The Death Knell

Chapter 5322 I don’t believe it at all

The black shadow moved quickly in the white corridor, making almost no sound, let alone footsteps, even the long cloak dragging across the floor made no sound.

He was like a cloud or a ghost, wandering alone.

"Wait a minute, Bruce, we need to talk."

Superman's voice came from behind, which caused a black cloud to stop, and the lights in the corridor seemed to dim a lot.


This is still a Batman-style question.

"Yes, now that the Hall of Justice has been repaired and social order has stabilized, we should think about what to do in the future." Superman walked out of the darkness with a smile, and the smile on his face was like sunshine: "The death knell is for you. Did you say anything?"

"Yes, but you don't need to know." Batman turned around and prepared to leave. Things here were back to normal, but he still had to go back to Gotham to patrol.

The world is not as big as patrolling Gotham, let alone communicating with Superman.

Deathstroke did say something when they parted, but Batman felt that telling Superman would not do any good, and would only make him worry in vain. After all, it is difficult for a Kryptonian to understand dark things with his IQ.

As soon as his figure flashed, Superman stopped in front of Bat and said sincerely:

"Bruce, we are teammates. The Justice League needs to trust each other. We are family and a whole. If you believe me, please tell me what you know."


This trick was too old, and Batman didn't like it at all. He moved two steps to the side, preparing to continue leaving.

"I want to invite Deathstroke from another world to join the Justice League." Superman followed up again. This time he would not be so easily thrown away by the bat: "What do you think?"

"Reason." The Dark Knight walked around and made a hoarse and sinister voice: "I remember you didn't like him before."

"That's because I used to think that he had no bottom line in his actions and his methods were too cruel." Superman sighed, but soon laughed again: "But I have been in contact with him more recently, and he saved me twice. I found that he In fact, I am gentle and kind at heart, so I think."

How should I put it? When Superman sees a dark person, he wants to help him become a ‘good’ person. This is his occupational disease.

Of course, what he thinks is good is not good for some people, but is more in line with the mainstream values ​​of society.

"Don't think about it, he won't agree. Diana has tried it a long time ago." Batman gave up Superman's dream and didn't even want to look at the strong man: "It's true that Deathstroke is cooperating with us, but he really I haven’t seen the purpose clearly yet.”

"Are you still doubting him? Bruce, I think his past actions are enough to prove a lot of things." Clark looked aggrieved. He wanted to get Bruce's support, so that after the Big Three have two votes, they can represent justice. The alliance has officially invited that person.

Yes, Diana also rejected the idea of ​​​​Superman before. She said that Deathstroke likes to wander around and has no interest in working in the Justice League.

"I don't want you to feel it, I want me to feel it."

The dark man quickened his pace, heading towards his underground lounge:

"I doubt everyone, including you. Don't forget that you disappeared not long ago. I haven't proven yet that you are still the same person you were in the past, instead of being replaced by something, or Deathstroke inserted a chameleon into it. "

"No, Bruce, you know me."

Superman smiled bitterly. He had long been accustomed to Batman's suspicion, but every time he needed to prove that he was himself, he was speechless:

"Do you think I'm a fake? Or do you want to see me show off my super powers? Why don't you just take out the kryptonite and use it on me."

"This is what you said."

As if waiting for his words, Batman took out a bottle of kryptonite spray from his treasure belt, raised his hand and sprayed it into the nostrils of Superman who was parallel to him.

It didn't take much, but the kryptonite radiation really suppressed the Kryptonians. The diffuse green smoke knocked Clark to the ground. His whole skin turned green, and he lay on the floor in great pain. superior.

But Superman was not angry, he just raised his head with difficulty:

"What, how about it, prove that I am real?"

"Well, you're serious, I'll leave first." Batman just doesn't know how to laugh, otherwise he would die laughing. Superman is still so sincere and fell into the simplest trap.

Originally he was worried that he would not be able to get rid of this piece of brown candy, but now he used kryptonite to give him some. Based on previous experience and combined with superhuman metabolism, he had 12 seconds to evacuate.

During this time, Superman will remain completely powerless, let alone use his superpowers.

So while Clark lay stunned on the floor, Batman put away the kryptonite sprayer and ran away, his cape fluttering and disappearing around the corner of the corridor.

"No Bruce." Superman stretched out his hand desperately, trying his best to save his teammates, but it was useless. He could not move at all now, having inhaled kryptonite particles, and now the radiated blood was flowing in Superman's body.

You won't be able to move for a short time, let alone ten seconds. As long as you give Batman time to take out the smoke bomb, no one can catch up with him.

"Clark? What did you do again?" Arthur, holding the trident, happened to pass behind him and helped Superman up with a puzzled look on his face: "The floor in this area should not be damaged, why are you lying on the ground? ?”

He waved casually, and the green clouds floating in the air were blown away.

"Oh, let Bruce run away again, forget it, it seems he doesn't want to talk, I respect his opinion." Superman took a few deep breaths, and the green color disappeared from his face. He regained his fighting spirit, and said to Neptune with a smile: " How is your family situation?"

"Oh, it's good. Atlantis is underwater and is safe most of the time, and power outages won't affect it." The strong man in golden armor smiled naively and patted his chest: " I’m getting ready to go home and rest, do you want to have a meal with me?”

"No, I have something to do. Thank you, Arthur. I have to take a step first." After saying that, Superman stopped walking and simply took off on the spot and disappeared along the corridor.

Arthur arranged his long hair that was messed up by the wind, wiped his beard again, and shrugged towards the empty corridor:

"Okay, see you later, I'll ask others if they want to eat fish."

He walked to the fork in the corridor, looked at the direction of the passage, and decided to go to the rest area to find Xiao Shen first. He heard that he had lost his speed force, and now he wanted to see how his friend was doing.

It's scary to lose your superpower, and it would be terrible if you can't think about it.

So he held his weapon and walked quickly to the Lightning dormitory in the accommodation area. The large room with the door unlocked all year round was still the same, but now the Flash on the treadmill was extremely slow.

The red figure looked a little fragile and a little tired.

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