The Death Knell

Chapter 5215 A little movement


Su Ming, who was nibbling the rabbit's head, paused. He took a sip of the red oil on his fingers and raised his eyebrows above his one eye:

"No wonder you were so considerate in bringing me food, and you also took the initiative to broadcast other programs to me. So you have something I want? Tell me, has Brother Zhuzhu contacted you? Is there something going on with him?"

This makes sense. The adjutant is usually very busy, and she knows that she doesn't need any care. She only shows up when she is called, and rarely offers unnecessary courtesy.

When talking about age, an unrelated topic, she deliberately turned to Optimus Prime. If she still couldn't tell that something was wrong, Su Ming would be in vain.

The disembodied adjutant rubbed his shoulder in a gesture, blinked and said:

"I didn't want to hide it from you, Sheriff. It's just that Optimus Prime asked me for support just now, because the humans in that world suddenly turned their backs and wanted to capture the Autobots to do bad things. They also obtained a weapon that can hurt The special weapons of Cybertron's mechanical body. So I thought about Prolaya, could this matter have something to do with her? So I wanted to ask you, is there anything we should pay attention to? "

Although the adjutant has now been transformed into a super human, her origin is a Cybertronian Autobot after all. Even if there is no biological relationship at all, there is still a romantic relationship, not to mention Brother Zhuzi is the earliest old ally of the Sheriff. , we agreed back then to help each other.

It is certain that someone will be sent to help, but the timing is a coincidence. Could it be a conspiracy? This is what the adjutant wanted to ask.

In addition, although she has the authority to mobilize the army, it is only limited to the fleet and the army of androids. Elite troops such as Space Marines, Battle Sisters, Karma Taj Mages, Men in Black, and Spider Web Hair Girls do not obey her orders. of.

"Indeed, the timing is a bit coincidental, so did Cobra launch their plan? Or..."

After taking a sip of wine, Su Ming touched his chin. He indeed doubted Prolaya. Was this another trick to trick him back into the box:

"I will definitely help Brother Zhuzi if something happens. Just for the sake of Bumblebee, I will protect them... Well, you first send three billion androids to that earth and use them to occupy Japan. , build a country that can accommodate the Autobots, and if you encounter resistance from extraordinary powers, I now also authorize you to use the Stitch Monster Virus and the Alien Queen."

"Copy that, Sheriff, that's so kind of you, okay!"

The silver-haired girl laughed. She had no body, but she still made kissing movements and made corresponding sounds.

"You don't need to learn this from Harley. Learning everything will only harm you. Don't forget that you are a human now, and humans can get mentally ill." Su Ming waved his hand and motioned for her to get down to business. No help is needed: "Let's go back and start work. By the way, I'll inform Xiaofu and Wanda so that they can be more vigilant and prevent the invasion of foreign concepts."

Earth 40K is our home and base, so no matter how hard we improve our defense efforts, we can’t go too far.

The shocked girl nodded and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Stereoscopic projection is such a convenient thing.

"Who were you talking to just now?"

A monkey head appeared on the stairs. Bobo was returning to the first floor with the girls. He was being held by Hermione, but he seemed reluctant:

"What conceptual intrusion did I just hear?"

"It's okay, the adjutant just wanted to chat with me, and I made some arrangements for my hometown." Su Ming patted the sofa next to him, smiled and invited everyone to come over and watch TV: "Come on, I don't know how far we are from our destination. Let’s have something to eat first and watch a football match.”

"When my father was at home, he also watched football every day." Hermione was more interested in this. As a witch, she was not very interested in Quidditch, but she preferred this Muggle sport under the influence of her family: "Mainly It’s to watch our local team in Manchester.”

She sat down next to the teacher, put her eyes on the rabbit's head, and immediately got started. Jaina and Yin Ruil also sat down, but they were obviously too embarrassed to squeeze together with Deathstroke, so they turned to the flying carpet floating nearby to see if the two people who were still sleeping needed feeding.

Bobo regained his freedom. The orangutan quickly took a few breaths, took out a wine bottle and took a few sips. He didn't know what he saw upstairs, which seemed to have shocked his spirit.

"Mr. Granger, I remember he is a Manchester City fan. Now that you have money, if he wants to buy a football team, buy him one to play with."

Deathstroke touched the student's head and taught her to remember to honor her parents. This is a tradition that is less important in the West but more valued in the East. After seeing the student nodding obediently, he asked the monkey head:

"What about you, Bobo, you look so ugly, did you encounter a ghost just now?"

The little black orangutan rolled his eyes, lit his pipe, puffed, frowned and replied:

"It would be great if it was a ghost. I just entered Constantine's bedroom by mistake. Oh my god, the brothels in the slums of Detroit are not so depraved. What did he and Zatanna do... ..Forget it, let’s not talk about it, there are ladies here, and I am a gentleman gorilla.”

Bobo didn't intend to continue talking. Obviously, no matter what kind of crime scene he saw, he didn't intend to eat meat now.

Dark, so dark.

"Stop, I saw you. I can't let you disturb Constantine now." While they were chatting, Su Ming suddenly stood up. He spoke to the air in a gentle tone: "If you dare Take one step forward and I will drive you crazy, Veronica, don’t test my patience.”

In everyone's somewhat puzzled eyes, a monster appeared on the floor where Deathstroke was watching. It was originally invisible, but after it was discovered, it showed off.

This is a monster that looks like a gathering of giant earthworms. It is about three meters tall. The head is a white mask with a female outline, and the rest of the place is full of pink tentacles. It is crawling forward as a ball of flesh full of mucus. ,quietly.

"What the hell?!"

Bobo immediately jumped and climbed onto Deathstroke's shoulders. This was his safest position, like a child's seat added to a car.

Su Ming, who was in a serious state, had no time to answer him for the time being. He just stared at the pink tentacle monster. He didn't take back the lightsaber in his hand until the other party "chirped" and backed away and disappeared again.

Sighing, he pressed his palms to signal the girls to sit down, and then explained to Bobo:

"That's Constantine's first girlfriend, Veronica, who used to play in a band."

"Then with so many tentacles, I'm afraid she can wrap up all the musical instruments, right?" Hermione immediately responded with a cold joke. She was indeed the best student.

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