The Death Knell

Chapter 5336 Emergency Situation

Wade thought very well. He even incorporated the personality characteristics of the people of the motherland who love to drink milk. He was about to order the program to be conveyed to Superboy, but a barrage in his mind stopped him.

After a while, after being explained by the audience veterans, he realized that lizards are reptiles, not mammals, and do not produce milk at all. Deadpool fell into an embarrassment that might have been regarded as a 'hopeless illiterate' by others. situation.

But who is he? He didn't even want to show his face, so how could he be embarrassed?

So that emotion probably only lasted a few tenths of a millisecond before disappearing without a trace. Wade spat aside disdainfully:

"As expected, lizard people are still worse than upright cows. They don't even have the function of producing milk. They are waste and scum. They shouldn't come to HEB Province! Suck it!"

Because he forgot to lift the mask when spitting, he could only suck back the sticky phlegm sliding in the mask and swallow it into his stomach.

Not to mention, it's quite smooth, just like the plumeria blossoms in glutinous rice soup, very soothing to the throat.

After scratching his butt a few times as if nothing was wrong, Deadpool waved his hand and told the program to cancel the tactical guidance this time. If Superboy is willing to kill like this, then let's do it. It's a pity that his perfect tactics are all to blame on these lizard men. Why don't they produce milk?

No, Casillas should be blamed. The lizardmen were the creations of genetic chimerism experiments. Why didn't he add the function of producing milk to them in the first place?

Judging from the reproductive capabilities of these things, if they can produce milk, then it would be good to set up a lizard farm in the future. Maybe in the future, Deadpool will take care of all the milk needs of humans in the universe.

No, Casillas belongs to his cousin. He also needs to apply for approval and pass the adjutant review to do things. Slade did not give him an order to study milk-producing lizards, so he will definitely not do anything in this area.

So it was my cousin who was at fault?

Thinking of this, Deadpool quickly shook his head. Slade couldn't be wrong, because his cousin always made his hands slip, and he always threatened to cut himself into pieces and throw them into the septic tank to seal them. He also had a lot of Dark backup plan, so even if he is wrong, it is not wrong for himself.

Then it is the world that is wrong!

Alas, the world is wrong, so there is nothing we can do about it, just treat this matter as a thing of the past.

After thinking about it clearly, the outline of Wade's expression under the mask also became more relaxed. He continued his painting work and began to draw the scene of lizard people being fingered and exploding on the spot, thus revealing a lewd smile.

"After the Supreme Motherland kills these masters of Asan, the fighting in other areas should also increase in intensity." He rubbed a few strokes on the oil painting, and the mosaic became more vivid: "Procedures, these are from Can you guys upgrade it? The current maximum power output can only knock down a few buildings, which is not enough."

"There is no corresponding permission." The program's mechanical voice replied.

Of course, remote upgrades are possible. You only need to inject energy into the android from a distance, and then replace it with better bioprocessors and body parts. The android can also be regarded as a special kind of robot, which can be used like building blocks. If they are assembled, the theory that bricks will fly if they are so powerful also works on them.

But the corresponding upgrade permissions are impossible to open to Deadpool. It's easy for him to say, but don't you know that energy is a cost?

Now it's enough to make the fight lively and beautiful, and don't really bring an apocalypse to Origin Earth. After all, this is Superboy's hometown, and he definitely doesn't want it to become too dilapidated.

Wade lacks a sense of margin. He doesn't do things lightly or seriously, it all depends on his mood.

"Tch, okay, then we will arrange for two more electronic crickets to go to Yellowstone Park to see if they can cause volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. The smell of the doomsday crisis is not strong enough now. We will try to get it done within a week. I think I've been resting well these past few days. After work is over, I can go home and have a fight with my wife. Yes, plus death, plus those hundreds of maids, and some toys."

As if he thought of something, a patch of moisture appeared at the corner of his mask's mouth, which showed that he had healed his sore back and forgot about the pain.

However, this split program is not as intelligent as the adjutant. It will only execute the order after receiving it. It quickly mobilizes the corresponding followers and rushes to Yellowstone Volcano Park with their respective masters.

As for the excuse for not being too lazy to get a new one, the servant said that he sensed the presence of a strong person in that direction, his destined enemy.

These Masters who participated in the Holy Vat War were not magicians. They were just civilians. They didn't know anything about induction and rivalry. Even if they didn't want to go, didn't they still want to win the game?

Having the opportunity to make a wish on God's bathtub is a big fat piece of meat, and no normal person would miss such an opportunity.

It's okay to say that I haven't become a Master, but I have obtained the ticket to the war. I have done all the things of killing people and setting fires in the past few days, and now I want to turn back? There is no chance, there is only one way to the end.

Originally, things were going to develop like this, and a week's plan was made. Today is only the fourth day, and there are still two days of scenes that have not been staged. The relationship between Superboy and his girlfriend has not yet had time to take a further step, and the woman has not obtained enough information. , and even more so, he has not determined to become the President of the United States.

All these things need to be arranged by Deathstroke himself, mainly because even the adjutant's body is not online now, and she is still playing with her sisters in the game place.

But things changed at this moment. Wade was about to add a few strokes to his painting to depict the scene of Superboy pulling out the lizard man's head and spine, when an alarm suddenly sounded in the basement and his hand Shaked.

With a stabbing sound, the pen barrel directly pierced the canvas, and the bitch's brows suddenly furrowed.

"What's going on? Your alarm sound is too harsh, isn't it? Can't you change it to a dynamic golden song? It's the song that Star-Lord often dances to. When encountering a crisis situation in the future, you can play that song to remind me to catch me. I knew it was time to ask my cousin for help."

He kept talking nonsense, but Wade still kicked the flower stand away and looked at the projection window that popped up in front of him.

It turned out that in the orbit of Mars not far from the original Earth, a tall and thin figure wearing a white robe suddenly appeared. He was observing the Earth, and seemed to be thinking of something.

After the AI ​​program's monitoring equipment discovered him, it compared it with the database and determined that he was a member of the 'Hand of Creation', but his specific name and ability were unknown.

According to the setting, when the Hand of Creation is discovered, a red alert will be sounded, ready for all-out war, at least to counter their attempts to restart the universe.

"Hand of Creation, dressed like a Mormon, hey, don't you know what these guys are, conceptual entities? Forget it, program, you'd better contact your cousin quickly and ask him to come back and take a look. I can’t cover it up a bit.”

Deadpool didn't panic at all, he just lifted his pants and let the split program shake him.

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