The Death Knell

Chapter 5320 Conspicuous Personality

It was somewhat chilly in the basement late at night. Although there was only a small window, the cold air did not come from outside, but seemed to come up from beneath the ground.

Correspondingly, Su Ming could feel the activity of darkness, the crisis force that constituted the origin of the earth, swaying like seaweed with the waves in the current crisis.

Even though Perpetua has died long ago, this power will not die. Together with the power of connection, it can form countless stories. Su Ming has never thought of completely eliminating the crisis.

Because without stories, there would be no need for these worlds to exist. To put it in Deadpool's words, it would be like a character losing popularity.

Therefore, maintaining the balance between the power of crisis and the power of connection is his point of view. If the hand of creation does not accept this point of view, then beat them to accept it.

Seeing Superboy flying across the night sky, and his smiling and controlled expression of joy, Su Ming took a puff of cigarette and whispered without looking back:

"Wade, I want to eat fish."

Deadpool, who was lying on the sofa reading comics, was stunned for a moment, then climbed up, pulled out the carbon steel samurai sword behind him with a loud sound, and switched to the professional voice of a professional killer:

"I know, who do you want me to kill?"

"Huh? How do you connect eating fish with killing people?" Deathstroke turned his head 180 degrees and looked at his cousin with some confusion: "I asked you to put the spicy fish in that pile of snacks Pass it over to me."

"Tch, this is it, here you go."

The blinking Deadpool rummaged through the pile of snacks, found a bag of fish and threw it to his cousin. He put away the knife, sat back down, and his voice returned to bitch mode:

“I heard old people say that eating fish now is equal to killing people. This is a new popular saying on the road there. If you don’t even know this, you are totally out. Then people like me are always at the forefront of fashion. As a handsome man, of course you must keep up with the trend.”

"Okay, but I think you don't have time to learn these things, so you might as well sign up for a class to learn pole dancing."

The speechless Deathstroke turned his head, tore open the bag of snacks, took out small fish and shared them with Strangler. It would be more refreshing to eat something spicy in the middle of the night, and said:

"How do you think Superboy is doing now?"

"Him? His imitation of Da Chao is too obvious, and he lacks his own characteristics." Deadpool smiled crookedly, showed an expression like an urban dragon king, and patted his chest: "Look at me, my characteristics. It’s just very sexy. Even though this is my personal hobby, it can also be regarded as my character. Superboy doesn’t seem to have any special character in his current performance.”

Although he has brain cancer, which makes the bitch's mind sometimes clear and sometimes confused, he is in good condition now and what he says makes sense.

Superboy was actually created before, as a young man who acted unscrupulously, was powerful and impulsive.

If you want to say he is a villain, he is not as evil as Injustice Superman or Superhero, and he can even be considered kind sometimes; but if you want to say he is a hero, he does whatever he wants, and he is very ruthless, and his mentality is not normal. .

Fortunately, after restoring the Origin Earth to him, he plans to live a good life, but if those previous personas are put aside, the side that Superboy-Prime shows to people now seems to be somewhat the same as Superboy.

But after thinking about it carefully, Su Ming felt that there was nothing wrong with it. If he could deceive everyone on Siyuan Earth for a lifetime, then there would be no problem even if he was a replica of Da Chao.

"That's it. It's okay to just copy Superman's character. Anyway, it's impossible for people on a third of an acre of Origin Earth to go out and see the multiverse with their own eyes. Naturally, there is no obvious contrast."

Su Ming, who was eating fish, waved his hand. He understood what his cousin meant, but he had no intention of adding more drama to Superboy:

"This Clark has a bit of a brain, and his acting skills are not up to par. If we add a character to him, I think it won't take long for him to be a gangster. It's better to do this. As a fan of Superman, he imitates Superman like The instinct is the same, this is a true performance, so it should be more relaxed."

"Why don't we give him a character who likes to perm his hair?" Deadpool was still a little reluctant. He twirled his fingers and said, "His shoulder-length hair is so long that it would be a pity not to perm it."

Ion perm, tin foil perm, fireworks perm, big wave.

Wade's mind had already pictured Superboy's face, with hairdos flying around and pinned on the young man's head, just like the face-squeezing step in the game, making him laugh out loud.

After listening to his suggestion, Su Ming narrowed his eyes. After thinking for a moment, he nodded:

“It doesn’t seem impossible”

Flying in the night sky at high speed, the night wind was very cool, but Superboy's heart was very hot, and the corners of his mouth couldn't stop rising.

Deathstroke's plan is really good. Even though it's just a "fun" series and nothing serious, this is the first time that he has been welcomed and applauded by people on his home planet, the Origin Earth.

People are like this. When they are outside, no matter how beautiful they are, they seem to have little meaning. If they don't have the approval of their family members, they will still feel aggrieved.

Now Deathstroke was just making a small plan, and things had changed before even a day had passed, which made him couldn't help but praise his own wit.

Yes, he felt that he was very smart. He decisively boarded the death knell's chariot and had today's good life. Wasn't he not smart enough?

Looking at those who opposed Slade, they were either dead or completely sealed. They all couldn't see the end of the situation clearly.

‘Ding, you have new news, please check it carefully. ’

At this time, a new task popped up in his mind. Superboy calmed his mind and looked at it, showing a black question mark expression.

Because this task asked him to go to a barber shop that was still open to get a perm, give him a big wavy hair style, and perm it like Marilyn Monroe, or if he had any favorite style, he could just perm it. Can.

He didn't quite understand why, but he quickly found an excuse for himself to obey the order.

Since buying soda from roadside vending machines makes people feel more approachable and more human-like, then maybe the same goes for perming your hair?

Yes, only people care about whether they look good or not, and whether their appearance is fashionable, but gods don’t care about these. Perming your own hair will indeed strengthen your persona that is close to the people.

It's midnight. You may not be able to find a good barber shop in the United States, but it's not a big problem. Just go to Russia on the other side of the world. Perms seem to be quite popular among people there.

As for there are still many civilians in the world who need to be rescued, let them wait. The first priority is to complete the death knell's instructions.

Touching his long hair, Superboy adjusted his direction and disappeared into a red and blue light. He was going to Moscow to get the best-looking perm.

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