The Death Knell

Chapter 5173 Powerful God

The realization process of the amusement park was very smooth. There are not even many details to talk about. It can only be said that it appeared in front of everyone very reasonably.

The only electricity in this world is probably lightning, but the lights in the paradise are shining, the music is playing, and the Mexicans in each shop are smiling brightly.

The apes were frightened. To their understanding, anything that could shine was thunder from the sky and the power of God. Obviously, the scene with countless light bulbs in front of them was comparable to the fleeting lightning in the sky. Much brighter.

So the apes that were holding stones just now, as if they were threatening everyone, all dropped their weapons at this time, fell to their knees one by one, and screamed "oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo apes What does it mean?

But obviously, they have no language and can only make very simple sounds, and the meaning they can convey is not understandable to modern humans.

"It would be great if my cousin was here. Use the symbiote to read their brains. It would be clear what these apes are thinking." Deadpool put away his gems and said in a tone of success. He also lit a cigarette for himself and smoked it slowly like an elder.

"Diana, capture an ape and throw it into the amusement park."

Batman gave the second step of the order. It was now pitch black on the other side of the cave, and outside the cave was a gorgeous amusement park. Although there was no barrier or other obstruction between the two, they looked like two distinct worlds.

The apes don't even dare to move, let alone go to the amusement park, so they can only force an ape to show off to their fellow humans.

Standing outside the park, smelling the aroma of popcorn and ice cream in the air, Diana did not hesitate. She inserted the big umbrella in her hand into the black earth at her feet, and then took off her mantra. lasso.

He turned his little hand, looped it around the noose, and then swung it toward the entrance of the cave.

There were so many apes that it was impossible to trap them, and Diana easily caught the one that looked the strongest.

"Zhizhi! Ouch!"

The savage made a piercing cry and tried to struggle away, but the Lasso of Mantra was a genuine artifact, far beyond what a primitive animal could contend with.

His fellows had no intention of rescuing him, but instead shrank aside, as if they were worried that they too would be caught by lightning.

Wonder Woman didn't bother to care what they thought, because she couldn't understand the purpose of this plan, but she just followed Batman's plan.

With a flick of his wrist, the rope seemed to turn into a wave, shaking the prey entangled at the other end directly into the amusement park.

Just like a drop of water melting into the sea, the little deadpools in the paradise caught it, and then dragged him deep into the paradise like the indigenous people carrying the wild boar after returning from hunting.

"Then what? What can I do?" Barry asked Batman, hoping he could help.

"Wait and see what becomes of the savages." The dark man answered him, but not quite.

Everyone was silent, and only the sound of joyful music echoed around them.

However, the park did not keep them waiting for too long. About three minutes later, the ape that had just been captured was spit out by the space and suddenly appeared outside the park. At this time, its appearance had changed drastically.

Originally, he was just an ancient ape with a naked body, thick hair, and dirty hair.

But now he has a more human-like appearance, with a lot of hair reduced on his body, replaced by a short skirt made of fur around his lower body, and a giant ax in his hand as a weapon.

As soon as he got up, he raised his weapon and shouted:

"Blood sacrifice to the blood god! Head sacrifice to the throne!"

Yes, he was still an ignorant beast, but now he can speak English. This is the power of God.

"Sure enough, Khorne has the strongest temptation for them..."

Having said this, Deadpool shook his head, because this was foreseeable. The intelligence of these primitive orangutans was too low, and the power displays of the other three gods were not as direct and shocking as Khorne's.

The Brass Throne and the Mountain of Corpses and the Sea of ​​Blood may be the most suitable for apes who eat all their own kind.

"Wade, can you order this guy?" Diana held the sword in her hand, and she didn't feel good about the person not far away who was full of blood.

"I'll give it a try." Deadpool took a few steps under the big umbrella, getting as close as possible to the newly born Chaos Khorne warrior. He took off one of his shoes and hit the latter, interrupting his conversation with K. That crazy song of praise: "Brother, can you hear me? Can you understand me?"

The muscular man turned his head, glanced at him, and then knelt down with a bang. Although he didn't say anything, he obviously had a natural obedience to Deadpool, who was the chosen one of the four gods.

It should be that this guy was brainwashed and then sent out to follow Deadpool's arrangements.

"Let him send all the same kind to the amusement park." Batman said this. He had already seen that this brainwashed and transformed ape must have become Deadpool's subordinate.

He didn't know exactly how it came to be like this, but it would be great if the plan could be implemented.

Although it is impossible to tell how effective these ape warriors are in combat, it is not important in the first place. As long as they believe in any of the four gods, they will have achieved their goal if they do not believe in the God of Forgotten. If it is not inappropriate, they will not believe in God. sure.

"Well, it has to be me, hee hee." Deadpool got nervous. He raised his hand and took a puff from the cigarette, exhaled the smoke through the mask, and then inhaled hard into both nostrils: "You, go , drive all your tribe in, don’t let anyone be left behind.”

The Chaos Warrior kneeling on the ground nodded vigorously, got up, turned around and walked towards the cave. The hot rain fell on him, making the smell of blood even stronger, but the chaotic power of the subspace protected him, and his body exuded a red light. People seem to be no longer afraid of high temperatures.

And learning English did not stop him from mastering the original simple language. I saw him walking back into the cave amidst the surprised eyes of many ape-men, and then dancing and making a "ho ho ho" sound, as if he was discussing something. , or ordering other apes to do something.

The apes were full of fear for Batman and his group who arrived in the rain, but for the Chaos Warrior who was originally one of them, there were obviously other apes who were not so afraid.

Several other strong ape-men came out, making low growls and grinning, which was a sign of disobedience.

The Chaos Warrior, who had no name at all, did not get used to their bad habits. He raised the giant ax in his hand and cut all the opponents in half with just one horizontal swing. Then he grabbed half of the struggling members of his clan and bit them in one bite. The latter trachea.

After shaking his head and biting for a while, he tore off a large piece of meat. After swallowing it mixed with red blood, he looked up to the sky and shouted:

"For blood!"

In this way, he seems to have proved that he is the strongest in the group. The apes are not very intelligent, but even the monkeys will obey the monkey king.

So Batman signaled Diana to pick up the umbrella and go to the empty space between the paradise and the cave to protect them from the rain. Then he watched the apes walk out like puppets, dragging their families with them.

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