The Death Knell

Chapter 5171 Something was discovered

Perhaps he really felt that there was an invisible force behind him helping him. Batman was very sure of the decision he had made. Even though his vision was limited and he could only see the black rain, he still had a unique skill.

"Give me a gun."

He returns under the umbrella and asks Deadpool for a weapon.

"Well, I forgot my schoolbag in the taxi. I only have a pistol given to me by my cousin." Deadpool took out a pistol from his trouser pocket and reluctantly handed it to Bat: "This gun is the Desert Eagle with unlimited bullets. , don’t mess it up, remember to return it to me when you’re done.”

But Batman didn't listen to the nonsense behind him at all. He took the gun and walked into the rain, shooting three times at intervals into the sky.

Then, he tilted his head and listened, then pointed in a direction, indicating that everyone should go there.

Everyone didn't have any objections and just followed the instructions, but Deadpool's eyes became sharp. He turned his head and said to the air next to him:

"Is this world a bit fantasy, or is there a tomb robber in Batman's ancestors? That one was Chen Xlou's Tinglei Bianwei, right? It must be, right? Well, I'm very worried now. In the movie where I'm starring With so many elements packed into the movie, can it be a hodgepodge movie?"

"Ahem, I don't know what Ting Lei Bian you are talking about, but what Batman did just now should be the application of bionics in technology, right?"

Regarding Deadpool's imaginative thinking, Barry struck up a conversation with him again. The enthusiastic Flash understood what was going on and naturally wanted to explain:

"You know that animals like bats actually have no eyesight. When they fly at night, they rely on emitting sound waves to locate prey and identify obstacles, right? The pair of ears on Batman's head are not only communicators, but also sonar and radar. By firing a gun and making sounds, these sound waves will produce echoes after hitting obstacles. When Batman receives these echoes, the computer in the helmet can form a terrain map."

This is 100% science, there is no magic element in it.

"Ahem, that's it."

Deadpool coughed a little awkwardly. Yes, if you want to say who knows bats best, it is of course Batman. Since he dresses like a big bat, it makes sense to be able to use sound waves like a bat:

"Then I have a question. When Batman fired just now, I farted accidentally. The fart will also produce echoes. Will that affect the accuracy of the terrain map?"

"Pfft! Stop studying these boring things!" Barry almost vomited blood. He really didn't know what was going on in Deadpool's brain circuit: "Can't we talk about something positive and positive?"

"That's a bit difficult for me." Deadpool touched his chin, with a tangled expression under his mask: "Besides eating, drinking, whoring, gambling, and killing people, I don't seem to have any other hobbies... .How about we talk about the female ape man again?”

Xiao Shan shook his head repeatedly. He glanced at Hei Wally and Billy Wu beside him. The two children were listening to the adults talking with curious faces. He didn't want the young people to hear too many inappropriate topics.

"No, Deathstroke said that you often play online games with a guy named Spider-Man, how about we talk about that? Video games, you should like this now, right?"

"That's true. I often play with Xiaochong. He is such a good boy." Speaking of Peter, Deadpool couldn't help laughing. He recalled with gentle eyes while picking at the dead skin on his butt. : "Many people dislike my strong masculine scent, but he never cares and hugs me every time he sees me."

Hearing this, everyone in the team except Batman couldn't help but stand in awe. They didn't know Spider-Man, but from this alone, they could tell that he should be a great superhero.

The willpower to be able to endure the strong fragrance of Deadpool and hug him is simply terrifying. He sounds like he is still a young man, so it should be said that this boy has the qualifications to be a great emperor.

Only Batman, who was leading the way, curled his lips. He had actually been eavesdropping on Deadpool's nonsense broadcast. However, he had been to Earth 40K and had seen Spider-Man. Naturally, he knew that the boy was simply a neurotic. Just ordinary teenagers.

It may be true that he doesn't dislike Deadpool, but in fact, everyone doesn't dislike Deadpool. Seeing his face will make you vomit. It's just a normal human body instinct. The brain can't control whether a person vomits or not.

But Barry still succeeded. He successfully brought the topic to video games. In this way, Deadpool finally stopped talking about those inappropriate remarks for children, and at the same time, Wally Dark and Billy Wu could join the conversation.

They are all young men, and who doesn’t play video games? Maybe there are some differences in the games between the two different worlds, but Wilson Enterprises is the porter, and the games that Deathstroke asked the lieutenant to make and sell will naturally come from DC. Moved on the side.

Back and forth, several people chatted animatedly about how to equip this character and how to add skill points to that character, as if there was a real game screen in front of them.

Diana breathed a sigh of relief. Now the atmosphere in the team became more serious, and this dark world didn't seem so dark anymore.

Especially Wally and Billy, these two young people seem to be a bit too honest. When the adults are talking, they have been acting as observers. This is not very good in Diana's opinion, because it does not seem particularly fair, even if it is Young people should also have the right to express their opinions.

But she glanced at Batman, who was leading the way at the front of the team, and sighed again.

This person was different from Deathstroke. Slade would occasionally let everyone share their opinions and discuss countermeasures. Even if it was a false democracy, at least it looked like that.

He either uses hints to get others to express their thoughts, or he uses guidance and brainwashing to get everyone to accept what he says...

Batman is completely different. When he leads the team, he will only say what he says. This is his style. If you don't like it, don't play.

While he was thinking wildly, Batman raised his fist. This was a tactical gesture that meant 'stop'. Apparently he had made some discoveries.

Vision was of little use in the heavy rain, but he could hear it. Perhaps the howling rain revealed something, so he pointed in one direction:

"There is a large dripping cave over there. There are many creatures inside to take shelter from the rain. We have found the target."

He also seemed a little excited and talked more, although there was still no expression on his face.

"You hold the umbrella, and I'll go in front." Diana suggested. No one has seen apes of this era before, and their intelligence level and combat effectiveness are unknown, so it is obviously safer to lead the charge. At least there is Isn't it a shield?

He can withstand some attacks, but Batman is just an ordinary person, and he doesn't have that strong ability to withstand attacks.

Unfortunately, her words were in vain. Batman didn't listen to her advice at all. The man had already stepped forward quickly and was about to disappear into the black rain.

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