The Death Knell

Chapter 5329 Eat a lot of candy

One person, one gorilla, and one cockroach gathered in a circle on the bar. They were all thinking about something and did not speak.

The noisy atmosphere in the bar was still there. What happened just now was over after Bobo fooled him. The wizards who came to relax were still holding their own glasses to taste, or chatting with their friends.

However, the topics that wizards talk about are often very professional, either about magic or experiments, and occasionally there are some mysterious gossips, which are very interesting.

The smell of alcohol wafts in the air, but there are too many types of drinks. After mixing them together, there is no scent at all, only a simple pungency.

For old drunkards, this may be a delicious taste to seduce the gluttons in the stomach, but for ordinary people, it is a bit smelly.

The palm of the death knell touched the bar. There was a thick layer of grease on the thick wooden board, which was soaked by someone. There were also some burn marks not far away. That was the last time the witch fire got out of control here, and the dead The last trace left behind.

"How is it? Prophet Ezekiel, do you have anything else to say?" The mercenary dug in his pocket and took out a Bibi multi-flavor bean and placed it in front of it: "If Origin really plans to attack us, How do you think I should deal with it with the least effort?"

Holding the jelly bean with its arthropods, the cockroach took a bite of the candy. It seemed that it didn't taste anything special. Its beard trembled twice, thinking about the death knell's request.

Deathstroke didn't say anything about finding a way to win, which showed that he was still confident. He just asked for less effort, and the problem would be easier to solve.

"Why don't you try to contact Michael? If God is not here, heaven will be decided by him. If he is willing to help, the pressure on mankind will be much less."

Cockroach's mind is filled with heaven. It's not that God has tortured him thousands of times. He still loves God as much as his first love, but that he is too impressed by the power of heaven.

To put it simply, he is afraid of God, afraid of heaven, and even afraid of the archangels.

Now the death knell asked him to think of a way. This guy immediately wanted to defect to the City of Silver. He had no moral integrity at all. There was no way, this was how the Jews were.

"Michael is not good. It's not that he is weak, but that this guy is a paranoid."

Before Deathstroke could speak, Bobo spoke first. The orangutan shook his head and poured himself a drink:

"He was also known as the 'Lord of Light' a long time ago. He has to follow the rules in everything he does. He is very stubborn in doing things. He can't get out of a hole. So much so that not long ago, he was obsessed and controlled by blank space. You won't Have you forgotten the days when Angel had pink eye?”

"Yes, Bobo is right. As long as God has not officially returned and heaven and the angels are still being commanded by Michael, they are not good partners because Michael listens to God too much."

After taking a sip of wine, Deathstroke said the same thing. He raised his finger and shook it:

"Any agreement you make with him is for nothing. If God gives an order, he will immediately fall out and the agreement will be void. This is worthless. It is better to cooperate with him than to find Gabriel who has fallen into the sky. This man still has a bit of his own. Thought."

To put it simply, it’s like you want to cooperate with a certain company, but the person who comes to sign the contract is not the legal person of the other company, but the director of the security department of the other company. Do you dare to sign this contract? Do you dare to do business?

I don't know if this is a trap.

"I know you have a better relationship with Lucifer, but he is the flower of evil, Satan, the enemy, and the devil."

The cockroach obviously thought of this too. He rubbed his head and began to persuade one person and one monkey in earnest:

"Cooperating with the devil will only lead to death in the end. The Lord once said: 'Whoever believes in me will have eternal life.' There is another half of the sentence after that. What will happen to those who don't believe in him is not mentioned, but look at me Just know it.”

Ezekiel doesn't really believe in God now, but he feels that God may have intervened in this matter. If you don't let him intervene when he wants to, the narrow-minded God will probably punish you.

He himself was a tragic example, so he wanted to advise Deathstroke that if this matter was in God's plan, he might as well leave the whole matter to God.

As for Deathstroke himself, he could leave this multiverse and go on vacation, or he could find a dimension to hide in and sleep in. Anyway, when God has had enough fun, he can still gain some favor by coming back to clean up the mess.

"Your information is out of date." Su Ming waved his hand to interrupt the crazy preaching of the insect, picked up the wine glass, drank it, and asked the orangutan to refill it: "The latest news is that Elaine helped Lucifer restore his personality, and now you The Satan in his mouth has become the light of lights of the world, a six-winged seraph, the firstborn son of God blessed with thousands of glory.”


The jelly bean the cockroach was holding fell off, and his whole body trembled, as if his outlook on life had been violently overturned.

This is too outrageous. Doesn’t this mean that all the Bibles now are invalid? Lucifer has been in heaven for so many years, how can he still go back one day?

A broken mirror can be reunited, and a broken mirror can be restored. Well, some things may seem impossible, but if God arranges it, it will become possible.

"So now Lucifer is a Seraph again?" Ezekiel picked up the jelly beans and held them in his arms, as if in this crazy world, only sugar could give him a sense of security and warmth.

"Well, I've seen it with my own eyes." Bobo took a sip of wine and imitated Lucifer's way of combing his hair with his orchid fingers: "And it's even shinier."

Lucifer is beautiful, but only to humans. The one seen in the eyes of orangutans is different from the human perspective.

"Isn't he an enemy now?"

The cockroach licked the candy. The news was a bit too exciting. He wanted some sugar to help his brain function.

"No more." Su Ming smiled and blew out a puff of smoke. He clinked the cups with the orangutan: "Although Lucifer himself seemed a little reluctant, he didn't refuse God's arrangement forcefully. You know what he does People like this are very fond of 'forced love'."

To put it simply, Lucifer is somewhat hard-spoken and soft-hearted. Although he is Satan, he still has an angelic side.

Sometimes God forces him to do something, and he curses at it, but in fact he always does it and even enjoys it. It's just so awkward.

Of course, that was in the past. The current situation is that Luci is caught between the God of the past and the God of the future, and has become a rat in the bellows. Especially this time he took action to kill Prolaya, which left a mark. Confusing account.

From Su Ming's human perspective, Lucifer's killing of Proraya was certainly a good thing; but from the perspective of heaven, for which God did Lucifer do it? In whose name was something done? All are problems.

The internal politics of heaven are not an aspect that a proud man like Lucifer is good at. Think about what God did. Not long after the incident, the dog called the Voice of God came to find the death knell, right?

Comrade Chenxing is very strong, but he is not strong in every aspect. His proud and impatient character means that he cannot be good at playing politics.

"Oh, it seems that I am really old, and the world is getting more and more crazy." The cockroach picked up the jelly beans, turned and walked towards the sink. His little back looked so lonely under the light: "I can't help it anymore I’ve given you some advice, now it’s time to go back to the dustbin of the old days.”

"Don't worry, you are the prophet of doomsday. Let's predict the earth first. Will it be in danger of annihilation next?" Su Ming grabbed one of the cockroach's hind legs, held the insect in place, and slid on the bar panel. .

The cockroach turned around, pulled his hind legs, and rolled his eyes in a very humane manner:

"There has been doomsday every day since a thousand years ago. Otherwise, how do you think I got my name? I am too lazy to look at those dark futures."

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