallucinations and transform."

"Yes, that's right, because you alone are an army." Constantine looked at Ghost Face No. 3 who appeared this time. His mask was a smiling face with the corners of his mouth raised: "As long as there are enough of you, we will Could drive this monster crazy.”

One way to deal with a shape-shifting monster is to let it keep deforming until it contradicts itself and there is a conflict between the two things it wants to change.

"The plan is good, but it hurts to be killed." The new ghost face sighed, reached into the paper bag, pinched a handful of mushrooms and dried them out: "Remember, when you find the lady after work, I want ten! You owe me this."

"Well, brother, if you are so awesome, I will definitely do what I say, and I feel that mortal prostitutes are no longer worthy of you. When the time comes, I will go to the mother of demons, Lilith, to negotiate a deal and ask her to get dozens of them. The succubus with bulging front and back is here to serve you, so you can go with peace of mind!"

Zha Kang likes this kind of teammates who can't die. It's so useful. I don't feel any guilt for betraying them. In the past, every time I betrayed my teammates, I would still feel uncomfortable for 0.1 or 0.2 milliseconds. It looks so painful...

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