The Death Knell

Chapter 5331 Dark Worries

Batman dodged the clown's attack in a flash, grabbed the stone beast's long neck and jumped like a horizontal bar, then flexibly rolled back to the rooftop and landed firmly on the ground.

He glanced at the purple figure who fell with funny movements, and did not pursue him. Instead, he folded his arms and said coldly:

"You escaped from prison again."

Strictly speaking, it's not a prison break. Arkham Sanatorium is not a prison. It is a closed sanatorium used to treat high-risk mental patients.

The primary identity of the people locked inside is the patient, and this must be clearly distinguished.

To put it simply, criminals with sane minds have no chance of entering Arkham to learn and gain enlightenment. The admission criteria must at least be that of a perverted murderer with dozens of lives on his hands.

"Well, I know that escaping from prison is not a good boy, hee hee, but who said there was a power outage in Gotham before? The door of my cell opened by itself. Seriously, I kid you not, so I wandered out and no one stopped me. Look at me, I thought this might be God’s arrangement, so I thought about it, I want to play another game with you, hahahahaha!”

The squirming clown on the ground turned over. Under the drizzle, his white face looked even more moist, but his crazy laughter seemed to never change.

"I'm not in the mood to play with you today, so I'll take you back."

The Dark Knight is ready to take action. If the Joker has just escaped from prison, then he must not be ready for the game and it will be boring to play.

"Hey, don't worry." The clown jumped up from the ground, took a few steps back, and kept shaking his hands: "You said you are not in the mood today, what happened? Why don't you tell me, hehe, You know, I am your other side, telling you sad things makes me happy, hahahahaha."

In the drizzle, Batman stopped and his hands that were clenched into fists loosened.

He thought for a moment and said:

"Perhaps soon, I will encounter an enemy that I cannot handle, and I am not sure about protecting Gotham."

"Ah, that's it, haha!"

The clown shook his head, walking back and forth in place, the rain making his green hair stick to his scalp. Suddenly his tone became fierce, and he opened his eyes wide and asked:

"When did you have the illusion that Gotham needs your protection?! With or without you, it's here! It's always been there!"

"Don't talk nonsense, tell me what you think." Batman showed no emotion, he just urged coldly.

"In this world, the differences between people cannot be bridged. I know what you are thinking, Batman." The clown stuck out his tongue, and he laughed after performing the action of licking the tip of his pen: "Haha Haha, you are scared, you are scared, you don’t want to die, why? Why do you think you can’t die?”

"Because I'm Batman." The Dark Knight gave the universal answer.

"I'm Batman, I'm Bat. Hee Hee Man!"

After hearing this answer, the clown curled his lips and imitated Batman's speech in a pretentious manner, looking like a sissy, but immediately became serious again and switched personalities:

"You can't fool yourself, nor can you fool me. My dear, I already understand what you mean. You think your enemy will attack me, right? Haha, you are afraid of losing me, I know it, I know it !hahahahahahahahahahaha"

The madman was so happy that he rolled on the ground laughing. His purple suit was soaked by the rain and turned into a color as deep as blood.

"." Batman said nothing, because that's what he really thought.

There is no need to worry about the Hand of Creation and the Court of Origin. They have backup plans, but as for the Origin itself, it can almost tamper with anyone's origin story, and it also has the ability to time, which makes it impossible to guard against.

Batman is not worried about his past, but without the Joker, he is not sure he would be where he is today.

As the madman used to say, they made each other successful.

If someone wants to deal with Batman, and after careful study, they will find that Batman's weakness has never been the butler or the members of the Bat Family, but the Joker who falls in love with and kills him.

Without Batman, the Joker will return to society and become an ordinary office worker.

And without the Joker, what would Batman become?

It could be the Laughing Bat, it could be Bruce Wayne, it could even be Match Malone, or anything.

There are indeed many possibilities, but without the Joker, Batman loses a lot of the meaning of its existence.

For a story, this is fatal.

"Hoo, ho, you're really going to make me laugh to death, you bad bat." The clown laughed for a long time before he got up with great difficulty. He held on to the guardrail at the edge of the rooftop and put his head on the cold metal. : "But you still impress me. Next time I play the game, I will kill a few more people to repay you, hahahaha!"

"." Batman saw that the Joker was not afraid of death at all. He was hinting that Batman was using him as bait.

But the Dark Knight wouldn't agree to something this outrageous.

"Okay, don't be so serious, just smile."

The clown came closer, raised the corners of his mouth with both hands, and made a face:

"I will not die that easily, because as long as the world still needs madness and chaos, there is still injustice in society, and there are still selfish desires in people's hearts, then I will live forever. Everyone can be a clown. Clown is a spirit. Every one of you too, haha!”

"I see."

Batman reached out and grabbed the Joker, pushed him down on the concrete floor of Paradise, skillfully cut off his hands behind his back, and tied his hands with bat wire:

"I'll take you back to Arkham first, and I'll handle the rest."

"Oh, it hurts so much. My arm is about to fall off. You are so rough." The clown complained that he was too violent, but as he spoke, he laughed again: "Haha, but are you sure you caught me? ? Bat, the night is still long, our game has just begun, hahaha!"

After saying that, the Joker, who was pressed by Batman, suddenly kicked his legs, rolled his eyes and died, and green smoke came out of his mouth, which was laughing gas.

The very agile Batman immediately lifted up his cape to cover his face, quickly backed away, and used his cape to fan the air, hoping to disperse the smoke as quickly as possible.

The formula of Joker's laughing gas is different every time. If you get poisoned, it will always be a problem.

After a while, the strong wind and rain on the tall building dispersed the green smoke. Batman approached the body, squatted down and reached out to touch the other person's face.

This guy who looks like a clown is actually a fake. The white paint on his face falls off as soon as it is wiped off. The clown's voice came from the micro-speaker hidden behind the opponent's bow tie.

This madman was just playing a double act. Batman only caught this one person on the surface, which led to his suicide. The real clown might be hiding somewhere nearby to watch the fun.

Just like what he said, the game has just begun, but this familiar feeling still makes Batman feel much better.

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