The Death Knell

Chapter 5195 Landscape Painting

"That would be too troublesome. Oh, you, it is easy to complicate simple things." Harley touched Damian's head. She knew that whether he was Superboy or Troublemaker, he was probably much higher in IQ than Damian. He, but both of them, including Damian, all have a problem.

To put it simply, they are too accustomed to living alone, solving problems by themselves, and do not know how to employ others.

My own little bee doesn't have this problem. He can use other people's things, so he doesn't do it himself, and instead lives a more relaxed and unrestrained life.

Several people were still holding strawberry cakes in their hands, and their eyes followed Harley's eyes and looked to the side...

Crazy Jane: "???"

The girl who was eating the cake almost choked. She didn't understand why these people looked at her like this. They looked so hot.

Did you eat too much? Not much, this is only the third piece.

So is there too much cream on your face? I wiped my face, but there was nothing.

Regarding her reactions, Harley just looked at them with a smile and waved like a wolf grandmother:

"Hehe, come on, sister, come to me and let me take a good look at you."

There was about five or six meters between the two sides. Anyway, the database was quite large. Everyone found a place to sit down and eat. After all, not everyone can get used to eating while standing.

The cake was brought by the adjutant for Harley to eat, and the wine was air-dropped for her to drink. She took it out and shared it with everyone. Even if these things are worthless, a person still has to bear this affection.

And now Crazy Jane is the main personality on the surface. Everyone knows her temper. She is just an ordinary girl next door, a typical American silly and sweet. She may not be able to do anything special, but she is very obedient. .

Otherwise, why would many personalities agree to let her stay outside and exist as a secondary personality? Isn't it because she is the best to control?

If anyone wants to come out, say something, and she will give in every time. Isn't this what everyone wants?

Such a girl is indeed lovable. Although there are several personalities who want to kill her, more personalities are on the side of protecting her.

If there were no 'placeholder' personality like Jane, then the real protagonist Miranda would emerge.

That girl was raped by a priest when she was a child, on the cross and the altar in front of Jesus in the church. After she escaped home and told her father, she was raped again by her own father. Afterwards, she was sold to a human trafficking gang to be made into chickens and became addicted to drugs. Forced to sell drugs, encounter rogue police, corrupt officials, lunatics, be sold and abused countless times, and encounter too much darkness.

In the end, she went completely crazy and gave birth to countless personalities. Behind each personality, there is her tragic experience.

The main character Miranda is characterized by having a prostitute's business smile on her face at all times and wearing a beautiful and sexy tacky floral skirt, which is particularly popular with men.

But as long as she is given a chance, she will try to kill anyone, friends around her, pets at home, strange passers-by, and other personalities in her heart.

She is a serial killer who uses calmness to hide her inner rage, and she is the best at disguising.

As the main personality, she has a natural suppression power over other personalities. Back then, many personalities collaborated to attack her and sealed her in the deepest part of her heart, the dry well at the end of the subway track.

If it weren't for Jane, she might show up, and for many personalities it would be like the end of the world.

"What's the matter, Dr. Quinzel?" While Harley was recalling the information, she walked over weakly. She even licked the plastic fork in her hand, looking timid: "Why are you all suddenly using Looking at me like this? Did I do something wrong?"

As a psychotic patient with multiple personality splits and a young girl who knows that she is indeed sick, seeing a psychiatrist is like a small animal seeing its natural enemy.

As if sensing the girl's nervousness, the very experienced doctor hugged her gently, kissed her cheek like a sister, and asked with a smile:

"It's nothing important, hehe, I just want to ask, can your flyby personality not only jump in space, but also jump in timelines?"

"Uh, I don't know. Let me ask her." Pulling the fork out of her mouth, Jane rolled her eyes and shivered a few times like a dancing god. Then she returned to normal and shook her head: "She said no. She doesn’t have that ability, and by the way, she also said that she wanted Chief Falk’s dead mother.”

"There's no need to pass on the rest of the sentence." Damian covered his forehead, looking very helpless. Jane was really too honest: "But you know your situation well. Think about whether there is someone who can time travel." people?"

After saying that, he looked at his eldest sister expectantly, giving full play to his advantages as a child.

Generally speaking, a kind-hearted young woman will not refuse a child's request for help. At least in this way, she will think about it seriously.

Jane did fall into his plan. The girl poked her fork on the half-eaten cake, closed her eyes to think, or went to find someone deep in her heart.

The speed of communicating with other personalities is very fast. After a few seconds, she opened her eyes and gave a plausible answer:

"Someone said she could give it a try."

"Great, then ask her to come out and help us." Harley happily kissed the girl. She thought Jane was cute, and mental illness always attracts psychiatrists.

Crazy Jane nodded, and her figure began to change. In just the blink of an eye, she was replaced by a woman wearing a full-body black dress and a black veil.

Her temperament is very British, with a kind of alienating, elegant and cold beauty.

The most important thing is that she brought a set of painting tools with her on stage. Even though Harley was still holding her, she seemed to be okay and continued to apply oil paint on the canvas with the pen in her hand as if nothing was wrong.

It was a realistic oil painting, depicting a river, probably a spring park, with many tourists walking and relaxing by the river.

"Wow, the painting is so good, it's just like a photo." Harley let go of the newcomer, because the other person's aura was like being away from strangers. As a psychiatrist, he can feel these things, and dealing with them is different. Mental patients require different coping strategies.

Too close physical contact will only make this patient uncomfortable, and the best they can do is hold hands.

"Thank you, but I'm not really a painter, just an executioner's daughter."

The woman wearing a black veil put down the paintbrush. The next second, she pulled Harry and stood in the painting. In front of them was the flowing green river water. The warm sunshine shone on their heads. The children's voices came from around them. Laughing, she gently pushed her temple hair behind her ears and said with a smile:

"But my ability should be able to help you. If you want to go back to the day when Superman crashed into the earth, there is no problem. Let another Superman describe it, and then give me the troublemaker's drawing board, and I will draw what should have happened at that time. thing."

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