The Death Knell

Chapter 5340 The part about sneaking away

"Strange, what I felt just now, what was it?"

Su Ming, who took back the black sun, lifted the space isolation, and returned to the normal main dimension universe, did not leave here immediately. Instead, he looked at the headless corpse floating in front of him and thought silently.

Something slipped away. Was it the memory? So did it leave on its own initiative, or was it taken away by some being?


The symbiote ate the opponent's head. It did not gain any additional information, but it was considered a meal, so it was in a good mood. It was asking the host if it had a similar feeling when it killed Perpetua last time. ?

It seems to have no memory, but it is a symbiote and does not have the so-called sixth sense of humans.

"No, it may be that I was hiding far away at the time, and Superman hammered her to death before I got closer." Deathstroke used the quantum concept to put an invisible shield on himself, took out a cigarette and lit it, mainly because In order to be able to smoke in a vacuum environment: "What we can determine at present is that the Hands of Creation have entities, they are flesh and blood creatures."


Strangler said that this was normal. Aren't most concept embodiments material, that is, the top ones were exceptions.

Oh, and Sandman is an exception in some cases. He can have no entity. It is a dream after all.

"Taixu, Origin, Supreme God, and Master Monitor, these four constitute the top trinity of DC." Su Ming took a puff of cigarette, blew out a smoke ring, and saw it hit the invisible barrier and spread: "Among them, God and the supervisor have entities, but the other two do not. This may be a balance."


The stars in the universe were shining brightly, and the strangled creature that had eaten enough had turned back into a little bean sprout, stretching its body and basking in the sun.

It believes that even for the sake of balance, these four do not allocate positions based on this point. They seem to have different intentions and cannot be viewed according to the conventional Trinity.

In a normal trinity, they are all partners or stakeholders with good relationships. But as for them, Su Ming didn't see the side of their good relationship anyway, and only felt the intrigue.

Taixu is waiting for all things to return to the void, and it is also the origin of the universe's cycle; God is the shepherd, he is grazing life and thoughts; the main monitor does not care about anything, he is just an idle person watching the excitement; now only the origin is left, which What do you want? It's a bit unclear for now.

Moreover, the relationship between the families of these guys is also a mess. Just like the differences between Mother Night and Proraya, there are also differences between the gods of the Endless Family.

God's house is also in chaos, the systems of heaven and hell, the disputes between the past and the future, the affection and conflicts between Lucifer and Michael, the parts formed after God split himself.

"Forget it, don't think about it anymore. Adjutant, take this headless body away and give it to the council masters for study." Su Ming put away his lightsaber, patted his butt and prepared to leave. He checked the surrounding environment again. After confirming that the orbit of the planet was not affected, it flew towards the origin of the earth.

We're not done checking out the worlds inside the cube yet, but now that we're here, let's go to the basement and see how Deadpool is doing.

"Okay, Sheriff, the recovery has been completed." The deputy took the headless body away and arranged the follow-up work. She asked again: "Do you need me to return to Sepurk in my body?"

"No need, just play with Harry and Hermione in the game place." As he spoke, Su Ming arrived at the small town of Casas from the orbit of Mars. Looking at the quiet streets with no one at night, he added: "But then again, it's been several days, and they haven't had enough fun yet? Are they so addicted?"

"That's not the case, Sheriff, there is something special about the game land."

The adjutant projected a small screen to show the Sheriff the situation on her side. Harry, Hermione and the silver-haired girl could be seen eating, eating the playground children's set meal from a roadside restaurant:

"After entering this dimension, people's mood is kept happy and their physical strength is set to unlimited. As long as they continue to replenish food and drinks, they can play forever."

"And there is such a setting? The dimensional space is really full of wonders. The kid king who occupied it before was quite good at playing."

Su Ming accepted this statement. This is normal. In some dimensions, energy crystals can grow from the ground like crops. In some dimensions, there is constant thunder all the time. In comparison, the game land can be locked for play. It is not unusual for the player's physical strength to stay in the most suitable state for playing.

"You're kidding, I'm really good at playing, right?" Harley came over and smiled winkingly: "Dear Honey, do you want to come over and play with us? If there are more people, it will be more lively, right? Maybe we can also experience a game that we haven't tried before, you know, hee hee! For example, let's be in the coffin together."

"It's a good suggestion, but I can't leave now." Su Ming declined her with a smile. This suggestion was indeed very tempting, but after all, there were still serious things to do: "You can just play there, it won't be long in a short time." Don’t come back, the Court of Origin may be targeting me now, and the Origin Falcon may arrive in the next second, so it’s safer for me to save some energy.”

"Okay, let's talk about it later." Harley shrugged, sat back in her chair, and used a small plastic fork to stir the ice cream balls on the plate: "Is Xiao Dai okay?"

"It's good. It's time to go back to Paradise Island with Leopard Girl now." Su Ming opened the door and entered Superboy's home. He looked at the living room where the TV was missing, and then went to the refrigerator to see if the food had spoiled: "As you know, she just loves cats."

"I also like cats, but if that cat wants to kill me, that's a different matter, haha." Little Jelly Bean grinned. She hugged Hermione next to her and said, "You continue to be busy, your Students feel safe with me, Hermione is well-behaved and I like her very much."

"Just don't teach her those weird Gotham ways of thinking."

Su Ming, who felt good, smiled at his student and asked the adjutant to send her some snacks and toys from her hometown, such as red dragon fireworks and so on:

"Hermione, if Harry wants to teach you how to kill, you don't need to learn. After all, if you can only use a hammer and a gun with both hands, your weapon selection will be too limited."

"Understood, Professor." The witch nodded happily, but she was still a little worried: "But I didn't ask for leave when I left the Ministry of Magic. If I don't go back for a long time, there may be problems."

"Since you left, the android has temporarily taken over your job. Speaking of which, in an agency where bureaucracy is prevalent, if the Minister of Magic wants to be lazy, he will always have a way to do nothing."

This question was answered by the adjutant. She had already prepared and had the projects she wanted to play:

"So should we still play the haunted house next? I want to go to the store over there that says 'There are cannibals inside'. I haven't been eaten by anyone yet. I don't know what it feels like. .”

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