The Death Knell

Chapter 5327 Bug Brain

"Okay, the cockroach prophet can't help, just put it back."

Su Ming stopped the orangutan from tossing the insects and glanced at Ezekiel sympathetically. Not to mention being cursed by God to become such a thing, although life in the bar was not bad, he had no freedom at all:

"We are talking about the 'origin'. Ezekiel used to be God's servant in the world, and as he said himself, this old man has long been behind the times. How can he understand recent things? "

"That's it. Then what do I need you for? Trash." Bobo threw the cockroach back into the sink again, with a look of disdain on his face.

In fact, this cockroach is also quite useful and can be used as a garbage disposal device.

Even though it is just a bug, it still has the appetite of a human being. The lemon peels left over from bartending every day, the olives soaked in wine, the roots left over from fried onion rings, these miscellaneous things only need to be eaten Throw it in the sink and it will eat it.

This behavior is so environmentally friendly. Since having this cockroach, the orangutan has even saved a lot of cleaning fees for garbage disposal.

As we all know, in capitalist countries like the United States and Japan, it costs money to throw away garbage, especially construction waste, which also has to be weighed.

Anyway, Death Knell advises all extreme environmentalists to first eat the garbage generated every day in their own homes before meddling in other people’s affairs.

"You actually underestimate me?! I'm so angry!" He was obviously a Jewish prophet, but he was so angry that he spoke with a German accent. The cockroach stood on the lemon peel in the sink and cursed the street loudly: "I haven't Listen, you just say I don’t understand, why? I insist on listening, and I have to tell you something you don’t know.”

Deathstroke, who had just lit a cigarette, looked at each other secretly. Ezekiel wanted to either use force to force it to obey, or rely on provoking the cockroach. These were the only two methods he could use to get rid of the cockroach.

It also feels that it is a prophet of God. Even though it lives in a sink and makes a living on kitchen waste every day, people really look down on ordinary humans.

"Okay, let you listen. Anyway, if you can't tell me anything new after listening, I will find some female cockroaches to breed with you." Su Ming smiled crookedly, said very dark words, and at the same time raised his hand to let you know. The fat man next to him continued.


Deathstroke's words were too dark. As a former victim, Bobo looked at the cockroach sympathetically and sighed softly.

The scene of the three female gorillas working here seems to be still in front of me. I would rather die than surrender to avoid losing my virginity. This is because those gorillas come from the country of orangutans and have advanced wisdom and are not forceful.

When it comes to the cockroaches, Deathstroke will definitely find ordinary cockroaches, bugs with no intelligence at all, and will definitely force Ezekiel to do that kind of thing.

Tragic, too tragic.

Now let's hope that Ezekiel really has something in his stomach, otherwise, the dark death knell will definitely keep his word. Even though he is smiling and talking now, as if he is joking, he is still smiling when he kills people.

“I didn’t know what I was seeing, but at one point I felt an emotion of awe and humility, marveled at the greatness and complexity of the universe, and experienced a new awakening to the realization that I was Part of the wonder of life and the universe.”

After watching such a scene, Fatty's mood became much more stable. Maybe he survived the catastrophe, and he felt warm after seeing such trivial things in the world. He continued to talk about his intelligence.

Of course, these are all very subjective views and feelings. He really couldn't explain the origin of the image clearly. Given his translucent ghost form, Strangler couldn't even read his brain.

"It was a gorgeous starry sky scene. A huge nebula appeared in front of me, containing endless energy. I immediately knew that it was the origin."

"Pause, how do you know?" The orangutan took out his pipe, lit it, and took a few puffs to let the tobacco burn.

“Because I felt an inner peace and tranquility, as if I had seen my own birth, felt the harmony and balance between myself and the universe, and experienced a higher level of consciousness and existence entering my soul. "

The poor fat man's train of thought was interrupted. He reorganized his words before answering the orangutan's question.

"The feeling that Origin gives you must be multi-layered and very rich. Like Taixu and God, it is a collection of many concepts."

Leaning sideways on the bar, Deathstroke also added a question. He took a sip of wine and signaled the fat man to answer first:

"Can you feel its attitude towards you? Just like when you see a tiger, you will feel that the tiger wants to eat you; when you see a cat, you will feel that the cat is afraid of you; when you see the origin, you What is the first attitude that Sensation Origin has towards you?”

“It fills me with interest and desire.”

Mr. Kasridis, who had lost his sense of taste and had nothing to do, replied this way. After the words came out, his brows furrowed, as if he doubted why he said that:

"It sounds a little strange, but this is really my first feeling. Origin is longing for me. I don't understand why. You all know that although I am a sorcerer, I am really mediocre."

It seems that he is quite aware of it, and he also knows that the spell casters Deathstroke usually deals with are the ones he will never be able to catch up with in his entire life.

Magic is actually about inheritance and bloodline. Not many civilians can become sorcerers, let alone the top ones.

Well, Constantine can be regarded as an example of civilian success, but his path is the dark path of "one general succeeds and all bones are withered". He has sold many friends to him. Whether it is worth it depends on the opinion of different people.

"Okay, Master Prophet, what do you think?" The orangutan exhaled a puff of smoke and squinted his eyes to ask the bug in the sink.

"I stand and watch." The cockroach replied, stroking the long beard on its head with its claws: "So Fatty, let me ask you, did your physical condition suddenly become like this after seeing the origin?"

"Yes." The fat sorcerer nodded and replied. He had never seen Ezekiel use his power, but he had heard of this insect's reputation.

God's prophet is also a big shot.

"That means Origin got what it wanted from you." Cockroach gave his own judgment. He sat down on the fruit peel and crossed his legs: "Death Knell, you just need to find out what this fat man has lost." You can know what the origin desires, and therefore you can deduce its stance on humanity.”

As prey? Or use it as fuel? Or does it not matter?

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