The Death Knell

Chapter 5335 Different tactics

Snap, a left hook, snap, a right kick, jump up and float in the air and shoot in a 360-degree circle with his heat vision. Superboy killed everyone in the lizard-man community.

Lizardmen are actually the human genome mixed with some ancient lizard genes. They are a by-product of Casillas's biological experiments in the Antarctic Sanctuary for so many years.

Except for their super reproductive capacity and appetite, and the scales on their skin that can slightly increase their defense, they are similar to humans in all aspects, except that they are slightly stronger.

Originally, this kind of thing should not be put into the battlefield. After all, if the people eaten by them are used to breed zombies, they will definitely evolve special infected people. Even if one of ten thousand people has special infection, it will be profitable.

But Deathstroke picked out the Lizard Man plan from the trash heap in the laboratory, originally planning to use it for fun and pretend to be an alien creature.

On many earths, there are rumors that lizards have infiltrated the top levels of human governments, that humans have been secretly enslaved, and that the president of the United States is actually a lizard. Topics such as these are very popular on the Internet.

The evil-minded Su Ming planned to play this joke. What if there was a chance to make this joke with Steve or Nick Fury?

But that plan didn't work. Instead, in today's holy vat war, lizardmen were assigned to Ah San as their close companions and comrades-in-arms.

Judging from the results, these immature biological weapons are quite effective. They can use thermal weapons, have natural control over ordnance, and can even control tanks and fighter jets.

This may be a kind of orc instinct, which is the embodiment of my power of thinking.

They may not be able to deal with the armies of some superpowers, but they are more than enough to deal with Asanma.

Anyway, this is the result. The Asan Kingdom is now basically destroyed, and only those masters who have done the same thing are still lingering on. The death knell's tactical purpose has been achieved.

Although there may be less fun in the future Origin Earth without Ah San in the world, it is not a big problem. Superboy is not the kind of person who likes to have fun. Without Ah San, it will be cleaner.

However, Superboy was having a lively fight, and Deadpool, who was picking his nose and watching the show in the basement, kept complaining about his poor choice of tactics.

"Who knows, my family, it's too stupid. This little Clark doesn't know how to fight at all. His moves are nothing new and are just the same as Superman. How can he gain popularity like this?"

At this time, Deadpool was dressed like a French artist, wearing a black octagonal hat with a red pom-pom on his head, a sea soul shirt on his upper body, and overalls on his lower body. He didn’t know where he got it from. of these things.

In addition, he also holds a drawing board in his hand, and there is a canvas on the easel in front of him. He is creating art, commonly known as blind gilding.


The non-existent audience seemed to say something to him, but outsiders could not hear the sound. Only Deadpool himself could see the so-called barrage in his rotting brain.

"What? You said that Superboy should use cold breathing to blow into the lizard-man army, because these reptiles are cold-blooded animals and will lose their physical activity in low temperature environments?"

The pair of white eyepieces on the mask expanded, and Deadpool looked very surprised. He pulled out the fingers from his nostrils and tossed aside a long strand of bloody snot:

"Have you seen too much of Slade's tactics? Everyone on earth knows that lizards are cold-blooded animals and have no resistance to cold, but this is too uncreative. If Superboy uses such tactics, the most I can do is Give him a passing grade because he has no dreams and does not understand the true meaning of our competition between the strongest and the miserable king."

The Holy Vat War is essentially a play. They keep fighting and killing on the stage. What will happen even if they are considered to be the most powerful people?

The audience does not care about who is the best fighter on the stage or who has the best kung fu, but they will remember whose scene is the most interesting, which character's setting is the most interesting, and which actor is the most handsome or beautiful.

The character must be outstanding, including appearance, personality, acting skills, capital investment, and behind-the-scenes control. These factors are all indispensable. This is the source of popularity. Sometimes a little more luck is needed.

In other aspects, Deadpool may not know as much as his cousin Deathstroke, but when it comes to how to attract popularity, Wade has to start playing the accordion, because no one knows popularity better than him.

Killing the lizardmen is a piece of cake. Anyone with a gun can at least kill one for one. What Superboy is thinking about now is not how to kill all the lizardmen quickly, but to kill in style, to be exciting, to kill in the show. The effect comes.

Even if this crushing slaughter was captured by a drone, it would not look good when it is broadcast in the future.

"." The audience seemed to say something.

"Yes, I do have a good idea. Haha, look, Superboy has super speed, super strength, and a body of steel. What will these remind my family of?"

Deadpool smiled crookedly. He temporarily put down his drawing board and pen, went to the pile of snacks on the side, picked out the remaining food, and waited for the gift while waiting for the gift.

I don’t know if a family member really bought the gift. After Deadpool ate half a piece of chocolate, he made a show of affection:

"Thank you, I am the big plane with super long hair of Deadpool, thank you for the hair; thank you, I want to suck the skyscraper with cavities in Lucifer's mouth, thank you for the cavities. Oh? This is the first time I see Lucifer's fans in my live broadcast room Ah. Actually, I think if you have a chance, you can make this request to him, and he will most likely agree, because he loves humans. You just need to prepare your own lubricant and hemorrhoid cream, quack!"

"." The number of barrages that didn't exist in his mind suddenly increased, the number of small gifts also increased, and Deadpool's smile became even bigger.

"Okay, no need to push, I won't put on airs, I'll tell you the answer."

The generous Wade picked up the drawing board again and drew out his thoughts while explaining:

"The tactics that Superboy should use now is to take advantage of his body and superpowers, use Konoha's secret ninjutsu Millennium Kill, 'explode' these lizardmen one by one on the spot, and then capture some alive and force them to become Cows, and then slurping down their lizard milk, doesn’t the new script look more interesting? More impressive?”

Super strength is used to blast the enemy; super speed is used to make it difficult for the enemy to defend; and the body of steel ensures that your fingers will not wear out even after being stabbed hundreds of millions of times at high speed.

Perfect idea, Superboy-Prime really fits this tactic perfectly.

It's a pity that he wanted to paint the scene he was talking about, but his painting was blocked by a mosaic floating from nowhere. It was the thickest and most elaborate type of coding.

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