The Death Knell

Chapter 5328 The mission is over

What the cockroach said can only be used as a reference. After all, how can humans completely listen to a bug?

Besides, Ezekiel is a 'prophet of doomsday' and has a strong ability to sense the power of crisis, but in other aspects, he is not as good as Bobo.

Su Ming heard his suggestion and tried to analyze the situation of the fat sorcerer, but as mentioned before, the fat man was in a very special state. He looked like a translucent ghost, but he was There is still some breath of life, but not much, more like a dead person.

But he is not a ghost, because he has a physical body; although he has lost his sense of taste, he can drink liquids and it does not leak from his body.

His mood is not very good, but there is no sign of being out of control or being manipulated. His intelligence may be somewhat degraded, but his basic logic is very clear and he can understand jokes.

It's a bit strange to say it.

"Let me check it for you." Su Ming activated the quantum concept and analyzed the fat man's state, but apart from confirming that the opponent contained a lot of energy, there was nothing valuable.

His form of existence is also very ethereal. In the quantum field of view, he can almost be said to not exist. It feels very much like Sandman and Cat, that is, it is just a dream.

Comparing this situation with the original state of human beings, a lot has been lost. Who knows what the origin took away as a price.

Oh, there is this saying in the magic world. The origin is the source of all forms of energy, and any magic is no exception. When a wizard can reach the origin, he will gain infinite power, become omnipotent, and understand the true meaning of the world. , become the strongest spell caster.

But power comes with a price. Anyone who looks directly at the origin will fall into madness or even die directly.

At least in the past, it has never been heard of in the magic world that anyone can come back alive after meeting the origin. The so-called theory of gaining power after meeting the origin is more like a myth or a children's story.

It's the most clichéd adventure story, where the protagonist goes through a lot of hardships and dangers and finally gets a reward.

Logically speaking, this kind of story is to tell children that efforts will be rewarded; but when they grow up, they will find that many things are unrewarded, or the rewards fall into other people's pockets.

But groups like sorcerers are the ones who care least about reality. The essence of magic is the ability to use the mind to change the material world. Many of them sneer at reality.

"Did you find anything?" The orangutan blinked, he was still a little nervous.

The matter with Prolaya was settled not long ago, and just one day passed. It seemed that Deathstroke was about to confront Origin, and Bobo was a little worried about his state.

And if Origin really becomes an enemy, one of the biggest problems will arise, that is, it will be like a dog biting a bastard with no way to bite him.

"No, I can only say that Tias's luck is really good." Su Ming turned around, lay on the bar, and drank a glass of wine: "He should have died, but someone saved his life. Soul, sent him to me and asked him to say these words, do you understand?"

"You mean?" The orangutan understood, and he glanced at the cockroach next to him.

"It's probably that person." Deathstroke raised his finger and pointed at the ceiling. It was obvious who he was referring to, but he didn't say it explicitly: "The problem now is that nothing can be found on the fat man, only the confession as a clue. , can we believe this confession?”

"I don't think so." The orangutan thought for a moment and quickly shook his head, almost throwing off his little hat: "If you act rashly, you may fall into a trap. It's better to wait. You don't have to listen to what the fat man says next, the less you know. The better.”

"I think so."

Su Ming, who was smoking a cigarette, smiled and reached out to touch Bobo's head. He knew that the orangutan detective could understand him, so he said to the fat sorcerer next to him:

"Okay, you have completed our agreement. Although I don't want to listen to the story you told, because there is definitely no practical information, but your existence form has proved some of my conjectures, which are also valuable."

"That one." The cockroach thought thoughtfully, and his movement of chewing the fruit peel also slowed down a lot.

"Ah, is that done? Thank you, Deathstroke."

The fat man who was rubbing his hands seemed to feel much more relaxed. He patted his fat belly, picked up the bowler hat placed on the table and put it on:

"Excuse me. I just saw a few friends who might be able to help me find a place to stay. I'll go talk to them. We can't live like this forever without humans or ghosts."

After saying that, he turned around and jumped off the bar stool, swaying his fat body like a penguin, and left quickly.

But he didn't go a few steps when he suddenly stopped. He turned around with a painful expression on his face, his facial features were stretched and melted like dough, and his body emitted colorful bright lights.

He seemed to want to say something, possibly asking for help, but in the next second, he disappeared like evaporation in the light.

"You thanked him too early." Su Ming said to the floor where the person was missing, shook his head, and turned his eyes back to the bar: "His mission of spreading the message has been completed, his temporary life has been taken back, and he should have died long ago."

"He was originally a dead man, but it's a pity that he didn't taste the last glass of wine." The orangutan sighed, stood up on the bar, waved his hands and shouted around: "It's okay! Let's continue drinking and eating! Nothing happened. !”

The big transformation has such a strong light and shadow effect that the orangutan is afraid of scaring away the guests. After all, there has been an arson attack in this pub before.

Fortunately, the fat man disappeared very cleanly, not even a trace of ash was left. The wizards nearby craned their necks and looked for a while, but because they found nothing, they quickly withdrew their attention.

They come here to drink and relax. There may be some people here to discuss deals or find partners, but there are no people here to meddle in other people's business.

There are superheroes in the magic world, but these superheroes tend to have relatively indifferent personalities. They can help other superheroes, such as the Seven Giants, to work together; but if no one comes to ask for help, wizards are more willing to live their own lives. .

Casting spells requires a price, and if you are nosy, you must cast spells. This is exchanging one's own life span or quality of life for the well-being of others. How many people can have such a spiritual state?

"He died like this?" Cockroach took a breath of cold air. He lay on the edge of the sink and saw this scene with difficulty: "This doesn't seem to be God's style. He doesn't like to use the dead to convey messages."

"Well, we know." The orangutan blew out a puff of smoke at the cockroach's head, and he sat back down: "So now we just understand one thing, that is, the origin does have requirements, and strictly speaking, it can even That’s good news.”

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