The Death Knell

Chapter 5166 Dark Sacrifice

"We can't wait any longer, the heavy rain has no tendency to stop."

After resting in the cave for about ten minutes, Batman told everyone the news. He had completed the preparations and was about to take action.

"But, hiss..." Barry quickly walked to the entrance of the cave, stretched out his hand to touch the rain outside, and was immediately burned to the point of inhaling. He waved his hand and said, "Now this is almost boiling water. , the temperature is too high, we can’t go out like this.”

It would be okay if the Speed ​​Force was still available, but without the Speed ​​Force, Barry didn't know how to walk in the boiling black rain without getting wet.

"Yeah, Batman, we can't go out like this." Diana held an oxygen bottle in her mouth, and the black bat with spread wings made her look like she had an inverted mustache: "The Flashes can't use the Speed ​​Force now, and the spiral Dan has also lost his super armor, and Jie Yin is still in a coma, unless..."

Unless it's just Batman and himself, leaving the others in the cave.

Bat's uniform is made of fire-resistant and corrosion-resistant material, and his cloak can also be used as an umbrella; and he is a demigod after all, so he can take a bath in boiling water without any problem, so the two of them can get out of the cave.

However, the Dark Knight obviously doesn't think so. He wants to bring everyone with him to deal with more situations and at the same time avoid the possible adverse consequences of dividing the troops.

Now that we are in the enemy's era and on the enemy's territory, we are spread out, and there are too many variables.

"Amazon warriors generally wear leather armor. You can make leather goods." Batman looked into her eyes. This was a question, but his tone was very sure.

"Yes, hunting, skinning, leatherworking, and tailoring are all essential qualities for an Amazon female warrior. Every sister will learn these when they are young, and I am no exception. As a princess, I must do my best."

Wonder Woman flipped her hair and answered angrily. She didn't know why Batman suddenly asked this:

"But if you want to use everyone's uniforms to make an umbrella, I'm afraid that won't work. The Flash's uniforms are all absorbent and breathable, not waterproof materials."

Batman nodded and said he understood. Then he didn't say anything, and just turned his gaze to Deadpool, who was scratching his butt and chatting with the veterans in the live broadcast room.


"What are you doing? Why are you suddenly looking at me with such salty eyes? Don't be like this. Teacher Bat, don't be like this. I'm so scared."

Deadpool's head slowly turned towards the direction of the bat. Probably someone reminded him that he was being watched, so he quickly covered the two points on his chest with both hands and said aggrievedly:

"I know my handsome appearance and uninhibited chic personality will remind you of a clown, but I'm really not him. I only love beautiful women. No matter how rich you are, I can't let you use my anus."


The dark man still didn't speak. In the dark cave, he seemed to blend in with the surrounding environment, with only one pair of eyes still bright.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but for a moment, Deadpool saw a hint of pleading in these eyes, but it was fleeting, as if it had never existed.

But at that moment, Wade understood. He took a deep breath and looked at the sky that flashed with lightning from time to time outside the cave. Then he closed his eyes and slowly lay down, spreading his legs as if He shouted to cheer himself up:

"If you want more money, then come on, hurry up, don't pity me because I am a delicate flower!"


After hearing this, Barry's eyes widened, like a cat's bell. He looked at Batman and then at Deadpool. Just thinking about that scene made him feel stomach acid rising like crazy.

Perhaps because the meaning of these words was really unclear, Diana also frowned. She didn't believe that Batman would covet Deadpool's body. He was not that kind of person, but things had to be explained clearly, not like a riddle. Same.

However, Batman's style is not to explain. He turned around and paused slightly:

"I'll add money."

After that, he walked away and went to the deepest part of the cave to see the unconscious old man.

There is no other way, Wonder Woman can only turn her gaze to Deadpool. This mean brother-in-law is currently lying on the ground in a 'big' shape, his head is still tilted to one side, his eyes are closed tightly, as if he is waiting. What the same.

"Wade, what's going on? What are you and Batman talking about?"

"Oh? Isn't he going to do it himself? Is he afraid that he won't be able to bear the excitement in his heart after seeing my body? Hehehe..."

Deadpool turned around, blinked his eyes a few times, and after saying a few flirty words, he noticed that his sister-in-law's face was not very pretty, so he coughed again and gave a serious explanation:

"Okay, sister-in-law, come on. What Batman means is that he will spend money to buy my skin, and then use my skin to make rain-proof equipment for everyone."

Yes, although neither of them directly explained it, Deadpool could understand the look in Batman's eyes. It was the coveting of darkness. Combined with the current situation that everyone needs shelter from wind and rain, then the idea will naturally hit him. On those who have the ability to heal.

Normal animals only have one skin. You don’t need to be a hunter to know this.

But for those with self-healing ability, as long as the self-healing speed is fast enough, any number of skins can be peeled off from a person's body.

Let alone making thick insulated umbrellas or raincoats for everyone, as long as you have enough time, it is not a problem to build a large hot air balloon and travel around the world...

"What is this plan?!" Diana was shocked. Although she knew that Deadpool would definitely not die, skinning a person back and forth was too dark: "Bruce, I want to talk to you... "

"No, sister-in-law, I shed my skin often because of skin cancer. It's hard for someone to buy my skin today. You can't ruin my business."

With that said, Deadpool looked at Diana with wary eyes, and then added:

"Come and skin me. You only have less than two hours of oxygen. It's best to hurry up. My cousin often says that time is money."

The woman looked deep into the cave, where Batman was crouching in the darkness, obviously not paying attention to her.

She could only sigh and drew out her Vulcan Sword:

"You're sure it won't hurt and nothing will happen, right?"

The mean-spirited Deadpool picked his nostrils. Even though he was still wearing a mask and didn't take out anything, it was enough to show his disdain:

"You just like to worry about unimportant things too much. I told you it's okay. If Mrs. Gin is here, she must have completed several umbrellas, right?"


As Wonder Woman snorted, she grabbed Deadpool on the ground and spun him like a top. Then with a flash of sword light, a circle of skin on the bitch's chest and abdomen was torn off like a hawthorn roll... ...

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