The Death Knell

Chapter 5339 No taste

Is the Hand of Creation as evil-minded as Deathstroke said, using dark conspiracies to drive the rebellious Perpetua to conduct experiments?

It is probably impossible to find out the truth about this kind of old almanac matter, not to mention that one of the parties has died now, and there is no such thing in her memory.

The Mother of Diversity was beaten to death by the Thinking Superman, but her body was strangled and eaten, from which a lot of advanced technology and some memories of the past were obtained.

Her memory contains a new method of creating a multiverse, which is to use X metal plus the power of crisis, and then forge it with force and fire.

But if she remembers correctly, she discovered this method on her own and was not deliberately leaked to her by her colleagues. She also launched a rebellion because she wanted to take this path.

But Su Ming still expressed his guess and further tested the other party to see how the white-robed giant would react.

This thin and stooped body did not tremble at all, as if what Deathstroke said was not accusing them at all. Of course, there would be no response to the hypothesis he put forward.

"You are wrong, human, very wrong. This multiverse must be destroyed. It must be remade, using our right methods."

The hand of creation just said this, and he seemed to have only one purpose.

But with this sentence, Su Ming finally confirmed his guess. Everything had the answer, and inspiration flashed through his mind like lightning.

"You have been hinting me to kill you quickly, and what you said has been irritating me, just like I have been testing you with words. Then combined with other manifestations, if you are not here to fight, but to die, Then it makes sense.”

Deathstroke sees through the truth, looking past the surface of language to see some of the truth behind it.

Perpetua originally wanted to create an army of Martian-human hybrids through experiments in the multiverse he created to deal with the Tribunal of Origins.

It can be seen from this that she did not think about dealing with her former colleagues, that is, the Hands of Creation, but pointed the finger directly at the Tribunal of Origin, as if they were the only ones with a deep hatred.

Therefore, Su Ming had put together the clues in his hand and came to the conclusion that the Hands of Creation may want to change, but they still have the pressure of the court on their heads, so they cannot change and must be in some way. To a certain extent, obey the orders of that thing and act according to their set of rules.

Just like the Wuwu family cannot openly disobey Mother Night's orders, but they can take advantage of some loopholes. It's like Lucifer wants to temporarily escape God's arrangements, he must leave hell.

Therefore, the hand of creation brought before him was a representative used to exchange information. He knew that Deathstroke could understand what they were thinking, and he also had a way to pass on the information he heard to other compatriots.

But in this way, in order to hide it from the Court of Origin, he could only exit with death, so he kept saying things that Deathstroke didn't like to hear, but he had no intention of taking the initiative. Instead, he faced the enemy with his hands behind his back.

What kind of person puts his hands behind his back when facing an enemy? Apart from Thanos and Uncle Da, there are only bound prisoners, and this is the key hint.

In fact, Su Ming has a way to save him from death, such as sending him to the Marvel Universe for refuge, or stuffing him into a small cube, which is the new multiplicity under his control.

But now I'm not completely sure of the Hand of Creation's position. What if this is a trap? Maybe they plan to use the opposite of their own thinking? Perhaps what happened here will also be known to the courts after his death.

This is why Su Ming didn't make his words clear.

You must always be on guard. Since the man in white robe is ready to die, I will help him and observe the next development of the situation.

If we meet other members of the Creative Hand next time, it means things are more optimistic.

But if the next encounter is with a court or a judge, it means that things will slip in an unfavorable direction, that is, the information obtained from the conversation between the two parties today will also be known by that thing.

"No, human, you are wrong, we are right." The man in white robe kept repeating, and it seemed that this was all he could say, but now his glowing eyes seemed to be flickering with an unknown frequency.

"Ah, yes, yes, I won't guess. Talking to you is such a waste of words." Su Ming exited from the cross-legged meditating state, picked up the lightsaber on his knees, and instantly arrived in front of the man in white robes, slashing down with the sword.

The opponent was not a weakling without the power to fight back, at least he might want to show off, so the man in white robe also launched a resistance. He shaped a glowing ball in his hand and held it against the blade like a shield. .

It works a bit, but not much.

This ball of light couldn't stop the lightsaber's slashing, but it deflected its attack path a little. The sword that was supposed to split him in half only cut off one of his shoulders.

Under the robe is a blue-grey body, with the same skin color as Perpetua. Likewise, he is also a bloodless guy, and what flows out of the wound is energy similar to starlight.

"You are so obsessed with it, we must correct all this." Cutting off one shoulder is equivalent to losing a hand. Deathstroke's lightsaber is a conceptual weapon, specially used to kill the embodiment of the concept, so the white robe People may have the ability to heal themselves, but they can't use it now.

However, he seemed quite excited. After making such a declaration, he started attacking again with his good hand. This time, he seemed to have shown some real skills and created a beautiful planet.

His figure instantly became huge. He grabbed the planet and threw it towards the death knell. It seemed that throwing planets or universes was a special skill of the creative hands.

If he was facing other people, he might not be able to catch this planet, but Su Ming had no problem. He activated the quantum concept. In just a moment, the planet during the flight shone like a 'Blin' and disappeared without a trace. Without a trace.

To put it simply, it is to transport the matter that makes up this planet into the void beyond multidimensionality.

Maybe it will become a nest or food for some monster there, or it may hit some unlucky guy, but this has nothing to do with the death knell.

Taking advantage of the moment when the planet blocked the line of sight and was teleported away, Deathstroke launched his own attack. He called on the dark energy and poured it into his lightsaber. The golden lightsaber became transparent in the dark space. , or become the same color as the background.

In addition, the darkness also locked the opponent's body, squeezing the space and fixing it, like a sticky mouse board.

At the same time, the mercenary teleported to the giant's shoulder and chopped off the huge head with a sword.

It's over. This creative hand should have released some water. This is most likely an exhibition match, but that doesn't matter.


Su Ming ordered the symbiote to look into the other party's brain, and read back valuable intelligence and data. Perpetua had a brain, so the deceased should also have one as a member of the same race, right?

But at this moment, the dark space shook, and Su Ming felt something, as if a breath disappeared from the corpse.


The bean sprouts shrank back, indicating that the other party did have a brain, but there was no memory in it, just like a formatted hard drive, which had no flavor.

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