The Death Knell

Chapter 5216 On the way

Everyone laughed for a while, because the tension around the appearance of the monster quickly disappeared. Su Ming sat down before continuing:

"She didn't look like this before. It was a magical accident. She peeked at John's magic book and tried to summon a demon in the basement to realize the band's wish to become famous. As a result, she was haunted by the demon."

"I seem to have heard about this. Someone seems to have said it..." Bobo patted his head. He really couldn't remember because Constantine had cheated so many of his ex-girlfriends. There were about seventy or eighty people. I really can’t remember the names of those dead people.

"After discovering that she was possessed by a tentacle demon, Constantine said he wanted to save her, but in the end the spell failed and killed her. After her death, she turned into an evil ghost in the form of this tentacle monster, and would appear from time to time. He will show up to find the betrayed man because he failed to fulfill his promise."

Su Ming still finished the story. It was not uncommon to be entangled by a vengeful spirit, but the form of this vengeful spirit was very individual.

"Why is she pestering Constantine?" Hermione picked up the rabbit head again and took a big bite: "I like to listen to ghost stories. When I was studying in Japan's Shinto Magic Academy, they were very popular there. The power of the undead and shikigami.”

"Actually, there is no malicious intention. I just want to be rescued or get relief."

In the room with flickering lights, Su Ming lit a cigarette, leaned on the sofa and continued to smoke. He glared at the chandelier, telling the house of mystery not to accentuate the atmosphere of this ghost story:

"Don't think Constantine is a scumbag, but first love is always different. He can't resurrect a person, but he can't destroy her to gain relief. So Veronica is like this If you pester him again and again, even if you are sent back to hell, he will appear again soon."

"I understand, but I don't understand. If she really wants to be freed, she can ask other wizards for help." Bobo nodded at first, but then shook his head: "For example, Tracy's father, a professional Isn’t it a piece of cake for a Holy See demon hunter to save such a resentful spirit?”

"You're wrong. Veronica's situation is different, my Bo."

Su Ming smiled and touched the orangutan's head and helped him put the green hat straight:

"When she died, she died as a half-demon. The failed magic stuck her in a special state and became a unique ghost. This kind of weird thing doesn't even accept death, and can only find Lucifer or Yin Xie. That beautiful life is considered a professional counterpart, but do you think Satan will meddle in Zha Kang’s business?”

To put it simply, she was neither a human nor a demon. She happened to die in an intermediate state during the transformation period, which was equivalent to a bug in the soul circulation system. As a result, she had nowhere to go.

"Damn, as expected, those who have anything to do with Constantine will not have a good end, even death." Bobo's monkey eyes widened. He asked himself how he still opened a wizard bar after being in the magic world for so many years. You can say that you are well-informed, right?

But Constantine, a bitch, can always come up with some new things that he has never seen before. Even the death of his ex-girlfriend is so creative.

"Actually, Zha Kang doesn't want to, but this may be the price of his spell. Okay, the main force is here." Su Ming used this sentence as a summary, and did not intend to continue this topic, because he had already I feel that the House of Mystery is slowing down, and I may have reached the right place.

Before he finished speaking, a wet Zha Kang crawled out of the basement. He really crawled out. He climbed the stairs on all fours, looking very embarrassed.

Seeing everyone waiting for him, he breathed a sigh of relief. After leaving the basement, he turned over at the door and lay down directly:

"Phew, I almost died, but Slade, you are actually having a dinner here?"

The orangutan jumped off Deathstroke's shoulder, came over, stretched out his hand to touch the bitch, and then smelled his paws:

"It's not sweat. You are soaked all over. Are you planning to seduce Deathstroke? Haha, I don't see the possibility of you dying. You are only controlling the direction of the House of Mystery, not fighting the dragon. "

"It's indeed a dragon, but it's just a water dragon. Phew." Zha Kang sat up and wiped the water off his face: "A water pipe burst in the basement just now. I almost drowned in the water. Which one of you can go down and help me repair the water pipe? Let's We haven’t arrived at the station yet, hurry up, it’s not a good thing to stop in the void.”


It was easiest to let Hermione do the repairing of the water pipes. The repair spell could also be used here, but in order to prevent Zha Kang from cheating people, Su Ming could only go down with him and deal with the problem of water accumulation.

After repairing the water pipes and using quantum concepts to change the water into fresh air, Su Ming took stock of the situation in the basement.

There is nothing noteworthy, just some magic props, some books, and then a lot of garbage. The garbage that Constantine produced in the House of Mystery over the past few decades seems to be piled here.

"You shouldn't have fired the previous butler." In this regard, the Supreme Mage, who was holding the student's shoulders, could only say this. Except for the magic circle in the center of the basement where Constantine was controlling at this time, there was almost no place to stay. .

"You've also seen my previous butler. He was a demon, but I'm not. People also need to go back to hell to visit relatives occasionally."

Constantine didn't seem to want to explain why his butler disappeared, but started talking nonsense, because as a person, he knew that there was no family relationship between demons at all.

Not to mention anything else, even Lucifer's son wants to kill him and replace him. In the chaotic hell, the only things worth pursuing are fun and soul energy.

"How far are we from Lucifer?" He glanced down at the glowing magic circle, where the curly black hair was floating there: "The situation has changed a bit now, Superman has been found."

"Oh, it should be there soon. It's a good thing that Superman is rescued." Zha Kang smiled crookedly and continued to operate the magic circle, as if he was rubbing a huge steering wheel: "But it has nothing to do with us. How are you and Superman doing? I can’t do it anyway.”

Superman never looks down on anyone, even if that person is a scumbag like Constantine. To be honest, he has to admit that Superman is super nice to him, but there is only one problem.

That's because Clark likes to teach others how to do things too much. He always wants people to learn from others, and this is what Constantine can't stand about him.

I don’t know how other heroes in the Zhenglian can tolerate Superman. Anyway, for Constantine, there is always someone who tells him not to drink too much, to walk on a zebra crossing when crossing the road, and not to feed cigarette butts to the seals in the zoo, right? Come on, it's really annoying.

If there are so many rules that make people unfree, what's the point of living? It would be better to die and pull him down.

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