The Death Knell

Chapter 5175 Shrinking Ball

As we all know, Batman loves to paddle during team battles, which is actually a sign of knowing it.

The reason is also very simple. For example, Superman, Diana, and Martian Manhunter fought against Brainiac's skeleton fleet. A group of people flew around in the sky, and the explosions around the battlefield shook the earth.

In this situation, if Batman gets close to him, and with the physical endurance of an ordinary human being, wouldn't he just be waiting to be hit by a shock wave, or be hit on the head by large rocks flying everywhere?

Therefore, it was a carefully considered decision not to join the front line, so as not to distract the teammates.

But sometimes, Batman will also appear on the front line, that is when he is sure that he can defeat the enemy in one move, at least when he makes the opponent incapable of fighting.

People rarely see Batman killing animals, but that doesn't mean he's not good at it. The thing in front of him looks a bit like an upright crocodile and a bit like deformed internal organs. It was precisely stabbed in the back during the melee.

If it was a human being, the location where the dagger stabbed would be the area where the kidneys are located, and Batman's movement of turning the handle and then drawing the knife after the tip of the knife penetrated was no different from that of a skilled assassin.

Although he is called the Dark Knight, and you can usually see him grabbing the villain's head and banging it against the wall, in fact, Batman's path is agility.

He is also very strong, exceeding the limits of human beings, but in terms of pure strength, he is still incomparable to super strong men such as Bane and Stonewall. The key to all victories lies in the mind.

Pure physical attacks can't harm the God of Forgotten, so Batman's solution is to enchant the weapon.

Although it is just a small batarang and cannot be considered a suitable melee weapon in a strict sense, as long as the amount of material coated on it is sufficient, the medium used to administer the drug is not that important.

The quick and agile Batman still has some injuries from playing games with the Joker, but under his strong willpower, his body can still exert 100% combat effectiveness.

The dagger pierced the enemy's back, twisted it and quickly pulled it out. A stream of black blood spurted out like a lost arrow, but the bat could be seen twisting its body in mid-air and retreating quickly as if it could fly. Got a little blood on it.

This god of oblivion also wanted to push back Diana and the Chaos Warriors around him, and pursue the most threatening bat-man, but as soon as he raised his thick tentacles that could be seen as arms, the poison took effect.

As if an insect had entered its body, it made a shrill cry, twisted and rubbed its body randomly, and began to change its shape at a high speed.

At first glance, it looks like a piece of shit, then at second glance, it looks like a tree, and then it twists into a twist. In short, it is a scene that will make people lose their SAN value.

These are said to be very slow, but in fact it only happened in an instant. In the blink of an eye, its body began to collapse, and its limbs and tentacles retracted into the body, followed by the head and other organs, which were originally oily and black. The body surface also lost its luster and became wrinkled and constantly cracked.

After a few seconds, it turned into a shrunken black walnut, which even looked smaller than an ordinary walnut and a little larger than a lychee.


Diana moved her shoulders and let out a breath. Her mood improved a little. Although she only killed a soldier of the Forgotten God and not Amo himself, it was also a good start for revenge.

"It should be." Batman did not give a definite answer. Tears of Apoptosis are a must-kill method for the New Gods. The effect on the Forgotten Gods has yet to be confirmed: "Deadpool, come here and check."

He called someone watching under the umbrella to go over and check the black walnut. Because Wade has the ability to heal himself, even if there is a problem due to contact, it is too late to cut off the arm immediately.

"Oh, here we come."

Deadpool grabbed the handle of the umbrella and pulled it out hard, carrying it to the side of the black walnut. He waved his hands to send the Chaos Warriors away to continue catching the apes to complete the brainwashing transformation. Then he squatted down and picked up the black walnut-shaped object. , coiled up in his hand.

"What did you find?"

Barry, who was hungry, vomiting, and a little dizzy, had already taken others to the circus to take shelter from the rain. He stood at the edge of the venue where they would not be caught by the rain and asked.

There was no awning there, but there was an invisible barrier that blocked the falling rain and caused a splash in the sky.

"It's nothing special. It feels like a high-density meat ball or rubber. It smells a bit smelly..."

As he spoke, Deadpool lifted half of his mask, stretched out his rotten tongue, licked the black ball, spit to the side, and then said:

"It also tastes very stinky. I can rule out the suspicion of stinky tofu and durian. It's not the kind of thing that smells bad and tastes delicious. I doubt it's edible at all, at least not for humans."

"Yes! It's so dirty, please stop licking it!"

Seeing another disgusting scene, Barry turned his head and closed his eyes to suppress the turbulence in his digestive tract.

The black rain in the sky is still falling, and Deadpool's movements are too much like some perverts who appear on a rainy night. Didn't anyone teach him when he was a child that he shouldn't stuff things he picked up into his mouth?

"If I don't do it, someone has to do it, right? Strangulation is not here. This is the first forgotten god we caught. Can't we check it carefully?"

The mercenary spread his hands and said that he was just doing his best for the mission:

"Don't try to persuade me. I've been out here for so many years, and my main focus is one word - professionalism."

In fact, he may be the most unprofessional of all mercenaries. After all, who in the right mind would leave arms in a taxi? But he is thick-skinned enough to lie without blushing.

But maybe it didn't suit his taste, so he didn't continue to taste it. Instead, he wiped the black shrunken ball on his clothes, wiped off the saliva, and handed it to Batman.

Seeing that Deadpool, as an 'ordinary human', did not have any adverse reactions after contacting the black ball, the bat officially took over. On the surface, it looked like he was just looking down at the thing, but in fact, it was integrated through the helmet's eyepiece. Conduct deep scans on a range of technological gadgets.

This took a while, so Deadpool had nothing to do again. He struggled to pick up the umbrella and wandered around.

There was nothing to see. Except for the glowing circus venue, it was pitch black in all other directions. Lightning occasionally lit up in the sky, but no more Sister Lin fell.

"Wade, come here and chat." The little black man Wally smiled and waved to the bitch. The little fat man next to him also had a smile on his face, and he was obviously ready to continue the game again.

But Deadpool sighed, looked at the heavy rain with a melancholy expression, and slowly walked towards the circus:

"I'm not in the mood to talk about games. Just now I heard the old man in the live broadcast room say that my brother's house collapsed. What should I do? I'm too embarrassed to eat chicken blood steamed buns because of the popularity these days... ....Oh, it’s because he’s so beautiful!”

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