The Death Knell

Chapter 5167 Protective Umbrella

Human beings are also animals in the conventional sense, and materials from any animal in nature have value.

Of course, it is taboo for people to use the same kind of materials. However, over the long history, props made of human materials have often been very popular and have become ritual vessels or musical instruments.

Because people believe that all things are animistic, and humans are the head of all spirits, then of course things made with human materials will also have ‘spirituality’.

In ancient China, skulls were often used to make wine bottles or lampstands, and drums made of human skin were also used. It was said that the sound would be interesting when played.

In ancient Europe, human skin was often used to cover books. Of course, skulls were also used as decorations for wine glasses or torture instruments.

The most playful people should be the Mayans, who are world-famous for their massacre of slaves, but in addition, they were also popular in playing with the bones of their relatives.

After a family member died, the forearm bone or calf bone was drilled and made into a flute to carry with them. People at that time believed that as long as the flute was played, the soul of the loved one would come back to reunite with them.

In short, the history of using human materials is not uncommon. Diana just can't accept the fact that she has to attack her teammates.

But when Deadpool mentioned Gin, she had no problem. Her innate strong sense of competition made Diana immediately use the knife, peeling off a layer of Deadpool's skin like an onion.

Things like morality are not important anymore. The key is that she cannot lose. She can also do what Gin can do, and she must do it better!

And this is the purpose of Deadpool. He knows that Wonder Woman is always bound by inexplicable morality and does things that are not so dark. This is not good, so why not say something to stimulate her.

Sure enough, she was immediately attracted to him. She refused to admit defeat and wanted to compare herself with others, especially other women.

He's in good condition today. I don't know if it's because he took Speed ​​9. His self-healing speed is super fast. As Diana peels it off, his skin regenerates at a high speed. He just turns and turns like this. The skin on his body looks like It was cut like a complete piece of fabric.

At the beginning, his original skin was a bit rotten and had holes, so it could be cut off. However, the newly grown skin is very smooth, at least almost as smooth as pig skin.

"Hehe, it's a little itchy, ah, ah, sister-in-law, that's not allowed there, hehe!"

While being spun and skinned, he was talking dirty words and seemed very comfortable. As he said before, he felt no pain at all.

Cancer is not all bad. The nerve necrosis caused by skin cancer gave him only a tingling sensation when his skin was peeled off.



"Ah ugh..."

Because Diana was on top and focused on competing with Gin, she didn't realize what she was doing for the time being.

But not far away, the two Flashes and the little fat man who was new to the world vomited almost at the same time. There was nothing in their stomachs originally, but this time they even vomited out acidic water.

The lightning outside the cave entrance lit up from time to time, illuminating the bloody scene at the entrance, almost like a horror movie.

Wonder Woman's face was covered in blood, the sword in her hand was flying up and down, and the best skin on Deadpool's chest, abdomen and back was peeled off in long strips like an egg roll...

It's so disgusting and anti-human. What kind of freak would be so happy when being skinned? And his body is too rotten, right? It was like rice pudding that had been exposed to the sun for three days and had a nest of flies laying eggs in it.

Deadpool's blood stinks, and the entire cave is filled with an indescribable smell that only irritates people's eyes.

In this regard, Batman watched their performance calmly. With his back to Deadpool, he was not affected in any way and just waited silently.

He had to admit that it was a good choice for Deathstroke to send Deadpool to him. At least this person had many functions and could play various roles.

If Bobo were here, things would become a lot more troublesome. At least the orangutan only has one skin...

So was all of this foreseen by Deathstroke?

But this kind of thought just turned around in his mind and was thrown away, because now is not the time to think about that.

He stretched out his hand, waved it three times, and easily knocked out the three people who vomited to the dark ground, because the process of peeling and making leather would probably take a while. If they kept vomiting, I'm afraid I'm going to vomit to death.

The three fallen men were dragged to a clean place one by one and placed next to Old Jie Yin. Batman squatted beside them without saying a word, waiting silently.


The leather is enough, Diana's movements are fast and her skills are skillful.

Because she needed it urgently, she skipped the steps of making it. She planned to use these skins to make a parasol big enough so that she could hold it up and cover everyone.

The temperature of the rain is very high, so the leather needs to be stacked in several layers. This is not a problem, but there is a lack of materials for making umbrella handles and ribs.

"Oh, are you planning to make Deadpool brand parasols? Hehe, do you think these can be used as umbrella handles?"

Deadpool, who was putting on new clothes, took out his pocket and took out a long samurai sword:

"I forgot the last time I took on the job of killing Japanese gangsters. I killed them all in the bathhouse. These people all took knives with them in the bath. I thought these things might be worth a few dollars, so I took them all. It’s in my pocket, even though it’s all made of crazy metal, but at least it’s still a metal product, right? I have plenty here.”

The forging process of katana swords, if steel is used as the material, determines that they are sharp but not tough enough.

But as Deadpool said, metal is fine.

Diana took the swords one by one, stacked them together, then twisted them all into pieces with a strong force, and then shaped them into sticks with her bare hands.

The metal was like plasticine in her hands. As Deadpool took out more and more weapons, the umbrella handles and ribs she made became more and more perfect, and she even made an umbrella that could control the opening and closing of the umbrella. of small institutions.

"Yes, it should be ready for use. All you need to do next is put the skin on and fix it."

There was a lack of thread to sew the leather together, but it didn't matter. Diana grabbed her long hair and prepared to cut some off with her sword.

"No, if you hurt a hair, my cousin will definitely take my money." Deadpool quickly stopped him, grabbing the hilt of the sword and tug-of-war with her: "He likes women with long hair, if you change to a Beatle I'm afraid he will be unhappy with the same hairstyle, so let's use this to fix the leather."

As he said that, he handed over a stapler. He usually used this to fix himself when he was disemboweled, and it happened to come in handy now.

"You really made a meritorious service this time, Wade." Diana said with some emotion, took the stapler and started working: "You can definitely become a superhero, because I see the spirit of sacrifice in you."

Deadpool shook his head and waved his hands, with an expression as if he had eaten shit, and refused repeatedly:

"No, it's okay to sacrifice for my family once in a while, but if you want me to sacrifice for a stranger, I'm afraid I can't help but hack him to death!"

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