The Death Knell

Chapter 5210 Butterfly Effect

"They have no reinforcements."

The little Superboy in the sun flew to Damian's side and suspended there. As he spoke, he did not forget to shoot heat vision from his eyes to harvest the scattered enemies that rushed towards the mecha.

The God of Oblivion is physically immune. It doesn't matter. Superboy-Prime is not Superman. Not only does he have all the skills of Superboy, but he is even more ruthless. He also has a light ring.

He didn't usually use it. He used to ask the editorial department for the light ring just to show off and to create light effects for fun, but today it came in handy.

Apart from anything else, Lantern's energy attack methods are still very comprehensive, especially if he has lantern rings of all colors.

Just like what he said, the large wave of enemies that rushed over before now only had a few dozen left. Even Superboy felt that he did not need to take action. The people from the Doom Patrol could take care of them. .

The tactics of those poor people are also very simple. The Iron Man and the Elemental Woman capture a monster, and then let the Film Man possess the enemy or pass through its chest.

The negative energy inherent in this former pilot can react with the positive energy in the target's body, triggering a special effect similar to neutralization or annihilation, causing a forgotten god to collapse into a small particle within the body.

Although the efficiency is not very high, after all, the enemy is struggling very hard. Iron Man and Elemental Girl are not first-line superheroes. It takes a long time to catch one. The scene is like a backward ghost movie decades ago, but this is enough.

As for teamwork, Superboy himself can't use it, but he thinks it's good.

"As you said, huh." Damian gasped and wiped the sweat from his head. The fierce battle forced his brain to think at full speed in order to deal with the changing situation and the temporary dangers that emerged: " They are dying soon, do you have any ideas?”

"Me? No." Superboy's battle has ended. He is floating aside and posing so that the adjutant can see and film a documentary for him: "If you want to catch one for research, I can help you."

In his opinion, Da Mi is a smart child, very capable, and his family is also rich.

For such a boy, ordinary games are definitely no longer interesting to him. He must play some dangerous experiments and engage in some sophisticated research.

So now that the war situation is no longer urgent, Raven and Luther will take care of the remaining enemies, so wouldn't it be more in line with the character of a superhero to capture a god and study it for the boy?

Give gifts to children that they like. This is what politicians do.

"No need, these disgusting things, I just want them to die." The boy straightened up, he stopped grinning, and said with some anger: "Fortunately, I have X metal patch, otherwise , these guys who can read people’s thoughts and transform are still too dangerous.”

The Nutcracker is a little damaged, but not too serious. After all, it is large enough. These forgotten gods do not have the means to expand their size, or they once had it, but at this point in time when everyone encountered it, this ability was lost.

In any case, as long as the enemy is dead, it is always a good thing.

"Okay, but Constantine is really a bastard. The God of Oblivion can read the most fearful things in people's minds and change his own form. He didn't even tell us such important information."

Having said this, Superboy shook his head speechlessly. He really didn't like that scum.

Because even if he told the information, it would not do any harm to Zha Kang, but he refused to tell it. Isn't this hurting others and not benefiting himself? Is it so fun to trick people? are you crazy......

"Maybe he didn't say it because he thought we could defeat the enemy without intelligence, which was reasonable and saved us a lot of time." Damian was much calmer, but that was not what he thought in his heart.

The lieutenant must know that Constantine encountered the God of Forgotten and captured one. The adjutant knew, which meant that the father must also know.

Well, he didn't say it during the meeting. He must have believed that he could deal with the God of Oblivion. This was a kind of exercise, just like an eagle would drop a child from a rock and let it fly on its own.

It is a bit dangerous, but it will definitely not lead to death. Damian believes that his father has prepared a backup plan. Maybe as long as he encounters danger, the army will be sent immediately.

Damian had seen the army of androids. It was unclear how many there were, but the uncanny valley effect brought about by those expressionless armies, which seemed to be both human and inhuman, was really frightening.

"Oh, you are also from Gotham, how can you still think the best of others?"

Superboy didn't know Damian's inner activities, but he felt that he was more mature. He patted the boy on the back and said with a smile:

"But that's good. At least it won't make you as paranoid as Batman. To be honest, Bat is nice, but he's just too crazy."

"No, I won't become like him..." Damian also showed a smile, proving that he could laugh, but this was still only half of what he said. He had something hidden in his heart. Half a sentence - I will only become like my father...

Now is definitely not the time to make this relationship explicit. It has not yet been the time. Of course, even if it remains tacit, it would be fine.

"Friends, what are you talking about?"

Luther, whose head was reflecting, grabbed the door handle and flew over. He was just about to spray a forgotten god to death with energy radiation, but the guy was swept away by a black tentacle that was thicker than a human.

After a few clicks, it was sucked into a mummy, and then turned into dust and scattered on the ground. It can be said that it was a very painful death.

When he turned his bald head, he realized that there were almost no enemies on the front line, so Lex tidied up his suit, patted the non-existent dust, and quit the battle, leaving the remaining enemies to Raven.

Speaking of which, he was a little emotional. It was not that he had never seen a sorcerer before, but this was the first time he had seen someone as good at war as a raven.

The more enemies there are, the greater her destructive power and the longer-lasting endurance, but she clearly looks like a thin little girl, and she is really beyond appearances.

Even as she continued to kill, her smile became more and more cruel, and Luther gave up his plan to get close to the girl, because as a smart man, his principle is that it is best not to deal with mentally unstable lunatics, unless there is absolutely no way. The need for avoidance.

Yes, after being betrayed by the Joker once, the wise bald man learned his lesson and now stays away from mental illness.

"Nothing, let's talk about Batman. During the battle, these forgotten gods dropped their power levels several times. From being a little troublesome at the beginning, they became like ordinary street gangsters later on. We feel that This should be caused by Batman changing history and making them 'forgotten'."

Damian answered Luther calmly, and then he motioned for the two to take him to the ground and prepare to put away the giant robot.

It was fun during the war, but the maintenance of the body after the war was not so fun. As expected, flying a Gundam is a troublesome thing...

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