The Death Knell

Chapter 5188 How to escape

The adjutant cut off the communication and her figure disappeared in mid-air. Su Ming then turned his attention to the minerals and led the horse to fly down the cliff.

As soon as he landed on the ground, he stepped on a lump of brains, but because the clothes and shoes on his body were all transformed from strangulation, the pool of brains was quickly sucked clean as if it was flowing backwards.

"Ah, this scene of vigorous vitality and all things competing is really joyful." Looking at the corpses on the ground and the several students who were cleaning the battlefield, Deathstroke said the lines that a principal should say.

"Huh." The strangler also squeaked. It read the information from the deceased's mind and determined that he really came from the bandits of 1920.

There was only sand in the dry river bed, not even anything golden. There was only an orangutan hiding behind a big iron can. After he saw the death knell, he ran over in a hurry.

How should I put it, although Bobo has short legs, he is really not slow if he uses his hands and feet together.

"It's too dangerous, it's really fatal." He complained tremblingly, even though the several layers of magic shields still on his body were still flashing: "The enemies used real guns, and the bullets were real bullets. They really wanted to Kill me, will your students play something so real?”

The reason why I asked this was because Bobo seemed very happy to see the three girls laughing and joking. Even though he found half a box of cigarettes from the enemy, he was very happy.

"Searching for trophies can be considered one of human instincts. Of course you will feel happy if you work in exchange for rewards." Su Ming bent down to pick up the orangutan and put him back on his shoulders: "But let's not talk about them, are you having fun? "

"Can't talk about it. Anyway, I won't play with it next time." Bobo pursed his lips hard. Only then did he have time to take out a small stainless steel wine bottle from his inner pocket and take a sip.

Alcohol is very good as an anesthetic, at least for drunkards. Visible to the naked eye, Bobo's breathing rate has dropped and he no longer trembles.

"Okay, you, you just don't know how to enjoy it." Su Ming nodded the orangutan's forehead with his finger and got down to business: "The communication was restored just now. I had a meeting with Batman and the others. We will return to town later. After handing in the mission, you can prepare to leave here, and you’re almost done playing.”

"Hmm...huh? Is there any way you can get out of here? I mean, get rid of these cube dolls completely?" The orangutan was still fiddling with the pipe to light the fire, and nodded vaguely, but soon realized I heard something.

Although Bobo is quite old among orangutans, he is still a small animal after all, and he is still quite cute, especially when he blinks his eyes and doubts his hearing and brain.

"Of course, do you think I'm stupid? Don't forget that I got in to save people, so I would have prepared an evacuation route in advance. Otherwise, what kind of rescue plan would it be? Then it would be like a person who can't swim jumping into the river. It’s brave to save a drowning person, but is there no way back?”

Instead, the man looked surprised and asked Comrade Orangutan this question, as if he was surprised.

In fact, he said that on purpose. What if Proraya was listening? Anyway, the conventional method is to make it impossible to get out, but blowing up the box and destroying everything is not a big problem.

Didn't you already know just now that Proraya will not let herself die, and she will use her 'darkness' to expand the imbalance. This is what can be used.

The next step is to show the momentum of dying together so that she has to let everyone out.

"If there was a way to leave, you should have said it earlier. Then what are the previous attempts and geometry and math problems we did?" Bobo took a puff of cigarette and exhaled the smoke bitterly. He just felt that his worries before were in vain.

Deathstroke obviously had a solution, but he just didn't say it. Even though he knew he didn't want Prolaya to hear it, he still felt suffocated.

But what if I hold my breath? I am just a gorilla with no strength, but how can I hold a death knell that is so black that it shines?

"The previous attempts and efforts were all in vain. It was only because I knew the composition of the cube, tried the combination of those numbers, and combined with some of the information I just received, that I came up with the next answer."

Su Ming, who was smiling, touched Bobo's head and helped him put his little hat straight:

"Besides, I told you a long time ago, don't worry, just follow me and you should eat, drink, and enjoy your vacation."

"It's just because I'm so relaxed that I start thinking wildly." Little Fuorang spread his hands and said with a smile: "But it sounds like your escape plan won't be able to take away all the prisoners, right?"

"Well, it's more than enough for a few of us to escape, but the other creatures in the cube, those who are being kept by Prolaya, cannot be saved for the time being. We still have to solve the primary problem first, and then take a long-term approach. Let me tell you about the meeting just now Let’s use strangulation to pass the content into your brain.”

"Ugh!" The black bean sprout grinned and appeared from behind Bobo, letting out a sinister laugh. It meant that it was very big, so Bobo had to endure it.

But in fact, having the tentacles pierce the spine is not as painful as expected, because Strangler has eaten leeches before, and it can also secrete anesthetic body fluids, making the prey unconscious.

In fact, when the symbiote made a sound, the tentacles had already been connected to Bobo's nervous system, which was just to inform him afterwards.


The speed of sharing information through neural connections is so fast that even the orangutan feels like a lot of things are popping up in his mind before he can even react.

So he simply stopped talking, squinted his eyes with his pipe in his mouth, and began to think and analyze the information.

Although I know that Deathstroke has a plan, as a detective, doesn't it have any learning value after others have solved it?

Of course not. Even if there were standard answers put aside, Bobo would not read them first. Instead, he would analyze the riddle himself and then compare the answers.

"Professor, the task is completed." Hermione came back jumping with a small sack. She opened the bag and let the professor see the head inside: "This is the bearded man. Do you want to let the strangler read him?" Memories? I deliberately didn’t start with it.”

"No need, they're just ordinary bandits." Su Ming waved his hand, pinched the cigarette butt and put it away: "How do you feel? This gun battle game."

"It's almost the same as using a wand." Speaking of the gunfight, Hermione remembered the past again. The professor opened an arms store at that time, and said that the gun was a fully automatic alchemy wand.

"These firearms are much more advanced than dwarf muskets." Jaina had a different opinion. She climbed onto her horse and said, "If we enlarge it several times, we should be able to replace the artillery on the ship."

She was still thinking about the large sailing ship. She didn't see Yin Ruil beside her, and her expression was very dull. After all, gunpowder weapons were obviously still lagging behind compared to the crystal technology used by the Eredar people.

Spaceships like Storm Fortress are equipped with energy weapons, so maybe this western shootout is a nostalgic style for her?

But this is not Azeroth, so naturally there is no nostalgic server.

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