The Death Knell

Chapter 5170 Looking for a cave

Not to mention what plan the cunning Hermione carried out, anyway, she and the professor were happy riding a horse, and in another dark place, Diana was also very happy.

"Although the details are not very good, it is finished after all."

While chatting with Deadpool and making an oversized umbrella, Diana didn't feel sick. Instead, she felt at ease with her family around.

This is very strange, but it is true. Deadpool is full of dirty talk and his brain is not normal, but he is really good at adjusting the atmosphere. The words he utters are very interesting. For example, he persuades Diana to marry him Cooperate to start a luggage business.

He provided the skin, and Diana provided the skills. When the time comes, the bags produced will be sold in Wilson Enterprises' fashion boutique, which is like a business without capital.

Well, human skin handbags may not be easy to sell, but he can still joke, which means that being skinned really did not hurt him. Diana still showed a relieved smile, raised the huge leather umbrella in her hand, and gave it to her teammates look.

The colors and styles are full of the retro style of the Stone Age. Just one of them can be used, but with it, everyone can leave the cave and carry out Batman's plan.

After saying that, she used a little strength to shake the big umbrella. It was very strong and there would be no accidents.

"It's faster than I thought." Batman took out a small bottle of water from his pocket and poured some on the faces of the unconscious people.

Except for Jie Yin, the other three people woke up immediately. As a fighting master, Bat controlled power very accurately. Even without watering, the three people who were knocked unconscious should wake up.

Barry recovered, but instead of getting up in a hurry, he covered his eyes and asked:

"Is Deadpool wearing any clothes?"

Yes, Barry reacted quickly and knew where his weaknesses were. He remembered that he had been knocked unconscious while vomiting before, and he naturally remembered why he vomited.

"I'm wearing it. Hey, why don't you come and touch me?" Deadpool came over and joked with The Flash. As he said this, he grabbed Barry's hand and stuffed it into his uniform, letting the latter touch him. new belly.

"No, I can't stand the excitement!"

Barry suddenly jumped up, broke free, and ran away quickly. Even though he didn't have the Speed ​​Force available, he could still use the Stasis Force. As long as he slowed down Deadpool's movements, wouldn't it be equivalent to accelerating himself?

"Barry, you carry Jay Yin, Wally, hold on to Billy, Wonder Woman, hold the umbrella, Deadpool takes the back seat, let's set off."

Batman seemed not to notice this little incident. After giving the order, he took out a black mask that could cover the lower half of his face from his belt. After wearing it, he was the first to walk out of the cave.

When the boiling rain fell on him, he felt it for a moment, then turned around and said:

"I can move in the rain, and the bat uniform keeps out the heat and water."

Then there is nothing else to say. Since he gave the order, everyone will obey it.

Wonder Woman was the second to walk out of the cave and unfolded a huge umbrella, and then the rest of the people came under the umbrella one by one.

The temperature in the air is not low either, but as long as you don't get directly caught in the rain, it feels like you've entered a sauna, which is bearable.

"Which direction are we going?"

The outside of the cave looked foggy, and although it was pitch black, it seemed different from the pure black before.

The horizon in the distance is no longer visible, only a hazy water line can be seen, a bit like smoke in the mountains, and a bit like frost at night.

"Go to the shelter of the ancients and follow the direction of the rainwater." Bat said this and began to lead the way. This was an obvious thing that he didn't want to explain at first, but when Wonder Woman asked, he still chose answer.

Although apes are not human beings, they are also carbon-based creatures and need food and water.

Coupled with the existence of a lone tree in the wilderness before, and the traces that looked like it had been struck by thunder, Batman guessed that there must be apes nearby, and that it might be an ape totem or altar.

One of the rules is that water flows downwards. If you follow the direction where the rainwater gathers, you will definitely find a large river or lake, and you can basically locate the ape people's settlement.

Find the ape-man, and then use some tricks to bring out the God of Forgetfulness.

Thinking of this, Batman, who was leading the way with his head lowered, glanced at the sky. At this time, lightning lit up, as if the other party was also staring at them.

But as Batman said, this is not the first time he has defeated gods, and this time will be no exception.


Not long after walking in the heavy rain, maybe because they were lucky enough, or maybe there was something really behind them to help them, the group soon came to a large black river.

This should be the lowest place nearby. It may be that the water in the entire wasteland has gathered here. The river is wide and wide, but the water level is not very deep. At most, it cannot reach the top of the feet.

Seeing the smoke rising from the river, Diana, who was holding a big umbrella, was unable to investigate. She could only watch Batman walk to the river and tinker with it for a few times before returning silently.

"This is the main river. Let's go upstream." He pointed in a direction without explaining why it wasn't downstream.

He didn't need to explain. His teammates didn't bother to ask why, because the answer would only be that sentence.

"Actually, the answer is very simple, old guys."

Deadpool at the end of the team put his hands in his pockets and walked under the big umbrella as if he was out for an outing. He explained towards no one:

"Both primitive people and ape-men can be called cavemen, so finding the river is equivalent to finding the coordinates of the X-axis on the map. Then follow the river upstream and you will find the mountains. There is a hole, that is the Y-axis, and there is a female ape-man in the hole, sucking!"

He was really thinking about the female ape-man, and he didn't know what his plan was. Maybe he was planning to capture a few of them and bring them back to expand Xia Kela's maid team?

But no matter what, he finally understood biodiversity.

"Ah, please let the apes go, they are animals like gorillas." Barry carried Jie Yin in the center of the team, next to Diana: "I just heard Deathstroke said that you like beautiful women, but I didn't To think that your aesthetic range is so broad."

"That's right." Deadpool was not ashamed but proud. He smiled crookedly and replied like a god of war: "Do you know why so many people like to watch "Animal World"? That is because people know how to appreciate nature and The wild beauty of animals, I just took it one step further.”

"Oh, I don't know what to say. If Deathstroke or Bobo are still here, they should be able to find a suitable point to complain about..."

Xiao Shan shook his head and gave up the persuasion. Although he could be considered eloquent, there was still a gap in ideological realm between him and Deadpool. There was still too much darkness that he could not understand.

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