The Death Knell

Chapter 5165 Unlimited Feeding

If physical attacks are ineffective, then attack the enemy's mind and turn the opponent into an idiot. This tactic is very familiar to Constantine because he has tried it on various demons more than once.

Demons are born in hells filled with the power of Chaos. They are often full of muscles but not much brains.

It’s not that big demons and Satans are not smart, but the majority of demons are ordinary demons and imps, that is, just workers.

If hell is regarded as a big company, then the demons who operate in the human world and exchange people's souls through contracts are the salesmen of this company. They need to act according to the contract and have no right to break out of the contract, nor do they fully understand the contract. The power of, and what it represents.

That's why Constantine was able to escape safely again and again, and in the end, even several demon kings were unable to defeat him, which fully demonstrated that a man with too many debts has no worries.

"Then I'm about to get fucked, Brother Nail. When you kill me later, can you let the chain go in from one temple and come out from the other side?"

Ghost Face No. 3 said this, stuffed the mushroom under the mask, chewed it, and made a sound of discussion:

"I don't think it's that nice to have a hole in my forehead, not to mention my identity is a secret. If you break the mask, wouldn't I be opened?"

The ruthless monk glanced at the ghost face and said nothing, because after the latter said this, he had already started to fidget on the spot, and then he rode on Constantine and rubbed against him as if he was in heat.

"Wake up, don't get high yet, what did you see?" Constantine struggled to pull the person who was having hallucinations, but the drug took effect and he was extremely powerful, otherwise this mushroom wouldn't be called a Berserker. .

Whoever eats it will have strong hand-to-hand fighting power. Ghost Face is originally a human demon and is much more powerful than Zha Kang, a terminal cancer patient who drinks and smokes every day.

"Honey, take it off quickly, I love you so much, okay!" Ghost Face No. 3, who was having hallucinations, said while kissing Zha Kang's face through the mask and tugging at his collar.

Constantine was a little embarrassed about this. He immediately teleported the madman into the purple light circle, and then there was a scene where the strange hand began to transform according to his thoughts.

This time, on the strange rabbit, dog, sea anemone, spider tentacle helicopter, another bust of a beautiful woman grew. The graceful outline stained with flour looked like a sculpture made of white flesh.

The next step is for Nail Head to take action, kill Ghost Face No. 3, and enter the next round.

"How many times do you need to do this?" Ghost Face No. 4 wore a Japanese-style Prajna mask on his face. He walked from behind Constantine and moved his neck: "My head still hurts a little. How about I get down?" Will you try euthanasia for the first time as our master often calls it?"

He does know a lot about health care, and he even knows how to enjoy it with the euthanasia of the death knell.

"I don't have that ability. Why don't you consider being hanged? Or torn in half?" Constantine pulled out two dried mushrooms and handed something like a large thumbtack to No. 4: " I think you died instantly, so there shouldn’t be any pain, right?”

"Oh, let's forget it. It may be a psychological effect. If your head explodes, you will still feel phantom pain." No. 4 took the mushroom and started to eat it. It might be too dry and he choked a little. He even patted it. Chest: "But I haven't seen a succubus yet. Compared with the female college students from the East Coast of the United States who are on spring break, which one is more fun?"

Zha Kang beside him did not answer for the time being, because No. 4 had also started to have convulsions. The effects of taking mushrooms were too fast, so he did not say anything.

"What did you see?"

"Wine, the ocean of wine, haha, tons, tons, tons..." The sound of drinking air came from under the face of the Prajna Ghost.

Teleport, transform, die.

That's the process.

"Answer quickly. When you are doing business, you can chat for a while without wasting time. Or are you saying that you haven't had a good time with an American female college student?" Ghost Face No. 5 appeared, and he continued the previous topic.

Except for a slight change in the mask, there is no difference between him and the previous ghost face. He is the same height and weight, and even has the same voice.

"Oh, who am I? I have played with female college students from all over the world, but in comparison, the succubus must be stronger. At least they will not have AIDS, and they will have no worries. You know, the mentality is different, and the performance is also different."

Constantine handed over the mushroom and said that the greatest advantage of demons is that they are immune to diseases.

Now Zha Kang's mood was a bit off, and the smile on his face was a little forced. How should I put it, maybe he was a little numb. This ghost-faced killer was much more outrageous than his driver friend.

They are all people who can resurrect from the dead, but the situation of Ghost Face, which is like a relay race and the same person, is a bit difficult for Constantine to understand. Even if he explains it himself, it is difficult to understand... ..

"Cool, that's it... Wow, kill, kill, kill! Hahaha! I'll chop you to death!"

! "

Ghost Face No. 5 ate mushrooms and soon had another hallucination.

Throwing it into the magic circle, the monster is deformed and the consumable is killed by Nail Head.

What happened next was relatively monotonous, with each ghost face dying again and again, and a new ghost face standing up one after another to continue executing the plan.

If the monsters trapped in the circle hadn't been eating the corpses, it wouldn't be long before the space isolated by the circle would be filled with corpses.

As more and more ghost faces are thrown in with chaotic hallucinations, the transformation of the void monster becomes more and more complex. It may have never seen so many prey at once in the past, and it just doesn't know how to deal with it.

Also, the void is generally relatively empty. It should have never seen so many people, and its ideas are very complicated.

Humans are definitely one of the creatures with the most complex thinking in the universe. Their thinking level may not be very high, but even if they are limited to eating, drinking, and eating, there is still the worry of which cuisine to eat, right?

The monster changed more and more times, and its body shape became more and more bizarre. At first, I could tell what kind of animal it looked like, but after filling more than a hundred ghost faces into the magic circle, it began to change again and again. After the change, it approaches infinitely to a sphere.

I don’t know why this happened. Maybe it was because they were overstuffed, or maybe the number of transformations had reached the upper limit. In short, Mike and the others were greatly relieved at this time and were no longer knocked down.

Of course, these three masked demons were still beating the enemy with their weapons, but they didn't cause any damage.

"Did it succeed?" the adjutant asked Constantine, because according to the data she read, the energy value of this monster has reached an extremely low level, almost as much as a stone.

Every change seemed to consume its energy, which now seemed to be exhausted.

"Not sure yet. Let Brother Nail try his magic next. I have to take a rest." Constantine put down the paper bag containing dried mushrooms and shook his arm: "Keep handing things over. It makes me feel like a teller in a fast food restaurant, this job is too tiring, phew, I need a bottle of wine.”

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