The Death Knell

Chapter 5187 Plan Adjustment

"Did you find anything? Sheriff."

Although the virtual meeting with everyone is over, the deputy's avatar is still floating next to Su Ming. After all, she is the chief's assistant.

"Many, the god of oblivion is most likely to have the same origin as the devil; Prolaya is the infinite consciousness, and Mother Night is the infinite unconsciousness; God Baba is actually Prolaya; the return of all things to emptiness is due to imbalance; there is a high probability that the people who are helping us in the secret It’s Lucifer; and the most crucial point is that Proraya’s view of time is different from ours.”

When the silver-haired girl asked, Su Ming told a lot, and basically the information was not told to other people, at least not openly.

Because there is nothing to say, Batman and Constantine should have thought of it, and Luthor does not need to know this, because his mission is to find Superman, and knowing too much will encourage undue ambitions.

There was another problem. According to previous intelligence, he and Leopard Girl appeared on the docks of Gotham together, but when it came time for the meeting on the Divinity, Leopard Girl disappeared.

However, among so many people present, no one noticed this, and no one even mentioned that one person was missing.

Su Ming's view on this was that the unlucky cat probably encountered the same situation as Superman, and was 'hidden', or even erased from everyone's memory.

There was a technological regression on Earth 0. Although the troublemaker later restored it with a drawing board, it seems that there are still problems in the timeline.

Why do you say that?

The reason is very simple, just work backwards from the results.

Superman's disappearance was probably because the aircraft he was riding in did not crash on the earth. In this case, of course Superman disappeared.

Barbara Minerva was originally just an ordinary archaeologist. She came into contact with the dagger of Bastet, the goddess of hunting, and was cursed to become a leopard woman. Therefore, as long as she was prevented from coming into contact with the dagger at a certain point in the past, it would naturally be impossible for the Leopard Girl to be born.

Targeting Superman is to eliminate hope, and Prolaya appears because of imbalance, so further weakening the light is tantamount to aggravating the imbalance.

The reason for targeting Leopard Girl is because she has the Tears of Death in her hand, and using it to deal with the God of Forgotten has been proven effective by Batman, so she was also hidden by the God.

According to the principle of whoever benefits, who is the most suspect, the disappearance of these two people is most likely caused by the guy named Amo.

After listening to these gaps, the deputy nodded repeatedly, and she also found the answer to a question: "So Prolaya did not kill you, Sheriff, because killing you and Batman would be equivalent to weakening the darkness and restoring balance. "

"Well, she wants to capture us both alive, and then 'protect' us by putting them in a cube cage as weights on the scale." Su Ming smiled, looked up at the sky, and gently spit out a mouthful of nicotine mixed with Smoke: "And I'm actually in the box now."

"So, Batman's ancestors were attacked by the monster red-haired monkey before. This should also be a capture rather than an elimination. The purpose was..." The deputy began to recount what happened in the past.

"It should be to change the past history, trigger the butterfly effect, and turn Batman into the Laughing Bat." Deathstroke sat on the horse and reached out to touch the mane on the horse's neck: "After all, from an objective point of view, Laughing Bat The bat is obviously darker, and he calls himself the darkest person."

The sun was so hot that the horse was sweating a little, and the fur felt slightly damp.

"Then it's a bit difficult to handle now, Sheriff. If your dark concept strengthens, Proraya will also become stronger. She has tempted you to use that power time and time again..." The deputy said Her mouth was pouted, and she looked a little worried, looking at her best friend with big eyes filled with data streams.

No wonder every time the Sheriff projected the black sun and activated his own dark concept, Prolaya would retreat after a little resistance. She was originally planning on this.

Stealing electricity, or cheating on electricity.

"It doesn't matter, I can still use quantum. Even if I don't use any concepts, I still have a backup plan... By the way, does this mean that Dr. Manhattan was good during his lifetime? Just before Proraya showed his power, he Taking advantage of the blank space, you sent your quantum concept into my hands?"

When he said this, Su Ming suddenly remembered this possibility and showed a complicated expression.

His feelings for the man with the blue red fruit were very complicated, because if it hadn't been for that guy's actions, he might still be living in a rental house, working as a night shift security guard, and living a life forty years ahead of his peers.

Well, that was actually not a good life. It could only be said to be a way to make ends meet in a society governed by the rule of law that was seriously involved in involution.

But without saying anything, he just threw people into the dark world of the DC universe, and worked hard to kill people and fight monsters, so that he could live a good life...

Well, the blue man is still really annoying.

"This cannot be confirmed, because from the current timeline, you endured the experimental accident on his behalf, so Dr. Manhattan is you, Sheriff. Or it can also be said that the blue man in your memory has never existed. Pass."

"Well, forget it, this is a weird logic circle, and there is no answer if you get stuck in it." Deathstroke shook his head, as if to get these thoughts out of his mind.

"One more thing, Sheriff, if Luther and the others forget about Leopard Girl, then they won't remember to save her. If something happens to Leopard Girl, Diana will be sad."

The adjutant reminded him that after all, the big cat had special existence value to Xiao Dai.

"Don't worry, Harley and Troublemaker must remember it." Su Mingdan explained firmly. He blew out another smoke ring and watched the white ring being torn apart in the wind: "It's just these two fun people. I don’t want to talk about it for now, but when they finish eating the cake and drink enough wine, they won’t miss anything.”

"I understand, so Sheriff, what are your next steps?" The silver hair swayed like water, and the deputy tilted his head.

"I already basically know Prolaya's form of existence and her weaknesses. It would be a waste of time to stay in her cube any longer. The next step is of course to leave here and join up with Constantine."

Deathstroke smiled slightly. He did not explain in detail, but just gave a general direction.

"So Batman doesn't need more support? Using the special functions of the Divinity, I have restored channels to send troops and supplies to them."

The adjutant asked this question, because if Batman wants to deal with the Forgotten Gods, the number of opponents may not be small, but there are only some Chaos Apes there.

"It doesn't matter, this is actually a beneficial cycle. The more people die and the more blood is shed, the stronger Khorne will be. If he can't deal with a group of hairy gods who don't even have names, then he should have done it long ago. It’s so cold.”

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