The Death Knell

Chapter 5172 Battle of Faith

There are many nodes and turning points in history. Once upon a time, the earth was nothing more than a mass of cooled primary matter, floating alone in the universe without an atmosphere or life.

This is a fact that many people know.

But it's also a fact that the Earth was once a concave saucer, like a black pill, ruled by ancient, forgotten gods.

People today also occasionally dream about them. In dreams, they may be amorphous creeping black mist, they may be tumbling rotten short limbs, they may be a familiar or unfamiliar person, or they may be part of people's bodies. and the things these body parts do themselves.

But without exception, people have forgotten their names after waking up, or in other words, their names have been replaced by something later.

Reality, rules, laws, and morals can all make people forget those things in dreams. This is the case in the material world.

Just like the ancient Lizard Empire lost its crown and then its life, many forces rose and fell, and before everything began or did not begin, in the unwritten stories, the names of the forgotten gods That's the main theme of the story at that stage.

Like the silent earth submerged under the black sea and lost in the waves, dark myths impact the realm of thinking of ancient creatures.

The place shrouded in shadow is also the beginning of civilization, a perfect place that is forgotten, but will always exist.

There are no paths, no winding roads, but the ubiquitous chaos and nothingness constitute this huge and boundless labyrinth. In fact, the forgotten gods were also born in it.

Batman, Deadpool, and the others have already seen the huge cave in the rain. There are piles of bones outside the cave entrance, and most of them are of the same kind as apes.

Bright red flames shone on the rock wall. The stones in the hands of the apes were covered with black mud, minced meat and charcoal powder. They let out menacing roars like wild beasts, like a hysterical struggle in the face of fear. one.

"They are afraid." Diana said, looking at Batman parked in the rain ahead: "You should be familiar with this expression, but why? We didn't hurt them, why are they afraid of us?"

There are more apes. There are hundreds of warriors standing at the entrance of the cave with stones on guard. As I said before, this is a very large cave.

But facing the few people at the foot of the hillside, they trembled in fear.

"Because we did what they couldn't." Batman's answer was simple, the corners of his mouth turned downward: "They regard us as gods...or monsters."

That's the thing. The ancient apes may not have much IQ, but their biological instincts also let them know how to avoid the boiling rain. So of course, after seeing other animals walking in the heavy rain that can kill people, the intuition of the beasts It will tell them the gap in life levels between the two parties.

"Actually, Batman is too dark. Sister-in-law, look at the fire in the cave. Do you need to light a fire to keep warm in an environment of more than 40 degrees? No, then it is used to dispel the darkness. This shows that they are mentally retarded. In my mind, darkness is a very scary thing.”

Deadpool stood on tiptoes and stretched his neck to look into the cave. The high temperature environment made his rancid body even more smelly:

"But the ones guarding the entrance of the cave are all males. Where are the female ape-men? A few came out to show me what they look like. Game must be wild enough..."

He started talking dirty again, and it seemed that the ugly and dirty faces of the apes did not dampen his interest.

But although what this guy said is disgusting, it makes sense. The basic functions of flames are actually just a few, lighting, heating, and cooking food.

Cooking food can also be excluded. Diana looked at the white bones at the entrance of the cave. They were covered with tooth marks. Each bone was white and there were no traces of being burned by fire.

That is, these apes eat a raw diet, but their diet is disgusting because it includes their own kind, which is a little too dark.

Obviously, according to the death knell's standards, just eating the same kind of food can exclude it from the category of 'human'.

And to deal with inhuman things, there are more methods that can be used. For example, Batman does not kill people, but when it comes to inhuman creatures, he kills them with great enthusiasm, as if he wants to vent all the anger he usually holds back. Come out the same.

Thinking of this, she looked at Batman. Without saying a word, the latter knew that this meant letting him make up his mind.

"Fear can also be used. Next, we will show them more miracles." The Dark Knight said, and he looked at Deadpool again with a 'you know' look.

"Isn't it? Are you going to skin me again?" The bitch was a little numb and her shoulders slumped: "But even if you skin me, it won't prove anything, right?"

"No, what are you thinking about?" Batman denied his guess and pointed at the bitch's chest: "Just like last time, create your amusement park here, and then invite these apes in. "

This is the plan of darkness, to pit God against God.

When Batman was in the amusement park, he met the four 'gods'. Whether they were real existences or Deadpool's split personalities, all he needed to know was that they were indeed gods.

The original plan was to use Diana to show great power, but apart from being able to fight, God of War had nothing to show off in other aspects, not even some light and shadow effects.

Even Tzeentch can't compare to this. Batman doesn't know how powerful the four gods are, but their appearance is terrifying enough. And the apes are afraid of the dark, so they will inevitably fear the gods. Through this method, they can seize the opportunity to forget. In front of God, absorb their faith.

God wars do not necessarily occur at high levels. The battle for believers is much like the gangs in Gotham City fighting for territory.

Without territory, there is no money. Without money, you cannot support people, and sooner or later you will collapse.

"Well, it's not impossible, but without X metal as raw material and energy source, it may be difficult to achieve." Deadpool took out the plot continuity gem from his crotch, picked off a few twisted black hairs on it, and casually Put it aside: "Let's just say..."

"I have a spare." Batman, who said he had taken out all the X-metal before, magically took out a larger piece of X-metal from his belt and handed it to Deadpool: "Last time it was to prevent You failed, so I held back.”

"Oh, I knew it would be like this." Deadpool took the metal wordlessly and began to activate the gems to create his own amusement park: "By the way, besides this piece, do you have X metal in your hand?"

"Because...I am Batman!" The Dark Knight turned and walked away, making way for Deadpool to make way for him: "Let's do something."

"I haven't even asked 'why' yet you just said these words. Are you talking about DC Basic Law?!" The bitch complained loudly, jumping around like a monkey, obviously being shown off.

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