The Death Knell

Chapter 5211 Thick Overwriting

The battle ended quickly, and at the end, the remaining forgotten gods only had the fighting power of ordinary beasts.

Although the level of tigers and lions is very powerful for ordinary people, when facing superheroes, it is simply not enough. I am afraid that not even Bobo can deal with them.

After they were hunted down by the raven's tentacle spell, there was no reason for them to survive, and they became their energy reserves in minutes.

"Okay, it seems we have solved the problem at this point in time." Superboy smiled crookedly, showing eight teeth. It was a very abstract expression that he could not achieve.

"It's not over yet. At least we have to cover up the battlefield." The pilot's spirit body returned to his bandages. He stood up again and motioned for everyone to take a look at the surrounding situation.

Yes, the battle did not last long, but the damage to the surroundings was real. Just one move from the Nutcracker mecha's full cannon caused a devastating blow to the surrounding farmland.

In the originally peaceful and distant pastoral scenery, a path was lined with tall cornfields, and white wooden fences stretched into the distance. People were waiting for the harvest.

What now? There was only a piece of scorched earth left, not to mention the corn, maybe not even a bit of popcorn dregs, only the burnt smell and blood were left.

The weakened Forgotten God will not leave any debris behind after death. They dissipate like smoke, as if energy has returned to the earth. But the red-haired monkeys are real flesh-and-blood creatures, their body fluids are very smelly, and their broken limbs are everywhere now.

In addition, there were weird big hands, big feet, and eyeballs and other strange things on the battlefield, but they were basically all taken care of by Superboy-Prime. They were either burned or frozen and smashed, but they were carried out. Harmless treatment.

Although Superboy has an unstable personality, if he really wants to do something well, then he can do it well. This is Superman.

"You don't need to worry about this, she has already prepared a back-up plan." Harry 'saw' the discussion of several people, loudly greeted everyone to come over, and pointed to the executioner's beautiful daughter who was painting next to her.

"Hey, I'm really not a super invincible beautiful girl painter." The girl put down the pen in her hand, gently touched her veil, and said modestly as if she was embarrassed: "But you are right, I have painted Okay 'patch', just put it back on when we leave."

While everyone was fighting, she was not idle. She was painting in the rear area. What she painted was the farmland and rural scenery before everything was destroyed.

She always believed that everyone could definitely defeat the enemy, so she prepared in advance the means to clean up the mess, drawing a 'picture-in-picture' as a patch, or in oil painting terms, it is equivalent to a 'thick paint' correction.

The pigments used in oil paintings are mostly opaque mineral materials. The painting process is a bit like the work process of masons and putty workers, which is to apply a mixture of mud and oil on the canvas.

Because of the characteristics of paint, if you make mistakes, you can shovel them off the canvas and repaint them, or you can use new paint to cover the wrong spots. The effect is actually about the same, but the thickness of the final work is different.

"She was at least two hundred meters away from us. How did she hear us whispering?" Looking at Harley waving and jumping in the distance, the mecha man whose body became pitted after the battle looked puzzled.

It's very strange. Everyone knows that Harley Quinn is not a superpower, let alone a genetically modified warrior. Where did she get her super hearing?

"I don't know, and I don't want to know." Damian actually knew, but he didn't say anything. The boy just packed his suitcase and put back the robot that had shrunk to the size of a figure: "Let's go, it seems that the ladies have already We are ready to clean up the mess, and next, we have to rescue Leopard Girl."

"Leopard Girl...yes, there is her too."

Luther narrowed his eyes. He suddenly remembered as if his memory had been awakened.

But this feeling of being reminded is simply an insult to a top smart person like him. He didn't understand when he forgot about the existence of that teammate, and he didn't even know when she disappeared.

If the Gods of Forgotten had not been weakened and their changes to the timeline had not been shaken, otherwise I might still not be able to remember them.

But why does Damian, a brat like him, remember it? Did Deathstroke give him a backup plan...

For a moment, all kinds of thoughts flooded into the bald head's mind, making him have mixed feelings and confused thinking, but he quickly controlled his expression and raised his chin again.

Because he convinced himself that Damian surpassed him only because of Deathstroke, and Deathstroke was a 100% pure-blood human, so his theory was correct.

Man is stronger than God.

As a smart person, Luther strictly requires himself to be the best in everything, but he also understands that no one is perfect. He can easily accept that someone can surpass him in some aspects.

For example, when it comes to cooking, Baldhead knows that there are probably more than 200 restaurants in the metropolis with chefs who are better than him, but will he be jealous?

Not at all, as long as they weren't aliens, magical creatures, or gods, Lex would only be happy for them.

Because every gain that people receive is due to their labor or brainpower, and this is what they deserve.

Everyone gradually gathered next to the country road. The raven used its magic to clean up the broken limbs to prevent them from turning into corpses again. This was an experience gained from being on the mysterious side.

Sometimes some strange creatures look dead from a human perspective. They don't breathe, lose temperature, can't move, fall apart, etc. Logically speaking, they are dead, right?

But in fact, this is not the case. They are likely to resurrect or reorganize after being out of danger, and become a threat again, because in the world beyond human cognition, anything can happen.

She wouldn't make a rookie mistake like that.

After a delay of about a few minutes, everyone came to the canvas. Looking at the detailed scenes in the painting that were exactly the same as the real thing, everyone had to admit that this split personality was a real artist. She could always see it. Beauty in life.

Because although it looks as realistic as a photo, the painting gives people a different feeling. It is derived from reality, but is higher than reality.

Just looking at this picture, it seems that you can see the gentle swaying of the crops when the wind blows, as well as the birds in the sky and the scarecrows in the fields. Their presence gives people an incomparable sense of harmony.

"Let's get started. We don't have much time. The Kents may show up at any time." Harley hugged the executioner's daughter's waist and kissed her on the face like a reward.

Obviously the other party liked this too. The female painter turned her head and kissed her face, and then activated her ability with a smile.

The scene on the canvas instantly expanded and turned into a translucent object rising into the sky, then silently covering the world in front of him.

The next second, the smoke-filled and cruel battlefield turned back into a peaceful rural scenery, as if nothing had happened.

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