The Death Knell

Chapter 5168 Strong contrast

"Okay, then why were you squatting alone at the entrance of the cave and laughing secretly just now?"

Diana did not continue the topic of superheroes. She asked about what happened not long ago, a little curious.

"Oh, it's my cousin who sent the farmer team to Constantine. That cheap mage just now was using the ghost face's ability to take over endlessly to defeat a void monster. The veterans in the live broadcast room told me this Well, even though I can’t see the specific situation, it sounds like fun.”

Although the scum mage didn't have a very good reputation, he had good abilities and brains. Wade thought this guy was a bit interesting.

It's a pity that that guy only smokes and drinks, but doesn't perm his hair. He is destined to be a different person from Kamal Taj.

"Really? As expected, you are very well-versed in other information channels." Diana assembled the umbrella with a stapler and kept turning the props in her hand: "Could the monster of nothingness be related to Prolaya?"

"Maybe, who knows." Deadpool shrugged and looked at his skin being made into an umbrella. He was quite proud: "Prolaya is the goddess of void. I don't know if the void is under her control, but listen. They all come from the same generation as Xu, maybe there is some connection?"

This is just a wild guess. Deadpool really doesn’t know much about the situation in DC. He is not Gwen, and he knows so many things.

"It won't matter." Batman didn't know when he appeared next to the two of them, as if emerging from the darkness. He said in a hoarse voice: "If the void is controlled by the enemy, Constantine will Not taking Zatanna from there."

One of the biggest characteristics of Zha Kang is actually not that he is a scumbag, but that he is afraid of Zatanna's death.

That guy was not afraid of anything but Zatanna, and he valued her life much more than his own.

As long as you master this, Constantine is not incapable of use, but if you want to coerce him, I am afraid that only Deathstroke can do such a thing, at least those methods are not what superheroes should use.

Then it is obvious that if he takes Zatanna with him and knows where the enemy's territory is, he will only take a detour. This conclusion is inferred from the psychological profile. Constantine does not feel that the void and Prolaya There is a relationship.

Since he is a sorcerer and knows a lot about the mysterious side, his 'think' will most likely be accurate.

"Is that is Zatanna's injury?" Diana asked Deadpool. She was also very concerned about her best friend.

"The craniocerebral injury has been cured, but the person is not awake yet. He is hospitalized in Sepurk." Deadpool touched his belly. The newly grown skin was very sensitive. When he touched it, his face couldn't help but feel... There were two blushes on the ground.

"Where are Harley and the others?" Diana asked again, thinking of another best friend.

"The veterans in the live broadcast room told me that Luthor and Superboy-Prime joined them not long ago and are now on their way to the Divinity."

Wade twisted his body a few times, stretching the new skin as much as possible, and took out some staples from his pocket for his sister-in-law:

"There's no need to worry about their team. The mere presence of Crazy Jane might make Proraya walk around. My sister-in-law, a doctor, is happily rubbing the raven. She seems to like things with negative energy?"

"Harley is like this." Batman joined the conversation. He squinted his eyes and asked for details: "What are they doing on the Divinity? What are their plans? I already know Deathstroke's plan, but Luther... ..."

"The bald old man said that there was Perpetua's written record about Prolaya on the Divinity, and there might be records of the goddess's weaknesses, so the group went over to help investigate."

Deadpool felt that his status in the team had risen. Maybe he had betrayed his skin, but Batman recognized him. He was very happy. At least he had a role and popularity, so he couldn't finish his words:

"But the troublemakers are also there. I guess their final goal is to find Superman."

Of that team, Luther did have the smartest brain, but he wasn't the one with the biggest fists. As long as Crazy Jane doesn't switch to certain personalities, the fifth-dimensional person is the strongest. Of course, he can choose the direction of the team.

But people in the fifth dimension are also afraid of Slade, because his cousin knows his real name and knows how to use it, so Harley can still control the troublemaker by virtue of her relationship with her cousin.

After going around in a circle, the person in the team who has the final word is still Harley.

The task she was assigned was to do as she pleased, whether she wanted to stay on Earth or find Superman, but given the close relationship between Batman and Superman, she would definitely choose to find Superman.

Because both his and Batman’s mothers are named Martha. If Superman disappears and is erased by Prolaya, then this joke will no longer be possible.

After all, it's really not that funny to joke about a dead person with his living friends.

Batman nodded silently, agreeing with Deadpool's guess, and then slipped to the side to check on the people who had just been knocked unconscious, lest they continue to vomit when they lay unconscious on their backs, which would cause them to choke. dead.

"It sounds like the situation on our side is the worst." Diana smiled bitterly, but the work in her hands did not stop at all, but sped up a bit: "By the way, how is Slade doing? He What are you doing?"

"Well, cousin, he didn't do anything, so he's just fine." Deadpool scratched his head and replied with certainty.


"Hehe! Professor, come after me!"

"Come on, Master."

"Well, this way, teacher, hurry up."

Deathstroke, who was missed by Diana, was happily playing with the students, or enjoying the romance of the West.

Because he had nothing to do for the time being, he wanted to leave the town to go out with the girls. After receiving a few wanted warrants at the door of the Sheriff's Office, he asked the orangutan to swipe his face and get some horses, and then took the girls out. town, galloping horses in the wilderness.

You can't see the yellow Gobi Desert at the edge, the weathered rock pillars and mountains beside the road, and you can occasionally see clusters of tall cacti. Listening to the occasional eagle call in the sky, everyone's horses' hooves kicked up streaks of dust that were inhaled into the nose. , which can be regarded as a full experience of wild fun.

So gradually, it became Hermione and the others riding horses in front, Deathstroke chasing after them, and a group of people were laughing and joking.

It was said to be a horse race, but Bobo always felt something was wrong, and the names of some lecherous and foolish men kept popping up in his mind.

But what could he say? He was just an orangutan. He couldn't even ride a horse by himself. He could only sit on the shoulders of Deathstroke and stretch his neck.

"Oh, as expected, being on the same team as you is the easiest, but I just feel like I have nothing to do. Doesn't that matter?"

He spoke intermittently and asked the smiling Deathstroke. This man was having fun with the girls, and seemed to regard it as a game like an eagle catching a chick.

"What's the point? No matter which of the other two teams makes progress first, the adjutant will inform me. Now just relax and won't delay anything."

Su Ming whipped the horse with the reins, steered it to chase Hermione, who was the slowest, and said with a smile:

"You look a little bored. If I had known earlier, I should have bought a dog for you to ride on. Then we could have companionship in the world of mortals and live a carefree life..."

Bobo quickly covered his mouth with his furry paws, shook his head repeatedly and said: "No, don't start singing while you are talking. If you become ill and your mental state is unstable, and you are worried about Prolaya, I will Very scared.”

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