The Death Knell

Chapter 5193 Cake Party

"Time, the key is time, dear friends, Baldhead and the others haven't realized yet that their opponent this time is a real god, at least more like a god than Perpetua. Common sense and logic are actually useless when applied to her. "

Luther and the Chief were still studying the inscription, all of them looked serious, but several people around the big cake plate were also having a small meeting at this time. There was a circle of cream around Harley's mouth, but she was speaking He looked very serious.

After saying that, she picked up the strawberry in the small plate with two fingers, and took a big bite with a squeak.

I don’t know where the adjutant got the strawberries on this cake. They are about the same size as birthday peaches. Could they be genetically modified food?

But Harley is not Poison Ivy, nor is she an environmental monster. She has to fight to the end for natural reproduction. For her, as long as the strawberries are delicious and she can eat them, then it doesn’t matter if they are on someone else’s corpse. Even if it grows on her body, she can happily eat it.

People live to be happy, and if they want to live, they have to eat, so we can deduce the law that eating makes you happy, which is what Deathstroke often calls the law of true fragrance.

"You're right, they still don't understand." Superboy sighed, but his hand movements were not slow at all. He took the knife and cut himself another piece of cake: "If we want to deal with Prolaya, then This is the safest way to rely on external forces."

There are many symbols of external forces. Superboy has read comics, and even God has mentioned the word THEM.

But there may be many individuals among them, but they are essentially a general term for various thoughts, beliefs, and imaginations outside the universe.

To use the simplest example, the thoughts and ideas of the writers and artists in the DC editorial department, plus their chief editors and bosses, and the readers who like to call the hotline, are part of the external force.

But unfortunately, they are all useless now. Those people are now obsessed with constructing stories about disabled gay, transgender and African Americans. Everyone who originally lived in diversity 1 seems to have become an outcast.

Perhaps the only external force that can be relied on now is the Dream of a Thousand Cats, but that is the collective subconscious of a group of cats. Who would place the hope of self-rescue on a group of cats?

There are also the ancient ones that Deathstroke occasionally mentions. Their stories are also foreign, but those things are too chaotic and elusive. In addition, the tentacles of the ancient ones have long receded like the tide, and now they are more like being forgotten in the darkness of the warehouse. Stage backdrop.

A fifth-dimensional person is not bad, but he can only be regarded as a high-dimensional existence, not an external force.

"So, you know how to roar well?" The dwarf-like fifth-dimensional man was also eating cake, but he was the smallest and ate the least, just like a chicken pecking at the cake.

Superboy-Prime smiled crookedly and shook his long shawl hair coolly: "Are you kidding, I know a lot about it, okay? For example, you didn't notice that Leopard Girl was missing, but I did."

"Hee hee! Who didn't notice it?" Harley grabbed the bottle nearby and took a sip of beer. She then stuck out her tongue and burped: "The moment we entered the void, the leopard girl disappeared. I see Be very clear.”

It was discovered, but it was just not announced, because Superman has been missing for a long time. If he was abducted, then Leopard Girl is also missing, maybe she will be sent to Superman by the mastermind behind it?

Then wait for a while, and then everyone goes to fish for people. Didn't they fish them out by the way? What's the difference between saying it or not?

"I saw it too, but at that time I was more focused on the mysterious house." The fifth-dimensional man also raised a finger and shook his head: "There was something knocking on the door of that house at that time. Let me tell you, it might be A god of forgetfulness.”

The troublemaker didn't talk like this in the past. He didn't say the word 'maybe'.

"Well, it makes sense, it's transparent, and it's also ugly. I've never seen that kind of thing in comics." Superboy also nodded. He also paid attention to the house at that time: "Okay, it seems Everyone is awake and has not been led astray by those scientists over there."

After saying that, the three people looked at each other and laughed.

This left Damian, who was watching them, very speechless. Harley knew about it because she wanted to have fun, so she didn't say anything; Troublemaker only cared about Superman and didn't care about others; Superboy didn't care about others because he was too much. Proud, he is still waiting for others to ask him to ask these questions.

None of these three people were normal, and the boy only felt tired.

Well, in fact, he also noticed the disappearance of Leopard Girl, and even further noticed that his teammates had lost their memory of her, so he didn't say anything about it...

Why do you say it? My father must have known about it, but he didn't mention anything about Leopard Girl in the meeting just now, which meant that arrangements had been made, and all he had to do was let nature take its course.

Now that Harley has taken the initiative to mention that she is her father's new wife, she must represent his will, which means that the time has come.

The raven on the side, on the other hand, silently lowered her head to eat a small piece of cake, using a small plastic fork to stir the butter cubes. She was thinking about something, and her eyes became brighter and brighter.

Obviously, she also remembered the Leopard Girl. As a spell caster, combined with the word "time" that Harley just said, she had secretly activated magic. By recalling her own dark origin, she saw that from the depths of her blood. Changed history.

The Third Palace is also a high-dimensional existence. Although Raven hates his father very much, he has to admit that sometimes the evil blood power is quite useful.

As for the other members of the Doom Patrol, they know absolutely nothing. They don’t even care about what the people around them say. They just focus on eating and drinking. Anyway, for them, nothing is worth it. Extremely enthusiastic.

This group of people is more like being gathered together by the chief to keep warm. Under normal circumstances, as long as they are not targeted, they will not take the initiative to come out of the deep mountains and old forests to do things. They can help people in danger, rescue those in distress, and act chivalrously. Don't think alike with the Doom Patrol.

Unless they are passively involved in an incident, or a close friend asks for help, they prefer to live their own lives quietly. Most of the time, they can completely pretend that this team does not exist.

Harley and Superboy plus the fifth-dimensional man, this is like a conversation between mentally ill patients. They don't bother to listen. Is the cake not delicious? Or is the wine not good enough?

At most, when everyone is needed, they can help. This is no problem, but forget about the mental matters.

So after the three mentally ill people laughed for a while, they continued to discuss. Even Damian joined the conversation. The boy's serious eyes showed a firm look through the eye patch:

"What Deathstroke means is that we go rescue Superman and Cheetah, right? Harley."

"That's right, the adjutant contacted me just now and left this work to us. As for Proraya and the Gods of Forgotten, we don't have the strength yet." Harley nodded, rolled her eyes, and made an excuse.

In fact, she is not the host of the symbiote, so it is naturally impossible for her to communicate silently with her lieutenant through nerves. However, Damian will never doubt it. He will only make up his own mind and figure out what trump card Deathstroke gave her. .

As we all know, the meaning of adjutant is the meaning of death knell.

Well, according to the experience of psychologists, a good child, especially a good child who longs for his father's approval, will always be obedient...

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