The Death Knell

Chapter 5212 Sudden appearance

"Put the escape capsule into the farmland, pretend it's falling, and create some fire and smoke around it."

There was no time to be surprised by such a magical change. Damian gave the order to Superboy. Among everyone present, only Superboy was the most convenient to do such a thing.

Yes, Luthor will also gain super strength after using the doorknob, but leaving the infant Superman in his hands to arrange it? I'm just afraid that he will engage in sex work...

Damian had been keeping an eye on the bald man to prevent him from causing trouble and tampering with the baby Dachao.

Even though Luthor seems honest now, don't forget what kind of person he is.

Not to mention that there was a sneaky troublemaker nearby. He basically paddled throughout the battle and used his abilities to construct some toys to fight the enemy. Now his eyes were spinning wildly, so he had to be careful.

Superboy-Prime did not hesitate. He walked to the side, picked up the escape capsule that was much larger than him, and flew to the side to find a place.

They needed a place that was not too far from the road and where the fire would not cause a large-scale fire, but the key was to be in the Kent family's cornfield so that the two of them would come to check.

Luther obviously guessed Damian's intention and knew that the boy was still wary of him, but he didn't say anything. It was simply because when he followed Perpetua before, he did something wrong.

Proud people often like to avoid their mistakes, but Lex Luthor is different. He is a scientist. If he is wrong, he is wrong. It is an objective thing, and he does not bother to cover it up.

Anyway, you just have to correct it afterwards. Isn't it normal for others to treat you specially because you have made a mistake?

So he took the initiative to change the topic: "Next, let's go rescue the Leopard Girl. I still owe her money. I must rescue her."

"It seems you have remembered it too. Not bad, little bald man."

Harley smiled and hugged the raven that was walking slowly beside her. At this time, she was hugging the painter with one arm and the witch with the other. She was smiling happily:

"But don't worry. Wait for Superboy to come back later and ask him to describe to my little sisters how to draw a new painting. We can find a place to hide first and make sure that the Kents will pick up Clark."

"Then it's settled." The troublemaker rubbed his hands like a big-headed fly: "It's an honor for me to see this scene with my own eyes."

As a fanatical superman bastard, this is what he likes.

"I'm back, let's get started. Let's hide in the cornfield first." Superboy was very fast. It only took about ten seconds to arrange the crash site of the spacecraft. He also checked various details several times to ensure that Everything matches the comics.

Everyone had no objection, but it was a little difficult for the chief's wheelchair to get down to the fields, but the mecha man lifted it up without any trouble.

So the group of people squatted in the cornfield, gnawing half-ripe corn and waiting for the story to happen; while listening to Superboy begin to describe how the archaeologist Barbara Minerva turned into the Leopard Girl.

As for the girl who never said she was a painter, but she always felt that others did, she still wore a quiet smile and used a five-dimensional drawing board to start constructing a new painting, another comic.

That's another origin.

And soon, a shabby farm truck drove up along the country road, with two people sitting on it. Who else could be there besides the Kents?

Naturally, they also noticed that there was a fire and smoke in their farmland, so they quickly parked the car on the side of the road, took the shovel and broom from the truck bed, and rushed into the cornfield across the road.

No one followed to see what exactly happened, but they soon saw that the smoke subsided and the fire was extinguished. About five minutes later, Martha wrapped each of the little boys in a red and blue cloak and became a thief. Returned to the roadside as well.

Mr. Kent, on the other hand, returned to the road and drove into the field, apparently intending to tow the escape capsule away in a pickup truck and find a place to hide it.

Everything happened according to the unfolding of the story, and everyone was certain that their plan was successful. So far, no new God of Forgotten has appeared. This is a staged victory.

"Okay, we restored history, cool." Iron Man and the film man next to him high-fived, and the two were quite happy.

"The problem is, we fixed Superman's origin story, so where is Superman now?" The chief asked another question, which he found interesting.

"Before disappearing, everyone had a meeting at the Hall of Justice, and after the meeting, Superman chased Batman away."

Damian, with only one pair of eyes exposed among the crops, told the information he had learned from Zhenglian before. The boy folded his arms and watched the pickup truck drive into the farmland and then drive back soon. There was an extra driver on the truck body. Items covered with canvas:

"So I guess the Big Three will be together. They are the Justice League."


"Stop for a moment, Deadpool, I know you are a mercenary, but it's still too much to curse like this."

Superman smiled bitterly, put his hand on Deadpool's shoulder, and pulled out the electric horn from his hand. He looked up at Amo in the distance:

"You dye the sky brown like this. Even if I want to fly up to deal with that god, there is nothing I can do."

"Damn it, when did you show up, Dachao?"

The confused Deadpool blinked his eyes quickly, then rubbed his eyes frantically with both hands, looked up and down at the sudden appearance of Superman, reached out to touch his chest muscles, and then glanced at the red underwear he was wearing:

"And you are real, you are still played by Henry Cavill. Fortunately, you are not replaced by a black man. Damn it, I am a little allergic to political correctness recently."

"Okay, I'm not trying to stop your tactics. After all, half of them have been implemented. I just hope you won't say so many swear words in front of young people next time. This is not a good example. Wally and Billy are still very young. We They need to be protected from too much exposure to the dark side of society.”

Superman, who was a little embarrassed, was quite cooperative when he saw Deadpool. He breathed a sigh of relief with a warm smile on his face:

"So you don't have to be angry with me and pretend you can't see me. Am I not always with you? Right, Diana, Barry?"

"That's right." Barry was retching. He only had time to say this before he rolled his eyes again, and the energy came up his esophagus again!

Diana's condition was much better, she was considered a demigod after all. She didn't speak, she just looked at her brother-in-law with reproachful eyes, as if to tell him to stop pretending, even though she really wanted to continue swearing and didn't want to agree to Superman's request. Don't act stupid like this, it's very rude to ignore others.

"Wait a minute, let me figure it out."

Feeling that his pig brain was overloaded, Deadpool put on a mask of pain and avoided the warm palm on his shoulder. He began to beat his head:

"Am I crazy? Or is the brain cancer coming back? Why don't I remember Superman was there before? He seemed to suddenly...forget it, why should I use my own brain? Live broadcast studio veterans, please help Let me think about what the hell is this?"

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