The Death Knell

Chapter 5337 White-robed Giant

In fact, Wade didn't need to notify him. As soon as the red alert was triggered, the deputy took over and contacted the police chief.

When it happened, Deathstroke was hunting, or experiencing the joy of primitive hunting.

In the many worlds he took over, there were no weapons with powerful destructive power, no mineral deposits containing super energy, and there were not even a few people who cared about him.

Although there are several worlds, Su Ming can name them, recognize the protagonists in them, and know what stage their stories have progressed to, but there is little point in contacting them now, so it is better to let everything take its course.

But it cannot be said that there are no good things in these universes. At least there are many creatures that have not been eaten before.

So in the past few days, he has been traveling through different single worlds, collecting things that Strangler wants to eat. After all, the symbiote and the host are one, and strengthening it is to strengthen himself.

Even if you can only extract a little bit of useful ability, it will be useful. Maybe accumulating countless small advantages will lead to qualitative changes?

Of course, it's not that easy. After eating tens of thousands of new creatures, Strangler only gained better camouflage capabilities. The other creatures were too low-level. He just tasted them and did not acquire any useful genes.

Now on an unknown earth, Deathstroke is racing with an animal that looks like a tire on the African savannah. He does not use the ability to strangle, but relies on his own physical fitness to play with the opponent. He is the kind of animal that I can chase after. You, it’s a game of strangulation and hey hey.

It's so strange, how could the natural world on this earth evolve tire-shaped creatures? The spherical shape is understandable, but the tire is circular.

But I have to say that on terrain like the African plains, the tire-shaped creature is really advantageous. It rolls very fast. But Su Ming is here to play after all. He wants to experience the hunting of the African natives. The feeling was so great that I was not in a hurry, I just fell behind the prey and followed it calmly.

It's not to instill fear into this strange animal, but to warm it up, which may make it taste better when strangled.

But the hunt was not completed. When the alarm sounded, the adjutant's voice appeared in his mind, informing him that something had happened on the Origin Earth.

The speed of neural communication was very fast. In the blink of an eye, he already knew the ins and outs of the matter, and in the next second he was teleported back to the universe where the original earth was, directly blocking the weird man in white robes in the orbit of Mars.

He is really a weirdo. The Hand of Creation is dressed very much like an Arab. He also wears a weird 'fart curtain' on his head, which covers his face and only exposes a pair of eyes with yellow light, like two A big light bulb.

He is about fifteen meters tall, and his typical feature is that his arms are extremely long, disproportionately long, reaching the point where Uncle Liu Huang's arms reach his knees.

The white robe covered his slightly stooped figure, and it could only be seen that he was not strong, like a thin bamboo pole, but he gave off a unique aura that was difficult to describe.

He does not seem to exist in the current dimension, and what is in front of him is like a floating projection, but he does exist, and he has noticed the original earth.

"It actually came to my door. Haha, do you have something to say?"

Su Ming didn't take action directly, nor did he launch backstabs or jump chops as usual. If it was a one-on-one fight, he didn't need to use those tactics, so the Supreme Mage just faced the hand of creation and looked at the opponent's light bulb eyes to ask questions.

"You're going down the wrong path, Deathstroke."

The one with the hand of creation answered. He put his hands behind his back. From the sound of his voice, if he had a gender, he would most likely be a male. He also spoke very rudely:

"Forging the world with the power of dark metal and crisis is a big mistake. Perpetua's mistakes must be corrected. You can retreat now before it's too late."

Here we are, it turns out that Perpetua's mistake is still the reason. The goal of the Hand of Creation is still Diversity 1, and it wants to get rid of it quickly.

Very rigid, very dogmatic. Is this the hand of creation or the hand of reproduction?

They themselves have little creativity. When shaping the multiverse in the past, they mostly copied the answers from the first existing multiverse, without any innovative spirit at all.

As for the innovative ones, they labeled them as heretics, and that was Perpetua, the traitor in their mouth.

"Oh? Are you trying to scare me?"

In the vacuum of the universe, a lightsaber popped out of Deathstroke's palm, and he held it tightly:

"I don't know your name, and I don't care about it, but do you know that God doesn't dare to talk to me like this, so who are you? Get out of my multiverse and shut up from now on, I can Let you live."

Su Ming is not afraid of tough stuff at all. The guy in front of him does not feel weak, but he is far not as strong as Proraya. If you insist on it, this white-robed creature is only stronger than that bitch Perpetua. Points are limited.

A few months ago, I was able to deal with that crazy woman, and now I can also deal with this guy. It just requires some thinking.

"We have no intention of being your enemy, Deathstroke, we are just stating a fact."

The man in white robe spread out his hands, his long arms were like flagpoles, and his wide white sleeves hung down like two flags:

"We can even give you a promise that after we destroy this filthy multiverse, we will try our best to create a better and more beautiful multiverse and hand it over to you to take care of it. How about it?"

This suggestion sounds really sincere. If someone else hears it, maybe they will be happy.

But what Su Ming hates the most are the words 'care' and 'management'. Don't forget that he was a security guard in his previous life, and he will never work as a security guard for any owner again.

Also, this unknown creative hand is so rude. Doesn't he know that when asking for help, you have to kneel down, expose your breasts, and say "please"?

What should I entrust you to look after and take care of that should not be entrusted to him? If Su Ming likes something, he will grab it himself.

Moreover, he only likes the current dark and dirty multiverse, and does not want the featureless multiverse that looks like assembly line production.

The Hand of Creation shaped all DC multiverses except Multiverse 1, but they have no reputation at all, and no other multiverse is more famous than Multiverse 1.

Why? It's because everything they created is a piece of shit. Even their most successful work, Diversity 2, has now become the trophy and seedbed of the Hand of the Void, entering the path of corruption and endless proliferation of madness.

"No, I don't accept your proposal. I am very satisfied with the current multiverse. If you dare to touch it, I will kill your whole family. You don't seem to be any better than Perpetua."

Deathstroke made a show of swordsmanship, and he was ready to chop him into pieces.

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