The Death Knell

Chapter 5194 Difficulty traveling

Sure enough, Damian just nodded slightly and accepted Harley's statement.

The boy did not eat cake, but drank a little beer. At this time, his face was not as pale as before, but his voice was still as hoarse as before:

"Understood, I have a plan. Since time is the problem, let's start with time."

He has figured out the enemy's methods to prevent Superman from landing on the earth and prevent Leopard Girl from contacting Butters' blade, the goddess of hunting. Then his team will go back to the past and kill all the enemies who prevent these things from happening, ensuring that The story takes place historically.

"Have I said this before? Prolaya's view of time is different from ours." The fifth-dimensional man transformed into a long pipe and came out from nowhere, and they all began to smoke: " Because time is actually a loss of material change. It is human beings who created the term time and gave it meaning."

You must first be conscious before you can realize time.

Suppose there is a stone that does not produce any energy changes, and this stone also has consciousness, will it have a concept of time?

The answer is no. Maybe there will be stones at the beginning, which cannot move or eat. They may become aware of some changes in the environment and develop a sense of time.

But what about a hundred years from now? What about a million years from now? What about a hundred billion years from now?

I’m afraid the concept of time has long been forgotten, right? Because time has no meaning to it, it is a meaningless amount, and being forgotten is the final fate.

In the same way, for Proraya, whose life span is also extremely long and is both the beginning and the end, time is also meaningless. The angle from which she sees time is more like observing limited changes in a limited environment, and she It is infinite in itself.

This may not be easy to understand, so imagine a person looking at the air under the sun and seeing two particles of dust colliding.

Yes, this process has been observed, but is this process valuable to people?

"So does time mean anything to you?" Damian asked the troublemaker. His attitude towards the dwarf was relatively friendly, at least better than when talking to Luther.

Maybe it's because, as long as Troublemaker is on the team, Robin isn't the shortest one.

"Yes, unfortunately, for us fifth-dimensional people, although the perspective of viewing time is very different from that of you humans, it is still there."

The dwarf sighed. After knowing how many people were willing to save Superman, he was very cooperative. It can be said that he knew everything and said everything:

"After all, we are fifth-dimensional people. The key is 'people'. I am also waiting for new comics to be published every week. I also need to go to work every day and get paid weekly. In addition to living at a higher level, those jobs are in your hands." It seems more like outside of having fun, I’m not much different from you.”

"This is really an unexpected answer." Superboy crossed his arms, and his uniform was stretched by muscles as if it was about to split: "I used to think that you five-dimensional people were all made of plasticine... .”

"We can transform, but does this have anything to do with plasticine?!" The troublemaker jumped up in anger, and the back of his head bulged with his long pipe. He pulled the pipe out of his mouth and continued: "Okay, you fake Superman, help me find the real Superman, and I won't argue with you anymore."

"Me? Fake Superman?" Superboy Supreme opened his mouth and moved his chin: "Oh, that was it before, but now your Superman is no match for me. He is more like a fake. Woolen cloth."

"Okay, don't make trouble." Harley took the initiative to maintain the situation. She turned her head and glanced at the stone monument. Luther and the chief were also arguing about something, so she said: "Troublemaker, you have a drawing board in your hand now. Is there no way to send us back in time?”

"I don't have that ability. You see, the sketchpad is a creative tool. It can also modify some physical existence, but it can only cover up things that happened in the past."

The bald dwarf sighed. He is a fifth-dimensional person and has what many people think is a god-like ability. But after all, he is not God, and there are still many things he cannot do.

"I can do it." Superboy-Prime slapped his chest, and the smile on his face showed eight teeth, looking very sunny: "Another Superman once pushed the earth upside down, thereby reversing time, and used it to resurrect Lois. , I can do this kind of thing too.”

This happened a long time ago. In fact, Superboy-Prime was also a fan of Superman, but he was just a fan with a twisted mentality.

He had read all the Superman publications, including Silver Superman's trick of turning the earth upside down to reverse the future. At that time, he thought it was very romantic to resurrect his girlfriend like this.

It's just not very friendly to other people on the earth. Reversing other people's time and letting other people live a certain day again may create more variables and even trigger a flash point effect.

But do you think Superboy-Prime cares?

"Huh?" Damian raised his eyebrows, thought for a moment and then shook his head: "No, that would turn back time on Earth 0. I don't want to deal with the Laughing Bat and Robin King anymore."

Going back in time, in Damian's opinion, is almost equivalent to the flash point effect, and he does not want to take such a risk.

Everyone's actions must be precise and restrained. It is best to restore the story to its original state and leave nothing else changed.

"Uh, I don't want to either." The troublemaker also put on a mask of pain and scratched the top of his head: "Actually, the laughing story was quite interesting at first, but after reading dozens of his solo magazines, I I have PTSD, and now his lines are popping up in my head, and everything is planned with laughter."

After saying that, he shivered. In fact, he was not afraid of laughing wildly. After all, if he wanted to leave, the crazy bat couldn't catch him.

But if we really turn the earth upside down and turn back all the time in the past, Kuangxiao will probably realize that he will die in the future, and he will become the biggest variable.

By then, even Deathstroke would be hard-pressed to kill him again.

"Then I have no choice. Let Luther help. We can't leave that bald man alone and we still have to use his time machine." Superboy-Prime saw that everyone disapproved of his gameplay, but he wasn't angry at all. He tilted his head and motioned to several people to look at the bald man over there.

"Technology, I'm afraid, is not safe. Although Luthor's invention is advanced, it may not even be considered a child's trick in front of Proraya. If we take that path, we may be like Batman and Wonder Woman. Throw it to some other point in time.”

Damian narrowed his eyes and looked at the raven beside him, his eyes a little more eager:

"If possible, let the raven provide magical energy and the chief provide ideas. I also have some props here. Maybe I can create a magical version of a time machine..."

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