The Death Knell

Chapter 5319 Reading according to the words

"You are wrong! Friend!"

Regardless of what he was thinking, Superboy suppressed some of his smile and stood in the air. He lifted up his cloak and said sternly:

"I believe in hope and that everything will be fine. People may misunderstand me, but the facts will prove that I have not hurt anyone. They will eventually understand that I, like their friends, neighbors, and relatives, are capable of loving and loving others. Be loved.”

Okay, luckily I have the line reminder in my head. The words written by the adjutant are like tongue twisters, it is really difficult to pronounce.

"You are deceiving yourself! Superman, people in this world hate you for no reason, but you have to deceive yourself."

The enemy in flight was wearing a black tights, let's call him Xiaobai here. The eyepatch only covered the upper half of his face, and the surrounding cameras could clearly capture the twisted corners of his mouth.

"You are too extreme, my friend. I can only defeat you and then slowly influence you." After saying this, Superboy was finally able to take action. He deeply understood the difficulty of being an actor and vowed to see him in the future. I am no longer jealous of Hollywood stars making money.

But although acting is very troublesome, there are many people who can't stand it.

The fight between the two of them was different from the fight at the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, and it attracted the most attention.

People want to know if there is any connection between the local Superboy and the sudden appearance of superpowers.

So when the surrounding cameras, reporters, and bloggers spread everything captured here to people. In fact, even if they didn't, the adjutant's split program would still spread. In short, when people saw Superboy's performance, They all fell into deep thought.

Yes, Superboy-Prime is scary, but the basis for people's argument that he was scary in the past came from comic books.

In the comics, he massacred many people in parallel worlds and did many bad things.

But the problem is, if you calm down and think about it, Superboy kills all paper people. He has no criminal record in his home world because his only crime is that he has powerful superpowers.

People were afraid of him using super powers, but now that they see his attitude towards super powers, many people are shaken.

Because Superboy seemed to be possessed by Superboy, he acted just, selfless and aboveboard. Even when the enemy hit him several times, he did not fight back, but just smiled to dissuade the opponent.

Even Bai Zuo, who is on the far left, can't find fault with him now, because the attacks of Superman's opponents can knock down a building even if they see the strong wind caused by the fists.

When others wanted to kill Superman, Superman kept responding gently. He really made the people cry to death.

I don’t know when, and I don’t know how many people there are. People who are watching here in front of the TV or computer, every time they see the enemy attacking Superman, they are silently thinking in their hearts——

‘Fight back! You fight back! ’

Now, Superboy's speech showed that he planned to fight back, so many people couldn't help but smile.

Yes, that's right. This bad guy who appeared out of nowhere is about to destroy the buildings on a street. If Superboy doesn't stop him, the bad guy will cause more damage.

So when people with superpowers felt that they could protect themselves, some of people's past concepts were shaken. This actually had nothing to do with conscience or moral sense, it was just human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

But using human nature is Deathstroke's specialty, and he also knows how to arouse people's emotions.

So Superboy could be said to have captured the opponent in anticipation of everyone, and pressed the guy in a black tights onto the broken road.

"Surrender. If you lose, I will send you to prison and let you receive a fair trial under the law."

Yes, the weak always hope that the law can protect themselves. The strong sometimes recognize the role of the law, which will make the weak happy. Superboy may not understand the design of this line, but just read it.

"Haha, I will not surrender! Superman, you obviously have great power, but you succumb to the rules of the game set by the capitalists. I curse you! Long live Hydra!"

After speaking out his ideas loudly and shouting an incomprehensible slogan, the novice blew himself up on the spot.

I don't know if he had napalm in his body, but anyway, he exploded very violently. The flames completely enveloped Superboy who was holding him, and the building collapsed again.

Amid the smoke, people were paying attention to the scene in various ways. It was not until the intact Superman walked out of the smoke that vague applause came from nearby. This was the sincere approval of the nearby survivors.

Isn't that right? The man in black was killing people like crazy before, and Superboy came to save everyone. This is what a hero does.

But Superboy didn't show any excitement at this time. Instead, he sat on the side of the road with a look of regret on his face, sighing endlessly, and holding a piece of charred fabric from the opponent's uniform in his hand.

"Alas, alas, alas"

He sighed for a long time, until a reporter came to him and asked him why he was so sad after defeating the enemy.

"I couldn't save him. Although I didn't know him, it's always sad to see a life disappear before your eyes. I know he did something wrong, but it should be the people and the court who judge him. , I have never been a law enforcer, all I want to do is save people."

Another tongue-twisting line, full of empty words and clichés, but the audience just loves to hear it.

The survivors gradually gathered nearby, and they applauded the little Superman one by one. Everyone was in a state of embarrassment. Either their pants were torn or their sleeves were broken, and their heads and faces were covered in black and gray. But everyone was there. Smile.

"You did your best, Superman!"

"Yes, Superman, I'm a fan of yours!"

"Superman, don't be sad, it's not your fault!"

They were all expressing their opinions. We don’t need to delve into how much they are sincere. It’s a good thing to have such a sign.

Superboy stood up from the side of the road again, smiled and nodded to everyone, cheering up again:

"Please leave here quickly and go back to your own home. If possible, hide in the basement. I promise to get everyone's life back on track as soon as possible."

After saying that, he licked his lips and showed that he was very thirsty. So before flying away, he walked to the surviving vending machine on the roadside and bought a bottle of soda. After drinking it, he waved goodbye and flew away. soaring.

Yes, this is also calculated by the adjutant. Showing dependence on food and water will make people more aware of the concept that Superman is also a human being. This can be regarded as a literary part.

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