The Death Knell

Chapter 5189: Endless Entanglement

The reward order is completed, and of course the next step is to go back to the town to exchange the heads for money. Although this is just a game, it still has to have a beginning and an end. After all, the students have worked hard, and even if the harvest is game currency, there must be this harvesting process. .

Therefore, Su Ming and his party did not delay and returned to the town amid laughter and laughter.

The journey was not far, after all, it was only twenty miles when we came here, but when everyone returned to the outside of the town, they could feel that something was wrong in the atmosphere from a distance.

The original Jinsha Town couldn't be said to be very lively, but at least it was full of people coming and going, with cows, horses and passers-by always coming in and out.

But now, it was as quiet as a dead city, and the only movement was the undetectable vibration of tumbleweeds bouncing across the ground.

"Well, it seems that Proraya has taken action against them." The orangutan took off his hat, as if in silence for other tourists in the same group: "She seems not to continue to act, and she has been exposed again. The cagey nature of the world.”

Deathstroke is valuable to her, but others are not, so they can be disposed of.

Bobo also learned the information about the stone tablet, and naturally also knew that creation, protection, and destruction happened at the same time.

"There is no way, this is their life." Su Ming clamped the horse's belly with his legs and let the horse slowly walk towards the town: "Originally, I thought that staying away from them would allow them to live a little longer, but it turns out that Didn’t live long.”

"Where is the body?" Hermione rode side by side with the professor. She replaced the rifle in her hand with a wand: "If you can see the body..."

She seemed to want to say something, but before she could finish speaking, everything she mentioned appeared.

It was a group of headless corpses that came out of the darkness of the building. Judging from their clothing, some of them were tourists, and some were supposed to be the android employees here, but the latter seemed to have been turned into living people.

In other words, it was once a living person, but now it is a headless living corpse.

"Is Prolaya a little schizophrenic?" Seeing this scene, the orangutan was also a little angry. He grabbed his pipe: "She gave these androids life just to kill them and turn them into living corpses to delay us. ?What’s the point?”

"She doesn't need meaning, or in other words, proving that everything is meaningless is her purpose." Seeing the group of corpses that had lost their heads and were still walking as fast as they could, Hermione raised her wand and cast out her magic. .

After speaking, she smiled, showing the professor that she had indeed understood the lesson on nihilism.

She did not choose the offensive Severe Fire Curse or the Shadowless Blade, but chose a control spell, which was also Professor Snape's most hated 'Upside Down Golden Bell' curse when he was a child. After gaining the power of ancient magic, she was able to Turn single-target spells into group releases.

She already knew from the professor that these headless corpses may be the product of time overlap. Even if their forms are eliminated, these monsters will appear again.

So the best way is to seal or control it.

She wasn't prepared for the sealing technique. After all, that kind of thing couldn't be released by a wizard with bare hands. It required a lot of magic materials, so it was okay to temporarily control them and stop them from wandering around.

The magic was very effective. A white light like chain lightning shot out at high speed, and the headless corpses hung upside down, as if they were suspended by their feet by invisible ropes.

But even so, their arms are still stretched forward, as if they are scratching something or swimming in the air.

"What a disgusting thing, even more disgusting than the Scourge." Yin Ruil commented, but she didn't do anything. She just rode her horse around the location of the corpses with everyone.

Paladins have many skills against undead creatures, but since Hermione didn't kill anyone, she wouldn't do anything extra. What if there was any reason?

Jaina, on the other hand, secretly released a Frost Nova when she passed by, freezing the flailing arms of these corpses in the ice. She snickered and followed everyone.

When we arrived at the Sheriff's Office, there was no one here, but there was a large pool of blood on the table. It was obvious that the Sheriff who had welcomed everyone had died, and his body was probably among the hanging bodies at the front door.

But that wasn't important. Su Ming asked Hermione to put the bag containing the human head on the table, while he came to the desk and used a strangler to pry the safe.

There were dollars in the cabinet. After he counted out the amount of the reward, he handed it to the witch student.

"Take it, the reward you deserve for completing the mission. Now you can only do it yourself." At this point, he told a cold joke again: "This is life-buying money in the true sense. We mercenaries do not produce lives." , just a porter of nature.”

Little Hermione rolled her eyes at him cutely, and started to count the money with a smile on her lips. I don't know since when, this little girl became more and more skilled in counting money.

"Everyone in this town died. We don't even know when it happened." Hermione finished counting the money. Even though she only had game coins in her hand, she also distributed it to her companions. Jaina got her share. Finally, he couldn't help but sigh: "Is this the power of God? It can give life to dead things, and it can also take away life easily."

Of course there is a god in Azeroth, but the little princess has not felt it so intuitively in the past.

"Not only can God do it, but so can I, and I'm 100 percent human."

Throwing the extra game coins back into the safe, Su Ming walked around the table and patted her arm. The little princess was still a little naive. After all, killing people is not something that only gods can do, but gods are more efficient than ordinary people. It’s just that the person is taller:

"Actually, if you are willing, it is not impossible to make a world die instantly."

"Hey~~~ This is probably what the East says, when gods fight, mortals suffer." Bobo exhaled a puff of smoke, and the orangutan bared his yellow teeth: "But it doesn't matter, people are going to die anyway, can we? left?"

"Well, I have a feeling that the story Prolaya originally prepared for me would not be like this. She seems to be a little impatient." Deathstroke answered the orangutan's question while taking out a book from his pocket. : "But that has nothing to do with us. Now I may knock you all out first, and then take everyone out."

"No need to knock him out, just use strangulation to temporarily cut off the five senses." The orangutan quickly covered the back of his head. He didn't want to be hit with a pan: "Hitting the head with a hard object is effective and easy to operate, but you will still have a headache afterwards. .”

"It makes sense. Let the strangulation temporarily cut off your five senses. Let me read this book. The manuscript written by this love craft. Maybe Proraya will also like to hear it? Well, the God with a long history, come and meet If any of the old rulers were summoned, this cage would burst, right?"

Talking to himself like this, Su Ming asked Strangler to do his work. At the same time, he sat down on the Sheriff's desk. He held the squirming cover and opened the pages of the book. He cleared his throat and followed the book like maggots squirming. symbols, read them fluently...

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