The Death Knell

Chapter 5190 Making a feint to the east and attacking in the west

"The Lovecraft Manuscript" is not a magic book, but a story book, and there is no reading threshold for Deathstroke. The English words in it appear cold and precise.

Compared with the famous "Necronomicon", the cover does not scream, it looks very friendly, and it even still has a warm ink aroma, just like a friend writing what he just wrote by the warm fireplace at night. I’ll give you a good novel to read.

But it is such a storybook that everyone can read, but it has a terrifying effect. It can summon the indescribable existence that exists in it and impart maddening knowledge.

From the deformed hound of Tindalos to the brilliant but invisible star colors, from the ruler sleeping underwater to the alien gods who love to listen to music, many strange things are recorded in it.

The most interesting point is that the Cthulhu system stories created by others after Ai Craftsman's death also counterintuitively exist in this manuscript.

Anyone can indeed read this book, but whether they can bear the consequences of madness will vary from person to person.

The last time Su Ming flipped through it, he instantly saw a door. On the other end of the door, there was a huge and chaotic existence, instilling the knowledge of painting into him through the crack in the door.

If he was a painter, he would be very happy. After all, the inspiration and superb skills picked up for free can even make a mediocre person gain fame and fortune very quickly.

It's a pity that Su Ming is not a painter, and he doesn't want some mysterious being to open up his soul and stuff things inside like a duck.

At that time, all he could feel was boundless fear. That was because all his defense methods had failed, and his whole body felt like he was directly exposed to the fear of the vast starry sky.

However, at this moment, when he was facing Merlin, his own strength was definitely much worse than it is now. Now that he has quantum concepts to use, he should be able to protect himself.

And he doesn’t really intend to summon any external gods to come. After all, Naiya’s incident is an example. It’s easy to invite gods but difficult to send them away. Now just one Prolaya is annoying enough. If another three-pillar god comes, The situation gets out of hand too easily.

The reason why I said that before was just to bluff the Mother of Nothingness, so that after she heard it, she would strengthen the current universe and ignore the method she would take to escape next.

The text on the page is clearly in English, but it looks like crawling maggots. They are tempting people to recite it. If they recite it, an existence corresponding to the description will appear.

But this time, Su Ming used quantum concepts to continuously replace his material existence with the state before reading, artificially creating a superposition state. Therefore, although there were still whispers and a lot of noisy gongs and drums in his ears, But he could feel that there was no risk of him losing control.

"Phew, I just have a little headache. Metal X is resonating with this book. It seems to be reproducing itself..."


Strangulation made a sound, reminding the host not to be distracted. Even with the protection of quantum concepts, this book can still affect people's hearts.

Yes, it is obviously the time to do business, but people can't help but care about other things. This is the unknowing influence.

After clearing his throat, Su Ming did not answer it because he also realized the problem and it was best to finish it as soon as possible and end the reading state.

At the same time, Prolaya's counterattack also came. She heard what she said before, and now she is strengthening the world and shrinking it. It seems that she intends to press everyone into an infinitely small point.

But it was already too late. Su Ming had a clear goal and knew what he needed. With his super dynamic vision and reaction speed, he found the page in the book and quickly recited the sentence describing the item.

"The key was covered with a cryptic arabesque; but without any legible explanation or description. I anxiously awaited the sight of the large silver key, because of its mysterious and metaphorical The arabesque may be a symbol of purpose and secret in this objective and aimless universe."

As soon as the words fell, the page of the book began to vibrate crazily as if it had gained life. Just like in the description, the silver key with complex patterns popped out of the book and fell into Deathstroke's hands.

This is the Silver Key, its function is to open the 'Ultimate Door', but behind the door is Yog-Sothoth's clone. Ordinary people would burn their brains just by seeing it, so summoning it here is not a use. The one who came to open the door was interested in its other function.

Unlock part of the 'permission' of the universe, allowing the holder to reach any time and any place.

Now everyone is locked in a cage world by Proraya. A cage must be designed to function as a 'lock', right? So following this line of thinking, wouldn’t it be reasonable to get a master key to solve the problem?

Using this book is indeed risky, but what can you do without risk? As long as a person is alive, there are risks. Even in the peaceful life in the previous life, isn't there a risk of eating athlete's foot and sauerkraut and being nauseated to death?

But now everything is going well, I got the key, and I don’t feel like I’m being targeted by something. It can be said to be very smooth.

Of course, as a rare item with a COC background, the Silver Key naturally has side effects. Holding it will give people the illusion of being omnipotent, and they want it to take them to witness all the mysteries. This is commonly known as infinite suicide. .

As we all know, investigators are also human, and people who want to die will die. Therefore, when holding the key, you must always remain calm and clear-headed. Unless you are a particularly strong-willed person, it is best not to touch this kind of thing.

The world full of western style was originally like a flat tablet suspended in the universe, but now it has been reduced to only a few square meters in size.

But Prolaya missed the opportunity. She heard Deathstroke's words before and mistakenly thought that he would really summon the Old Ones or Outer Gods to come out and fight to the death. She did not expect that he would take out the Silver Key and run away.

Just such a difference in thought caused her reaction to be delayed by a few tenths of a second, and in a battle between concepts, this time was enough to decide everything.

She did not keep everyone away, and a bright light emitted from the silver key swept across the death knell, the girl and the orangutan connected by the death knell's tentacles, and the cloak he was holding in his hand.

With just such a sweep, everyone seemed to be wiped away by the light and disappeared on the spot.

What kind of space and what kind of matryoshka dolls were all useless. Another foreign and ancient mysterious method was used. Prolaya had no understanding of it, so she couldn't stop it at all.

This is normal. Although she is the Mother of Nothingness, Yog-Sothoth is an external god and was not born by her. After all, external forces are better.

The small western world was compressed into a small dot and disappeared into nothingness, but if you listen carefully, you can still hear the angry screams of women coming from the distance...

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