The Death Knell

Chapter 5177 Ballooning

"That's it...Hey, I have another explanation."

In the bright living room, Constantine had cigarettes and wine in hand, and was in good condition. For a super alcoholic, his mind works faster only when he is a little drunk:

"I wonder if Slade has ever taken you to an amusement park? Maybe so. I think so. You are one of the people he trusts most. When I first met you, you were still a robot. But now he is no different from a living person, and during this process, he will definitely take you to experience human emotions and happiness."

"Why do you ask this? Does it have anything to do with our current situation?"

The silver-haired girl flipped her hair, but still nodded:

"I've been there before, but it was in Xiangjiang in another world. He took me to an amusement park that cannot be named. There were many cartoon characters in it, as well as princesses and princes. Unfortunately, that world was invaded by monsters from another world. It was nothing special. tourists, and the castle doesn’t set off fireworks at night.”

It was a world in the Pacific Rim, where I was on vacation while doing business. Although the entire island was surrounded by high walls, the residents on the island still had to live.

In addition to the hard labor of building walls, there are also people engaged in other jobs. Naturally, there will also be differences between rich and poor. The amusement park is still open and is for the rich.

At that time, the police chief also said that it was a good thing that there were no tourists in this XXX park. Otherwise, people would have to queue up to take photos with the puppets and pay for them. Grabbing the rides was like going to war. It would not be fun if there were too many people.

"Well, I said this is of course related. Just watch and I'll do a magic trick for you, hehe."

With a lunatic laugh coming from his mouth, Scum handed the bottle of wine to the ghost face next to him. With the cigarette in his mouth, he stood up and rolled up the sleeves of his hands with his orchid fingers.

Then, like any magician, he moved his arms to show that there were no traps on the exposed skin, then he clapped his hands together with a 'snap' and began to rub them rapidly.

Then a long hot dog-shaped balloon emerged from between his hands, like a pump, growing longer and longer, which was very magical.

Zha Kang's magic ability is very strong, and his magic skills are naturally not bad. Don't forget that his teacher is Zatanna's father, who is a world-famous top magic performing artist.

After the one-meter-long balloon came out, his hands began to dance again. In the blink of an eye, he folded the balloon into the shape of a puppy and placed it on the table:

"Done, some applause, thank you."

The adjutant on the other side of the projection slowly clapped her hands a few times, obviously not very excited. She looked at the balloon dog and then said:

"You shouldn't have used brown balloons. When the magic first started, I thought you were going to show me how to poop with your hands."

"...The word "poop" really shouldn't come out of the mouth of a lady like you. In the UK, if ladies have such needs, they often say they need to 'fix their makeup', tsk , worthy of being the deputy of the death knell, it is really dark to disillusion people with beauty.”

Constantine was choked by the adjutant. Looking at the balloon dog again, even he felt that the color was indeed similar. It was very similar.

The silver-haired girl is very beautiful. She is also wearing a luxurious dress and has a very elegant temperament. She is like a noble lady from a big family. However, when she opens her mouth, she speaks in a death knell style...

So he could only break the brown dog into pieces and turn it into a pink one. At this time, the adjutant reluctantly sent the gift away.

"I understand, so this is the reason why you used to peek at strange ladies 'touching up their makeup'? To help them see if their eyebrows were crooked?"

The adjutant, who didn't care about what others thought at all, was playing with the balloon puppy in his hands, pulling on its ears and tugging on its tail, with an expression on his face that seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

"I don't do that often. It's just a last resort to identify a person who is possessed by a demon from the excrement."

Even the cheeky Constantine blushed because the ghost face next to him looked at him in surprise. He could feel the surprise even through the mask. He could only explain quickly:

"You are not demon hunters, so you may not understand this. Possessed people often have abnormal appetites and eat things that normal people would not eat, such as furry mice and sparrows. Some demons are very possessed by demons. Hidden, conventional means cannot tell the difference at all. In order to save people, I can only use unconventional methods. I am really not a pervert..."

"Okay, let's just say you have a valid reason." Adjutant Hu Nong nodded. She threw the balloon puppy between her hands and started playing: "Back to the topic, there is a difference between your magic and our current situation. Just tell me what the connection is."

She only believed a little bit of the scumbag's words, because the Sheriff had long told her that Constantine was the biggest liar in the multiverse, and even Loki couldn't compare to him in terms of lying.

Loki would never lie to someone he didn't like, and would at most kick him away. Zha Kang was just the opposite. He would lie whenever he had the chance, as if he was honing his deception skills.

For example, if you see a beggar who is dying on the roadside, a normal person might just take a look at it and then walk past.

It's a bit indifferent, but that's how human society is today.

But Constantine will not do it. He will enthusiastically go over to the beggar and tell him that he has a way for him to go to heaven. Then he will defraud the beggar of the little money he has left and go to the store to buy a pack of cigarettes or a bottle of wine. drink.

As for whether the beggar will go to heaven after death, he doesn't care. It depends on luck. The dead will not settle accounts with him anyway...

Yes, a dying beggar has no need for money. In a way, taking the money and spending it on living people can be regarded as an application of social economics.

But if you really do this, then this person who cheats money is so wicked...

So the police chief’s assessment of Constantine was that it could be used, but not trustworthy.

"The connection is on this balloon."

Not knowing what the adjutant was doing in his mind, Zha Kang wiped the sweat from his head. After all, his spying on a woman going to the toilet could never reach Zatanna's ears, and Deathstroke really had such a channel. He quickly changed the subject:

"My theory is that the rubber skins of the balloons are the same, but whether they are filled with carbon dioxide or hydrogen is an important factor in their behavior."

Balloons blown by people with their mouths contain oxygen and carbon dioxide. Because they are denser, they cannot float.

The hydrogen balloon is different. If it is not pulled by a rope, it will fly away.

Now the difference between the Hell Demon and the Forgotten God may be like a balloon. The elements that make up them are the same, that is, the material composition is the same. The reason why they display different abilities lies in which kind of things are filled in their bodies. energy.

If it is the chaotic energy of hell, then you will get a demon; if it is filled with void energy, then you will get a god of oblivion.

Does this explain it?

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