The Death Knell

Chapter 5342 Blame dunk

The operating model of the dark web is completely different from that of the Internet on the surface.

If the Internet is a network, if you want to investigate something, you only need to use a search engine, and countless results will pop up.

The so-called dark web is like a dark archive room, and each address is like a small locked drawer.

You know that what you are looking for is on the dark web, but if there is no information to guide you to the correct cabinet, then groping in the dark will often only lead to a false start.

There are no search engines or enthusiastic seniors to help. What drives the dark web is interests, all kinds of interests that cannot be put on the bright side.

These activities also include some government affairs, the most famous of which should be the CIA's "Black Ops" series. To put it simply, sometimes they will find some mercenaries or black gloves on the dark web to engage in assassinations or Covert operations to subvert the regime of another country.

Many tasks that are shady and inconvenient for the government to do will be entrusted to agents on the dark web.

After all, the dark web is a network. As long as something has happened, it is impossible to leave no trace at all. Now Laurie has determined that the government's actions to suppress her boyfriend are black operations, and she is investigating everyone who is related to government affairs. Internet address and try to trick out some information from middlemen and agents.

Doing this is undoubtedly a needle in a haystack, and thanks to her as a reporter, her computer network skills are surprisingly good, otherwise she would not even have a chance to find a needle.

But on the other hand, she hasn't found anything on the dark web so far. That's because the adjutant has not yet started to make up the big blame that will be laid on the US government.

Where can you find something that doesn't exist? Of course I can't find it, but it doesn't matter, it will be available soon.

The night was already very dark. Looking out from the window of the wooden house, one could see the fang-like forest outside under the moonlight. However, in order not to attract attention, Laurie could not use too bright lights. She only had one that was pressed very low. desk lamp.

Another attempt just now failed. The newly contacted intermediary did not know that the government had sent people to suppress Superman, but he was willing to buy relevant information, and the price was not low.

But the only information Laurie had was the one from the Kansas City government, and it was impossible for her to sell it, so after erasing her traces in the online chat room, she cut off contact.

The evening breeze in the mountains was a bit chilly, seeping in through the crack in the door. She rubbed her temples, cheered up again, stood up and poured the boiled coffee on the stove.

When in town, people like to use automatic coffee machines, plug it in, push a button and after a while it does all the work, with high-pressure steam used to create milk froth.

But in the mountains, the way to make coffee is much simpler. Pour half a bag of coffee powder into a large copper pot, and then throw it directly onto the wood stove to cook.

The resulting drink is worse than instant coffee, but the advantage is that because the concentration is very high, it is very refreshing, which is great for people who stay up late.

Laurie was pouring coffee into her cup when she heard the phone behind her make a sound, which was the sound of a text message received.

She was actually curious at first as to why the world was in such chaos now that the communication and media systems in various places were intact, and the Internet base stations and switches were all functioning normally. It was simply incredible.

But after a few days passed, she no longer cared about this detail, and now she was more concerned about how her boyfriend had been bullied.

She remembered that she had been deceived by the government in the past and looked at her boyfriend through colored glasses, and she felt so sad that she wanted to crawl into the ground. In addition to this shame, there was also anger towards the government, which was made up of wealthy plutocrats and politicians. They made her misunderstand Clark.

She must find the truth and clear her boyfriend's name.

Putting down the big copper pot, the female reporter returned to the dining table with her cup. After taking a sip of the hot coffee, she sighed and rubbed her face with her hands to gather her thoughts.

Realizing that she didn't have any clues, she sighed and picked up the cell phone beside her to take a look.

The text message I received this time was no longer a greeting or request for help from my former colleagues, but a text message from an 'unknown sender', which simply provided a series of network addresses with simple words written underneath.

"What you're looking for is here."

Laurie suddenly became nervous. She suspected that she had been discovered, and the people on the dark web were not good people. She put down the cup and reached out to touch the gun in the drawer, while typing a reply with one hand:

"Who are you? Why do you want to help Superman?"

"Because I'm Batman!"

The other party's response immediately confused the girl. Of course she knew this line. Batman in the comics often said this, but in reality, she only felt embarrassed.

There is no Batman or the Justice League in the world I live in. Now this person is pretending to be Batman and sending him a message. Isn't it too foolhardy?

It was more of a joke, but in view of this, she judged that the other party should not be hostile.

So she put down her cell phone and pistol, reconnected her cock, and after passing through several springboards, logged into the website provided by the mysterious man.

This is also an address on the dark web. The format is very similar to a forum. When she saw the name of this forum, Laurie felt hopeful because it was called the 'U.S. Government Shady Reveal Network'.

It is simple and crude, and the forum page is as simple as the style of the last century, but this pragmatic attitude makes her feel more reliable.

After all, whose archives are decorated with all the bells and whistles?

After she confirmed that there was no need to pay to register here, the somewhat doubtful girl was reassured. This was probably a forum created by anti-government activists. These people had no other purpose than to cause chaos for the US government.

Looking at it now, the position is probably gay. At least the top post on the forum is a live video of Clinton having an affair with his female secretary. I don’t know where the poster got it from.

Laurie registered an account, found the search function in the forum, entered the word Superman, thought for a while, added the qualifier US government, and pressed the OK button.

The next second, countless posts popped up in front of her. They were so dense that her eyes were dazzled. There were also small flames drawn on the back of some posts with the word 'HOT' written on them.

These posts were not made by one person, but came from countless netizens. These powerful netizens recorded the U.S. government's actions of secretly slandering and suppressing Superboy again and again.

There are documents, audios, videos, and even witnesses. Everything is a stone hammer, and there are no lies at all. Many netizens are crazy about building buildings under each post, criticizing the US government in various ways, and talking to Superboy. Basically.

Laurie, who had never seen such a formation before, opened her mouth wide. She didn't know Clark had so many fans. It took a long time before she let out a mournful cry:

"There are actually millions of pieces of evidence? There is too much evidence. When should I check this?!"

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