The Death Knell

Chapter 5321 Transformation on the spot

There is some chaos here in Mao Xiong, but it is also in the city. Places such as the suburbs and countryside are quite peaceful. This is the advantage of the vast land and sparsely populated areas.

In the daytime on the outskirts of Moscow, Superboy easily found passers-by to ask about the situation nearby, and found out where the strongest Master Tony was who had fled to the countryside. At this time, he was sitting in a wooden hut, waiting for someone to come. I'm applying perm lotion to him.

When the barber fled, he took various people with him to feed himself. After all, craftsmanship can guarantee survival.

While waiting for his hair to be permed, Superboy took out his phone and flipped through it. He was not worried at all that he had come to Russia to get his hair permed instead of saving people.

Well, actually he was a little worried at first, but Deathstroke gave a reply:

"Do you think Americans will believe what the Russians say?"

With such a simple sentence, Superboy was relieved. Yes, even if he had to do a full-body exfoliation at the bear's side, and it took him a whole day, people nearby would take photos of him and upload them to the Internet.

Americans will not believe it either. They will only suspect that the Cold War opponents across the ocean want to stigmatize American heroes again.

Yes, the current Superboy is positioned as a hero who came out of the United States. At least the adjutant’s hype is heading in this direction. When he turns on his phone now, he sees various news pop-ups and SMS push messages, all of which are not the same news. , but he is among the people mentioned in these news.

And because the adjutant has been with Deathstroke for a long time and often manipulates public opinion, her grasp of shock bodies is extremely good.

"Shock! Superman actually did such a thing in public! 》

Click on it and you will see a scene of Superboy-Prime rescuing people in Paris. It also comes with a short video of the scene where his cape flutters and lands in the firelight. The camera angle and the matching BGM are all perfect.

"Superman's Little-Known Secret!" 》

After clicking on it, it turned out that he was drinking soda in big gulps after buying it from a roadside vending machine. The water droplets on the bottle slid down his neck and onto the curves of his chest muscles. It looked so tempting.

Similar news emerged one after another, some were edited by the adjutant himself, and some were copied by local news media after learning this trick, but no matter which one, they were talking about Superboy's great achievements during this period.

He is now the most popular person in the human Internet world.

Moreover, the adjutant is quite knowledgeable, and will occasionally post some dirty information about Superman, but compared to the positive materials with pictures and truth, there is no evidence in these black materials, and people can tell at a glance that they are pulling the wool over thin air. It was the work of the Heizi navy.

Now many people have taken the stand of Superboy Supreme and are confronting the black haters online. After all, the world is now in chaos, and people's hearts are full of complex emotions that need to be vented.

Swearing online is one of the easiest ways. If Superboy founded a religion, he might be able to gain a lot of faith.

When people have no idea of ​​their own, they either look up what to do on the Internet, or they make random thoughts. This is how people in the Internet age are.

So while perming his hair, Superboy read these news reports and flipped through the comments section. Since he has super eyesight, he can see things very quickly, so that joyful emotions quickly accumulated in his heart.


He finally couldn't help it anymore, and laughed up to the sky. The grievances of the past seemed to have been wiped out in one fell swoop, and now he was filled with longing for the future life.


But he forgot that he was perming his hair. He twisted around while sitting here and was hit on the head again. This hair perm equipment that had been handed down since the founding of the Soviet Union was scrapped.

His hair was done in an unflattering way, or half-cooked.

"Uh, guest, don't move! My machine!" Teacher Tony wailed.

Superboy was also a little ashamed of this. He took out a wad of dollars as compensation, and took a photo of himself with his mobile phone to see his hairstyle:

"These are the compensation for your machine. My hair doesn't matter. I might as well cut it short and dye it. Blonde hair might be more suitable."

He decided to change his image. Although he liked the shawl hair, as a public figure, many conservative forces did not like young men with long hair.

In the past, he didn't care what others thought of him, but now, acting is quite fun.

So after a lot of fussing, he changed his hair to short blond hair, barely managed to perm it with a pair of tongs dipped in water, and curled it a few times, and he was done.

And since he was now being hyped as an American hero, he thought about it, flew to the nearest clothing factory, stepped on the sewing machine, and used the fabric inside to sew a Stars and Stripes flag out.

There is an S on my chest, which is a symbol of hope, and there is also an S on the red cloak. It's a bit repetitive, so let's change the cloak to the Stars and Stripes.

So by accident, he actually made his image closer to the people of the motherland, but he didn't know it, and he was flattered that he was smart.

Deathstroke and Deadpool, who were far away in the basement of a small American town, were a little surprised to see this scene.

"Slade, do you think Superboy-Prime also has a habit of drinking milk?" Deadpool tilted his head. He always felt that his cousin asked Superboy to act and awakened some incredible talent in him.

Isn't it? People from the motherland can be said to be veteran actors, and they are very good at acting.

"Probably not, right? But he looks pretty good like this, so let's make do. In the United States, white skin and yellow hair still have advantages."

With the dried fish in his mouth, Deathstroke watched Superboy for a while. The latter was practicing posing in the empty clothing factory, as if he was adapting to the length of his new cape.

"Mr. Que, looking back on those days, I was also a handsome guy with blond hair. Cancer has changed me a lot." Deadpool sighed, lay back on the sofa again, and picked up the comic book: "But it's quite refreshing to shed my skin often. Yes, you can get a new skin every day, which is equivalent to seeing a brand new self, hehe."

"As long as you are happy, program, let's arrange the next duel for Superboy and change it to a stronger opponent." Su Ming leaned on the chair and gave the order, and then added: "This time, bring in some ordinary people. , let Superboy perform a scene of blocking light cannons for the people, and we will increase the hype."

Yes, no matter what Superboy has become, his new image must be spread as soon as possible to let people know about his changes.

A change in a person's appearance often means separation from the past. A new image means a new beginning. This is the real purpose.

It's just that I didn't expect Superboy to be able to do this. I don't know if he thought of his own intention or did it by mistake? But it doesn't matter, as long as the result is correct.

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