The Death Knell

Chapter 5191 Curly Hair

People always say that a real warrior would rather die than surrender, and will move forward courageously no matter how many enemies there are.

But mercenaries are different. They will always use any means that can ensure their survival, such as turning in, running away, shaking people off, pretending to be dead, etc.

After all, serious warriors fight either for glory or for their beliefs;

But mercenaries fight to survive, to make a lot of money, and to benefit.

Therefore, Su Ming didn't blush at all when he ran away with the Silver Key. After arriving at Zha Kang's mysterious house in an instant, he even patted the Hell Detective on the butt.

"Hello, John, I'm here to find you."

As he spoke, he withdrew the strangulating tentacles from everyone's bodies and returned everyone's five senses. If the Silver Key was just for a look, it would not have any side effects.

"Oh? I thought you were going to play with Prolaya for a while." Constantine smiled and handed Deathstroke a cigarette, stretching out his fingers burning with small flames: "It is said that the Mother of Nothingness is a super-time flow The most beautiful goddess in the world, have you seen her?"

The bitch seems to care more about whether her enemy is beautiful, looking like a gossip reporter.

But it can be seen that he is not surprised that Deathstroke appears here.

It can be seen from the previous team allocation that Harley's team is full of talents, including several think tanks. With the presence of Crazy Jane, the combat power may have exceeded the upper limit.

It can be said that as long as Prolaya is not stupid, she will not choose to force out some of Jane's personality.

As for Batman, although the number was small, Deathstroke sent Deadpool to him. To be honest, even the well-informed Constantine found it difficult to see where the upper limit of another bitch was.

Logically speaking, Deadpool is an ordinary person suffering from cancer, but Batman is also an ordinary person. Does anyone dare to underestimate Batman?

Now that those two people come together, it is impossible to predict what they can do.

With only his own team, Deathstroke just asked the adjutant to send a team of farmers over. Except for Ghost Face, everyone else had a character that couldn't be beaten with three sticks, and except for Nailhead, they were all human shields.

The overall strength is obviously lower than that of the other two teams. This means that if his plan faces insufficient strength in the later stage, Deathstroke will make up for it.

Yes, Zha Kang also knew that this man did not believe him, but now that Xiao Zha was sent to a hospital controlled by the other party, this was equivalent to being held hostage, so his credibility was naturally much higher.

Moreover, Constantine felt that when faced with something like Prolaya, it was obviously the stupidest choice to fight for it on his own. It would be better to find other bosses to fight for it while he ate and applauded from behind. Wouldn’t it be delicious?

So he decided to go find Lucifer, and he also expected that as long as he explained that he was going to find the fallen angel during the meeting, Deathstroke would definitely choose this route.

From a certain point of view, the attitudes of mercenaries and private detectives are the most similar. Live as long as you can, save effort as much as possible. People should use their brains when they have grown up. Just confronting the enemy head-on is investment. The choice that is most unequal to output.

Constantine believed that this alien death knell, if he showed his trump card, would be able to give Proraya a 50-50 fight. After all, the concept of quantum is not a vegetarian. In the past, Dr. Manhattan was known as an artificial God.

But obviously, Deathstroke doesn't intend to fight hard. He is even taking students on a trip.

"I haven't seen it. If I had, I'm afraid I would have to fight her to the death." Su Ming nodded towards the killers of the farmer's team, raised his hand and pressed back the ghost face that stood up on the sofa to say hello: "That's not the case. I want the result, so I still think it’s better to fight more and less.”

The magic fireplace in the Mystery House has been lit, and it is quite warm. However, although the light source it brings is bright, it is not particularly stable. The flickering makes the atmosphere feel like a haunted house.

"Huh, this is the first time I'm so happy to see such a bad guy like you." The orangutan jumped off Deathstroke's shoulders, rubbed his face with his paws, and said to Constantine: "Your appearance proves that we escaped successfully. "

On the contrary, the girls are much more emotionally stable. They believe in the death knell unconditionally, and naturally they don't feel like they are escaping from danger.

At this time, the girls had seen the death knell's gesture allowing them to move freely, and began to study the displays in the House of Mystery.

"Haha, don't be so sure." Zha Kang smiled and played with the orangutan. He also threw a cigarette to Bobo: "Maybe you are still trapped in a cage, everything around you is an illusion, and I am Prola. It’s Yabian’s.”

In response to this statement, the orangutan smiled and spit at him, watching the sticky phlegm flowing down the windbreaker, he nodded:

"Bah, haha, have you ever seen the goddess of nothingness who can't even avoid the spit of an orangutan?"

"Yes, you are disgusting enough. Have you learned from Deadpool?" Constantine shook the hem of his windbreaker, as if he was planning to shake off the animal's phlegm, but the phlegm was a bit sticky, and in the end he just You can use a little magic to burn it, just like dealing with biochemical pollution.

But Bobo was too lazy to pay attention to him. He held a cigarette with his hands behind his back and walked away like a veteran cadre, as if he was looking for the wine in the mystery house.

"Okay, John, since I'm here, let's get down to business." Su Ming raised his hand and asked the adjutant to teleport the farmer team back. He saw the ghost's expression of reluctance as if he was extending his hand, but Or: "You know where Lucifer is, right?"

Seeing Ghostface being sent away, Constantine smiled. Although he had promised to take him to play succubus with him, he never thought of fulfilling it.

After all, Lilith had a very bad relationship with him. How could he get the succubus to lie down with an eagle from her with just a few words? It's just relying on the ghost's face to not understand the situation in hell, and just writing a blank check. There is not even a contract, and the verbal agreement is even less binding.

He, Constantine, is the wizard who is the best at doing business. There is no one who likes business without capital the most.

Now that Renguimian has been taken away by Deathstroke, he doesn't even have to find an excuse to break the date.

"Come on, I'll light it for you first, and you sit down for a while." He brought his flaming fingers over, lit the cigarette for the death knell, and smiled slightly: "Lucifer's movements are the easiest to determine, at least for me. That's it, look at this...hey, where's the thing?"

With that said, he asked Deathstroke to sit down on the sofa first, while he began to rummage around.

He looked through the drawers of the coffee table, the wardrobe at the door, under the mat in front of the bathroom door, and in the mouse holes in the corners. But soon, he looked happy and took out a chandelier from the ceiling. The thread comes.

When Deathstroke took a closer look, he discovered that the thing was not a thread, but a curly thick black hair, a bit like gorilla hair, but obviously thicker, shinier, and more wrinkled.

"This is not what I thought, is it?" Su Ming showed a disgusted expression and motioned to Constantine to take the hair away: "You even collect this, no matter how far you and Lucifer have developed, it is true. It’s quite perverted.”

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