The Death Knell

Chapter 5332 Question and Answer

After parting ways with Detective Orangutan, Deathstroke has returned to the Marvel Universe, but instead of returning to Earth, he has arrived at the TVA headquarters at the beginning of time.

It's still the same here, with splendid looks everywhere. Agents in black are busy, cooperating with some of the staff who were left here, dealing with some small things on the timeline, and taking care of the unlucky time-travelers who were caught. .

Surrounding the huge octahedral buildings, there are many statues of death knells floating as landmarks in the waterway. The one holding a sword on the left and a book on the right and the standing trinity in the middle are illuminated by the first light of the universe. The golden light is solemn and solemn, it really looks like that.

Of course, publicity is propaganda, and Su Ming does not want his subordinates to engage in any kind of personality worship, because it is unnecessary and he does not play with faith.

"Knell, Knell, save me."

While walking through the hall, Su Ming took some infinity gems from the drawer at the service desk for Cloak to play with, when he heard someone in the business waiting area behind him calling him softly.

Turning around, he saw that it was Loki as expected. This guy came out of someone who didn't know which timeline he came from. He was dressed in a suit and leather shoes and looked like a human. He had a hypocritical smile on his face and his little hands were shaking constantly.

"Huh? Didn't I tell you not to mess around with the timeline? That's my territory."

Su Ming walked over, picked up the report from the staff responsible for receiving Loki, and glanced down:

"Your crime is trying to run for president of the United States? Tampering with the timeline. It's funny, right? You don't know that guy is the bionic man I arranged?"

"What? I don't know." I don't know when Loki's different-time homotopic split apart. He looked confused at this time: "I like Midgard very much, and I also like humans. I no longer want to be the king of Asgard, but want to be the president of the United States. Is this wrong?"

"It's a bit complicated to say. You just need to know that your own actions are not in line with your original destiny in the main time stream."

Su Ming dropped the document in his hand, nodded to the employee and told him to handle the matter by himself, and then raised his finger at the god in orange prison uniform, gesturing for him to follow:

"At this point in time, you have turned into a beautiful woman with a curvy front and back, and you are thinking about how to make the world tree grow up quickly."

"Has Ragnarok already happened?"

Loki hurriedly followed up with his acquaintance and asked his question. Obviously, he didn't know. Although he was very good at deception, sometimes the emotions in his eyes were hard to hide.

He guessed why the World Tree was destroyed, so he naturally asked about Ragnarok.

As for turning into a woman, he didn't care. The ever-changing god of deception had a habit of pretending to be a woman before.

"Well, it seems that the time when the timeline split caused you to appear earlier." Su Ming came to an office, pointed to the open space in the center of the room, and motioned to Loki to stand there: "But don't worry, I have already Help Asgard end its fate of endless reincarnation."

"I don't care what Asgard is like." Loki said stiffly. He looked at the surrounding room decorations. The red walls made him feel strange: "So this is your territory?"

"Yes, even though the timeline should have been controlled by the Supreme Mage, Conqueror Kangfei wanted to make a TVA to give it to me, so I had no choice but to accept it disrespectfully."

Deathstroke pressed a few buttons on the desktop, and some high-tech equipment popped up in the room, like an X-ray scanner:

"But you don't have to worry about this. You should not have existed. I will help you return to normal now."

"Hey, wait." Loki stretched out his hands with forbidden magic handcuffs. He had a question: "At the current time point in the main dimension, how is Thor? My stupid brother is not dead, right?"

"He's not dead, he's living a very nourishing life." Su Ming thought for a while, and thought it was probably nourishing. Anyway, the God of Thunder is stupid and doesn't seem to have any worries all day long.

As long as he has wine to drink and TV programs to watch every day, he is very happy. It can be described as a very simple life.

"That's good. It sounds like I won't survive, but it doesn't matter. I should be a time slice, right? As long as the main body is still alive." Loki smiled. He didn't have any questions. He just pointed at the equipment in front of him: " Is this thing painless?”


Su Ming pressed the button, and the Loki who should not have appeared was erased from the time stream on the spot. The action of correcting the timeline was like using the law of cause and effect, but he still followed his past habit and talked coldly to the place where Loki disappeared. joke:

"If you can come back, you can tell me how you feel about using it."

Well, another independent entity in time has been erased. Today is really a calm day.

After moving his neck a little, Deathstroke sauntered out of the office, returned to the corridor, and walked to his room on the soft and beautiful carpet.

As the new owner of TVA, Deathstroke of course has a room here, the luxurious king-size bed room with projection equipment that he stole from Kang.

What's special about it? That's not true, it's just a temporary place to stay.

The employees along the way bowed to him and said hello, and he responded with a smile. He was very satisfied with the prosperous scene here.

With the collective efforts of many TVA staff members, Karma Taj's work has been eased a lot. In other words, his job as the Supreme Mage has become a lot easier. He does not need to appear every time there is a problem in the timeline to solve it, at least trivial matters. No need to do it yourself.

The number of time-travelers seems to have increased recently, but those who would have entered 40K were captured by TVA, their memories were modified, and they were thrown to Earth 40K-1 to play with zombies.

People who want to become superheroes in Marvel find that they have entered the super enhanced PLUS version of The Walking Dead. I wonder if they are surprised or surprised?

Passing through the hall with numerous desks and the busy salesmen, Deathstroke arrived at the other end of the square, walked into the room and locked the door.

He sat on the sofa and let Strangler spit out the small translucent cube. Looking at the seemingly empty space in it, he lit a cigarette:

"Tell me, why does Prolaya put so many universes here and carry them with him?"

"Hey." Knowing that a new round of self-questioning and answering had begun, Strangler shouted. Xiao Douya meant that maybe the goddess was planning to use these worlds as a big bomb.

Each single universe contains a lot of energy, and when they are put together, it is equivalent to a large multiverse in the host's hand, composed of at least 30,000 single universes.

If this energy is released at once, it may have some unexpected effects.

"That makes sense. It's not necessarily used as a bomb. It could also be a battery on a huge machine." Su Ming played with the cube in his hand. It was about the same size as a sugar cube and felt even more light. "Maybe Prolaya Do you no longer want to be a god, but a pilot?"


The symbiote said that if this was the case, then the goddess of nothingness would be really idle, if she had eggs.

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