The Death Knell

Chapter 5176 Composition of corpse

He said he was embarrassed to eat chicken blood steamed buns, but he still kept making jokes. Deadpool's sadness came and went quickly. Soon he and the two boys successfully met in the circus and began to chat happily. game.

It feels like a primary school student.

He was the kind of theoretical king who didn't have the conditions to play games in school, but he was always thinking about games, so he talked about it with his classmates on the way home from school, and his talk was drooling.

But it was enough to see that he was in stable condition and didn't say any more naughty words.

Putting away her sword and shield, and stretching her arms, Diana covered her exposed white shoulders with her cloak again, and asked Batman in front of her:

"Is the other party a flesh-and-blood creature?"

"No, the carbon content in the remaining material is very low, and the elements with the highest proportion are mainly sulfur and phosphorus." Batman had already used the equipment in his helmet to run the chromatogram and got the analysis results.

Upon hearing this answer, Diana frowned. She ran her hands through her wet long hair and wiped the rain away:

"So, it's actually a close relative of the devil from hell?"

Generally speaking, demons cannot be killed in the main plane of the material world. At most, they will be beaten back to hell or sealed.

But there are also unusual situations, that is, there are unlucky people who are unlucky and happen to bump into a high-level angel descending to earth, and are bombarded by strong positive energy, or cut by the sword of Seraph. In that case, they will really die. plane.

After they die, they often spontaneously combust quickly and turn into a ball of ash. Someone has analyzed the composition of the ash, which is mainly sulfur.

As the leader of the Justice League Dark, Diana is an Amazon warrior who is a bit behind the times, but she still accepted the existence of technology after coming to human society. At least she can still understand the simple periodic table of elements.

She fell in love with weapons like the AK47 only after she came to human society. Of course, the black sisters in the African Amazon who drive pickup trucks and play with heavy machine guns are another matter.

So in this environment, when she heard Batman talk about the composition of the body elements of the Forgotten God after his death, she immediately thought of the devil.

"Not sure yet." Batman handed the ball to Heroine and asked her to take a look: "I know the origin of the angels, but I never know the origin of the demons."

This is still a question, which means 'I don't know, if you know, you can tell me.' This is Batman's questioning style.

The hot rain fell on her body, but Diana could only feel a chill. She adjusted the position of the oxygen tube in her mouth, pinched the ball again and again, and shook her head:

"I don't know either. We all know about Lucifer's fall from heaven, but the army he brought down from heaven have become today's fallen angel clan. And when he entered hell, demons already existed at that time. He He took someone else's place... Maybe we can go and ask the First Fallen."

The First Fallen is the 'snake', the snake that deceives people into eating the fruit. He is the original Satan. If anyone can know the origin of hell and the demons in it, he is the most likely.

If he didn't know, he could still ask King Solomon, but he might have to go to Deathstroke and ask him to ask for death. After all, King Solomon had died long ago, and the seventy-two demon gods were history.

Of course, if these people are not clear about it, they might also be able to think of a way to ask the Voice of God. Although that dog is not easy to find, it is the friendliest to humans.

"It's too late, we don't have that chance. No matter what, the God of Forgotten is our enemy." Batman shook his head. Although Diana has ideas, this is indeed a good thing, but now everyone is trapped in this ancient time. Go ahead and say those are all for free.

That is to say, defeating the Forgotten Gods is the first goal, which makes others ignore one thing, that is, even if they can defeat the enemy, I am afraid that everyone will not be able to leave this era.

The Speed ​​Force is currently unavailable, and Deadpool's teleportation belt is broken. The most reliable way is to contact Deathstroke through the adjutant's communication to save people, but...

That premise is that Deathstroke took down Proraya and he survived.

Batman has always known that his path seemed to be a dead end, but he didn't tell his teammates just to avoid distracting them.

"Yes, you are right." Xiao Dai nodded, her black hair sticking to her cheeks, and the rain made her skin look darker: "I want to find Amo, kill him, and avenge Donna. Don’t stop me from doing this.”

"I won't, and neither will the Justice League."

These words were finished by the expressionless Batman. He reached out and took away the black ball from the heroine's hand, then turned and left. He wanted to discuss some new plans with Deadpool to speed up the transformation of the apes.


"So what is this thing? Does it have a brain?"

Constantine watched the adjutant teleport away the big ball that everyone had finished, and cut it open on the spot through the video communication, and conducted various scans and experiments. He just watched on the side, smoking and drinking, and he was really impatient to wait. Yes, I just asked this question.

"This seems to be a god of forgetfulness?" The adjutant gave the answer, but his eyebrows were slightly lame and he seemed not so sure: "The largest element in its body composition is sulfur, which is the same as the one that Batman killed just now. It is almost like a forgotten god, it does not have a brain in the conventional sense, it is more like a product of some... rules."

Yes, the adjutant tortured and dissected the big ball everyone caught, and the Lich Group also called out, grabbing technology and magic with both hands.

After hundreds of tests, the time it took her to get the results was about the same as the time it took Batman to get the results, but she got more data from all aspects.

"Is sulfur the biggest one?" Constantine took a sip from the cigarette butt, held it against the fire, and added a new one: "Um, is that some kind of devil? Although I have never been to it. What a lesson, but I know that after demons die, their ashes contain the most sulfur element, haha."

This seems to be true. Constantine's education level is about the same as that of Deadpool. Both of them dropped out of elementary school.

It's just that one went to learn magic and the other became a boy soldier. From then on, neither of them had any chance of academic qualifications.

But he still reads magic books, and he still uses technological equipment. As a master of dark arts, of course he also knows what it will be like for a demon to die in the main dimension if he is unlucky.

But he still likes ghost noodles, and when he smokes, he doesn't forget to give one to the young people around him.

Other murderers did not have these vulgar desires. After the purple light circle was lifted, these people stood by the door, not sitting on the sofa, just waiting for the next prey with murderous intent.

"There are some differences from demons."

The adjutant showed some charts, data, formulas, etc. to Zha Kang who couldn't understand them at all:

"You can see that what they release when they die is not the chaotic energy like demons, but the energy of nothingness. This kind of thing is similar to negative energy or antimatter. It almost destroyed my equipment."

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