The Death Knell

Chapter 5333 Just in case list

"There are countless creatures in these universes, and they are now celebrating that they have left prison."

Looking at the blank space in the middle of the cube in his hand, Deathstroke seemed to be able to see things that others could not see. His tone was a little emotional:

"I don't know if one day they find that they have just entered a bigger cage, will they go crazy because of it?"


Strangler said no, because everyone is in a cage, the only difference is whether they can realize it or not. Now the host thinks so too, right? The so-called fourth wall may be another kind of cage.

"I changed my mind and won't let these universes out for the time being." Su Ming placed the small cube on the table, like an extra small crystal ornament: "Originally, I thought 40K multi-dimensional space was a bit empty. Only these few Since I have a single universe, I want to get some friends for them to decorate it, but now that I think about it, it doesn’t seem appropriate.”


It's really inappropriate, because the world in these cubes, I don't know where Prolaya came from, they have different backgrounds, different power attributes, and different stories.

If you have to force it into Marvel's system, some parts may cause big problems.

By then, the humans living in those worlds, at least the creatures that look similar to the hosts and are called humans, may die on a large scale. The hosts are not world-destroying lunatics, so there is no benefit in this matter.

To give a simple example, this is like going to the market to buy a new ornamental fish. After returning home, you cannot immediately put it in the fish tank and mix it with the fish at home. Instead, you need to adapt to the water first.

What if any fish is sick? Wouldn't that infect the original fish?

Let them dry here for a while, introduce the original breath and light of the Marvel Universe into them, and let them adapt.

"That makes sense." After praising Strangler and praising himself at the same time, Su Ming smiled and lay down on the sofa, stretching: "Let me see what Minty is doing."

The little girl had nothing to do but was cleaning up her secret base. Full of motivation, she was trying out new superpowers while waiting to recruit people for her Justice League.

She was originally a cynical little girl, especially after Big Daddy died, but now she seems to be a little more lively.

Maybe when no one is looking at her, she will show various behaviors that are suitable for her age level, which is quite interesting.

"Ugh." Strangler expressed its opinion. It felt that Mindy could become a female warrior like Diana in the future, and would do better because her thoughts were dark enough.

"Then I don't care. In the future, I will occasionally send a bionic person like me to provide her with some help or teach her something. Time will give us the results."

Su Ming closed his eyes. The sofa here was so comfortable. Kang the Conqueror really knew how to enjoy it.

"Huh?" Strangler Bean Sprout nodded, and asked its host if he wanted to see a few more different worlds.

"Keep reading. I have taken over so many universes. I don't want to go in and take a walk around each one. I should at least take a quick look at them to see if there is anything we can use or anything you haven't eaten before." Su Ming didn't need to open his eyes, the eyes that strangled him were his eyes.

"Ouch!" When the new variety of food was mentioned, the symbiote became happy, saying that it loved the host the most.

So in TVA, the fortress of time, the man began to work after the war. His eyes scanned a universe that no one could see, and he recorded or adjusted some things in it.

Maybe for people living in these worlds, this is what the gods did, but for Deathstroke, it's just a few pulls of his own loot.

"What are you doing?"

Brainiac, who had just recovered his energy, saw his bald human friend writing furiously. Yes, he was using the most primitive and backward means to record something with ink and paper.

"I'm just in case." Luther replied without looking up, writing names and codenames one by one on the paper, and said with a crooked smile: "Do you feel it? There was a problem with our memory not long ago. "

"No, I was shut down at the time." Brainiac shook his head. Although he always wanted to become a human, he was still a machine after all.

Not everyone is as lucky as Cyborg for Deathstroke to be willing to perform transformation surgery, not to mention that Brainiac is an alien and is not even an eighteenth-class citizen to Deathstroke.

"In short, you only need to know one thing. Every day, I will digitize and package the memories I know and upload them to the artificial satellite, and then synchronize and compare them the next day."

Luther continued writing. He returned to the Fortress of Doom in a good mood, and he didn't mind showing off his skills to his alien teammates.

"Reasonable. This can prevent you from being hypnotized or modifying your memory." The green-faced robot nodded. This is indeed a good idea. Bald Luther is still smart.

"Yes, but power outages are still a problem, so in addition to backing up the data stored in the satellite, I have also decided to use a backward and primitive method to archive it."

As the bald man said this, he brought a new piece of paper over and continued to write furiously. This was the fiftieth piece of paper he had filled up, and he seemed to be doing this all day long.

Things that are too advanced will disappear as technology regresses, so it is safer to use pen and paper.

"Who are these people?" the alien robot asked.

"All the people with super powers I know, including superheroes and super villains." Lex smiled scornfully, as if to say that you can't understand even if you look at it, you are really a stick.

But Brainiac is not a stick, he is one of the smartest people in the universe in terms of intelligence.

"So this is a list. Once you find that you seem to have forgotten the existence of someone, you can use it to compare?" The alien thought of the answer to this question, but also raised a new question: "Then what are you going to do? How to keep it?"

The question is, what if Luther suffers from amnesia and forgets where he put the paper?

"Simple, I give these papers, the list I made myself, to my new friend." Luther smiled, put away his pen, stood up straight, picked up the papers beside him, sorted them out, and walked towards the experiment. room.

The automatic door opened silently, revealing test items placed on a test bench with countless wires and machines connected to it.

It was an object with a weird appearance that should not exist in reality, a shining cubehedron.

"One time Deathstroke and I went on an errand, and I picked up this thing. I found that through it, I could do some unrealistic and crazy things. I'm pretty sure that even if the world forgets someone, the person behind it will still be there. I won’t forget it, I’m sure of it.”

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