The Death Knell

Chapter 5341 Framed

"What are you doing?" In the quiet night, after Su Ming walked into the basement, he couldn't help but ask the question: "Why are you standing on your head? And you are still naked?"

Yes, just like what he saw, his rotten cousin was doing some things in the basement that were difficult for normal people to understand. He stood on his head naked and drew pictures with his feet. For a moment, Su Ming didn’t even know that Deadpool Are you doing something new?

In such a scene, if the person seeing it was not myself, but someone else, he would probably scream and dig out his eyes immediately, right? Because it's really disgusting.

"Oh, Slade, as you can see, I was doing an oil painting, watching the scene where Superboy kills the lizard people, and I felt that the clothes were limiting my inspiration, so I just stuffed them in the washing machine, and then in order to let The brain speeds up blood circulation, so I stand upside down to take advantage of the earth's gravity. Is this reasonable?"

Deadpool's head turned and he laughed happily when he discovered that it was his cousin. However, given that he had stomach cancer and esophageal cancer, speaking upside down was not a good choice because half-digested food and stomach acid would Reflux, coming out of the mouth like a sewer backing up.

But he didn't think there was anything wrong. He stood on his head with one hand, wiped the yellow soup from the corner of his mouth with the back of his other hand, and added:

"And I'm not naked. In fact, I'm wearing slippers."

The bitch pointed to her other foot that was not holding the paintbrush. Hanging on that foot was a cheap-looking plastic sandal with a women's high heel.

"What a yarn, have you forgotten that you still have to fight for the NC-17 classification?" Su Ming took out a towel from his pocket and threw it to his cousin. It happened to hang on his Y-shaped forked legs. Between his legs, he shook his head speechlessly: "Put on something quickly and tell me how you feel in the past few days."

Deadpool, who was originally cheerful, acted as if he was struck by lightning after hearing Deathstroke's words. Several pieces of rotten flesh even fell from his rotten face, and an abscess also burst.

He immediately stood up holding a towel, and began to talk to himself at high speed into the air beside him, with a very helpless expression:

"Damn it, it's all because of this brain cancer that made me forget such an important thing. Yes, I still want to fight for the NC-17 classification. There shouldn't be pictures of handsome guys like me with all the fruits. It will probably hit me. Even if there is no confidence among teenagers, if they become obsessed with me and become gay, then my sin will be too great. Same-sex people will not be able to reproduce, and humankind will become extinct. Where is the director? Can the front part be edited? What? Live broadcast ? Your uncle! You are not sent by Nick Fury to play with me, are you?"

Su Ming didn't even bother to pay attention to his cousin's blasphemous reaction. He just walked to the sofa and sat down, using the power of quantum power to reorganize the empty snack bag into fresh oxygen.

At this time, the largest projection on the wall was playing the scene of Superboy Prime fighting the lizard people on the Bone Mountain. These cold-blooded biological weapons were actually not very qualified because they couldn't even retreat.

This is normal. After all, they are considered cannon fodder. Their genes only contain the simplest biological instincts.

Eating, reproducing, and protecting their territory, in their eyes, Clark might still be an intruder.

"There's something wrong with this tactical choice." Su Ming glanced at it and started to comment. He took out a cigarette and smoked: "Lizardmen are all cold-blooded animals. Superboy should choose to use cold breath."

"Look, have you seen it, family members?" Deadpool had already put on the black and red uniform at some point, and appeared behind his cousin very energetically. He continued to say to the non-existent audience: "I knew Cousin Brother would say this, he has dark tactics in his head, and he wants to look for weaknesses in any battle he sees."

"Haha, you are right. Anyway, Superboy is playing in an exhibition match. He is willing to use stupid methods to make the game look better. I shouldn't say anything to him."

Crossing his legs, Deathstroke was about to lean on the sofa, but was stopped because Strangler said the backrest of the sofa was infested with maggots. Maybe Deadpool had rubbed off too much skin on it these days.

Summer is like this. When the weather is hot, there are more flies and mosquitoes. Plus this is a small town in Kansas, with farmland and pastures not far away. The most indispensable thing may be flies.

Not to mention leaning on the back of the sofa, Su Ming felt uncomfortable even sitting on this thing. Her butt was a little itchy, as if there were bugs in it.

It's better to sit floating in the air by yourself.

"I know what you want to ask when you come back, cousin, it must be about Laurie." Deadpool stretched out his hand and pointed in one direction, and a projection window there automatically enlarged, showing that Kent was in the mountains at this time. The situation in a holiday cabin.

The two older people have already fallen asleep. After all, it's not too early now. There is plenty of food and water, and electricity is available. The wooden house is also sturdy. There is no reason for the older couple to stay up late.

But Superboy-Prime's girlfriend Laurie is working overtime at this time. After investigating the documents previously taken from the city hall these days, she began to work as a crawler on the dark web, as if searching for information about the shady story.

The woman looked a little haggard, maybe because she didn't have a good rest, but her eyes were shining when she faced the laptop screen, looking unnaturally excited.

She discovered a shady story, that is, the shady story of American politicians collectively suppressing their boyfriends.

Well, it was actually a plot background and some plot props made up by the lieutenant, specifically for the Kent family.

But Laurie didn't know the script. She could see some information in the documents that showed that since a long time ago, in order to suppress the influence of superpowers, the government had fabricated many murderous lies about Superboy and organized navy troops everywhere. Spread negative news about Superboy.

The purpose is to make everyone hate Superboy so that he will not gain political capital by virtue of his own strength, thereby affecting the annual income of the vested interests from cutting leeks.

Take the simplest example. If there was a superman in the United States who could rush to the scene to save people and put out fires every time a fire broke out, then people's desire to buy fire extinguishers would be reduced, because after discovering a fire, they would only need to sharpen the fire extinguisher. Just call Superman by his name.

Many people have seen a small fire extinguisher. It is just a red can. It is inconspicuous and useless at ordinary times.

Superman rushing to put out the fire doesn't seem worth making a fuss about, right?

But what if the U.S. household firefighting equipment market is a big cake with an annual revenue of hundreds of billions of dollars? This does not include more advanced firefighting equipment, such as smoke alarms and sprinklers, or even fire trucks or fire sprinklers.

What happens if you block people's way of making money? Needless to say in a capitalist society, right?

Anyway, this secret government memorandum only mentioned that the Kansas City government has been carrying out secret operations assigned by superiors to drive a wedge between Superboy and ordinary people, lest he interfere in everything and delay wealthy people from making more money.

The document only mentioned a small thing like a fire extinguisher, but Laurie had already thought of more capital consortiums that might be affected by superpowers. She made up a lot of things in her mind and believed them to be true. Now she is looking for more on the dark web. Information to know.

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