The Death Knell

Chapter 5323 View Harvest

Although the Holy Vat War plan is a series of "just for fun" and not a plan to destroy the world in the true sense, even if it is a play, it cannot be completed in one day.

This plan is divided into several stages and countless small plans. Adapting measures to local conditions is the key to performing well. Just like fairy tale dramas have no market in Europe and the United States, no one in Asia is willing to watch movies starring black gay transsexuals. Same.

Therefore, every small plan must be in line with the local cultural heritage and people's cognition. It cannot be too unconventional or too low-level.

After all, it is necessary to make people feel the pain and fear, and to create a sufficient doomsday atmosphere, so that Superboy can have a suitable stage to perform.

After all, anyone with a brain knows that a hero who saves a community is definitely not as good as a hero who saves the earth.

The bigger the stage, the more people watching, and people always like to follow the crowd. This requires using the media to build momentum. Of course, this part is the responsibility of the adjutant. Su Ming is not good at the details of cyber warfare, so he can only make a big statement. direction.

But this is enough.

In short, this plan needs to last a week or even longer to heighten the atmosphere. Any shorter time will affect the effect. After all, how can any world war be fought in one day?

But Su Ming didn't want to stay here for too long. It was really interesting to play Superboy. Moreover, he was now dressed up like a native of the motherland and had become a very good actor.

But the arrangement of the encounters and the lines spoken during the show are all relatively mechanical and repetitive things, which can be completely handled by the split program.

"Okay, the situation here is like this, you can play, Wade." Su Ming stood up from the chair and stretched. At this time, the faint morning light could be seen outside the small window: "I I’m getting ready to go out for a walk, I took over a bunch of universes from Prolaya before, but I haven’t seen them yet.”

"Do you want to kill someone?" Deadpool revealed his eyes from behind the comic.

Brain cancer not only brings poor memory and fragile intelligence to Deadpool, but it also has benefits. Because of the abnormal activity of cancerous brain cells, Wade can stay up for long periods of time and play all the time.

Yes, it is also because of brain cancer that it may not be safe for him to do serious things, but if he plays casually, there will be no problem.

"No, I took a look before. There is no such advanced world, otherwise it would not be easily controlled by Prolaya." Su Ming waved his hand and took out a bag of chocolate pie from the snack pile for breakfast: "I Just go and walk around casually, keep an eye on things here, and don’t touch other people’s Superboy figures.”

Not only does Deadpool have a mean mouth, he also has mean hands. When he goes to strange places, he always likes to poke around.

"Don't worry, that guy has become a native of the motherland now. I'm still a little scared." Deadpool raised the comic book again and said with his raised calves shaking: "He has a lot of comics here, and they are all mine. For those who haven’t seen it, I have to learn about DC’s dark spirit and keep pace with the times in order to gain more popularity.”

He still wanted to laugh when he said this. Because of his short haircut, Superboy Prime might now be called Homelander Supreme, which sounded pretty cool.

That hypocritical smile, the way he poses in front of the camera, and the little calculations in his heart, he is just not as crazy as the people of his motherland.

Deathstroke biting a piece of chocolate pie nodded. Deadpool just didn't want to mess around, and Superboy couldn't play to death anyway. Su Ming was just worried that his cousin would stain the comic book. You must know that some of these books are very precious. The journal.

Feeling relieved, Deathstroke teleported away and headed to the endless void outside the DC Multiverse 1.

The huge cubic cage he snatched from Prolaya exists in a singularity in the void. It is mainly stored here because there is no suitable place to place it.

The prisoners who were captured before have been released, and the jailers have been basically cleaned up. Now Su Ming is here to recover this cage.

I don't know if this cube has a special flavor, or if the energy it contains is too similar to a total body. Its existence has attracted many monsters in the void. These guys can't break into the singularity, so they just put this point in the outside world. 'It's so crowded.

There are many unformed ideas in the void, and their origins are also very interesting.

For example, there is a DC editor who wants to design a new opponent for Batman, one that is powerful and interesting, with a crazy and perverted stance.

After thinking about it for a while, I found that there was only a vague outline in my mind and no specific ideas, so I abandoned the idea.

This is not a big deal at a high level. After all, there are countless ideas that pop up in a person's mind in a day, and how many can be put into action? Most of them are things that are given up halfway and left behind.

But this kind of thing, after meeting certain conditions, will absorb energy in the void and give birth to a form, becoming a void monster.

This is the reason why all kinds of deformed children appear in the void, such as twisted monsters with multiple limbs, such as the Statue of Liberty coming to life, such as evil fusion robots, such as those with half of their bodies missing but extremely powerful. bugs or something.

Their origin may be an idea at a high level, an idea, a manifestation of external forces penetrating into the DC hypertime flow system.

Of course, most of the time they are isolated from the time stream, that is to say, they will not enter the DC comic stories that can actually be published, just like the preliminary drawings in the scrap box.

But it cannot be said that they are not strong. On the contrary, among the void monsters, there are some who are extremely powerful and can even affect the balance of power.

However, this kind of thing is not so easy to encounter. In addition, most of them have no spirituality and only have simple beast instincts. If he really faced them, Su Ming was sure of victory.


A monster discovered the death knell floating not far away. It glanced at the little human and made a confused sound, as if it didn't know why humans appeared here, or it had never seen such a creature before. .

But these were its last words. What answered it was a bright golden arc. In just a moment, it was divided into pieces of meat of almost equal sizes, commonly known as turning into jelly.

And this monster was just one of the countless monsters attracted by the cube. After killing it, it attracted the attention of more monsters. They all made different calls and flew towards the death knell.

Perhaps compared to the cube that can only smell the smell, the human in front of them seems to be more delicious. Driven by instinct, they have never thought about whether the human in front of them is a target for them to hunt. They only know that he is rich in energy. It also smells delicious.

"Just right, I've been sitting all day, now let's move around." Su Ming shook his wrist and faced the various monsters coming at him, and started with a jumping chop.

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