The Death Knell

Chapter 5343 Brothers talk at night

These information and evidence will allow Laurie to summarize until Su Ming can't say, he just doesn't care.

Anyway, the United States is now in a state of anarchy. Except for those government officials who have been brainwashed and controlled and replaced by bionic people, other politicians and plutocrats are either dead or crazy.

When the time comes, as long as Laurie holds these secrets and stands up to vindicate her boyfriend after the Holy Jar War, those slaves and androids will naturally promote her to the position of President of the United States.

Speaking of which, it is not easy to be the president of the United States, but that is only in ordinary times. In the end of the world, all you need is a yellow robe.

"It's done, Sheriff." The deputy's voice came from her ears, but this time there was no image, because she and the other two women were playing in the haunted house now: "I created enough government dirt, mixed in Some real chaebol scandals and plans to suppress Superboy are also reasonably embedded."

"Now people will think that the U.S. government and plutocrats bought DC Comics in this world to draw comics that slander Superman. Superboy was originally a superhero, but he was misunderstood by people."

Deadpool, who was standing on tiptoes, raised his hands like a primary school student answering a class question, answering the deputy's words, even though the silver-haired girl didn't ask anything at first.

"That's about it." Su Ming threw a cigarette to his cousin and floated cross-legged in the air. This was the cleanest way: "How many more days do you think this scene will take?"

"There are still hundreds of thousands of servants, right? It might be slower if we let them fight against each other. If we have a team melee, it might be faster. It can be completed within this week."

Deadpool lifted half of his mask, held the cigarette in his mouth, and fired a random shot to light it:

"It's just that I feel that the destruction is not enough, you understand? So far, there have been no natural disasters. The Yellowstone volcano on the origin of the earth is also a coward. I sent people there to try and mess with it, but it just didn't erupt. Kill me."

As he spoke, he farted loudly, proving that he was indeed very angry and something else.

"Go to the bathroom." Deathstroke covered his nose and activated the quantum concept to refresh the entire air in the basement: "Don't talk about wreaking havoc again. That's not how we play here."

"But too few people have died, cousin. In the past four days, less than a billion people have died on Origin Earth. If the background is not miserable enough, the protagonist will not be able to be highlighted."

As he walked out, Deadpool turned around and said this. Obviously he also knows how to act.

Deathstroke still covered his nose and said nothing. He was looking at the spider web in the corner. It seemed that another fly was entangled, but he didn't see the spider.

A moment later, Deadpool returned with a relaxed look on his face and a new pair of pants.

"Let's get down to business. Did you see the hand of creation before?" Su Ming flicked the cigarette ashes and asked his cousin. It can be said that he asked knowingly.

"Well, but I don't know the content of your conversation with him. The old guys haven't had time to talk about it yet." Wade nodded, and he sat obediently on the arm of the sofa nearby, obviously worried about being deducted from his cousin's money: "You Did you kill that guy?"

"Ah, it's done." Deathstroke nodded first, then shook his head: "But now I have a feeling that I may not have killed him, and I am missing something."

"What?" Deadpool blinked, and he knocked on his knee: "Did you say that the body is incomplete? Did you find out that he is actually a eunuch? You are worried that the missing part can fly like a drone, give it to him Continuing the family line? Haha, do you understand the pun? No one, old guys, haha."

He started to go crazy again, and in the middle of speaking, he started talking in the direction of no one.

"As far as I know, after removing Perpetua, there are still five people left in the Hand of Creation. They will line up in a row when they appear."

Deathstroke ignored the vulgar joke and just raised his palm to show it to his cousin:

"Like this, it looks like a hand. The one in the middle is the tallest and the one at the thumb is the shortest. I don't know their names, and I don't know who is coming to me this time. Do you have any information? "

"How do I know?"

Deadpool, who was holding up his pants, pointed to Superboy's bookcase, and then looked at his palms:

"Anyway, the comic books here on Little Superboy are not as complete as we imagined. I discovered that Superman appears in all the books. It seems that there is no Superman issue. He has not bought it. How about I help you ask about the live broadcast? Ladies?"

"Ask, if you think they really exist." Su Ming had no objection, he smoked and waited.

"Okay, after asking, they don't know either."

Deadpool quickly gave the answer, which was obviously not good news. He inserted his fingers along the gap behind the hood and pressed the dead skin on the back of his head:

"Veterans say that the Hands of Creation are just the background in the comics, and they only appear three times in total. There is no plot to sign up for one's own number. We only know that they can create or destroy the multiverse, and nothing else is known."

"It's similar to the information I have." Su Ming nodded, fell into a brief silence, and then said: "The recorder from Origin also appeared not long ago. I sent Xiao Fu to block him, but he slipped away. This matter What do you think?"

"Oh, that skeleton astronaut with a burning head, right?" Deadpool shook off the tissue fluid on his hand. He might have scratched the back of his head too hard and dug his fingers into his brain: "The veterans told me about this. But I don’t know the answer, I just know that a clown met that guy in the past, maybe the lunatic has other information?”

Bone cancer is like this. Sometimes bone cells will proliferate, and sometimes they will become fragile. It is not uncommon for fingers to dig through the skull, just like people sometimes dig through toilet paper when wiping their buttocks.

"Clown, you mean, one of the 'Three Clowns' during that time, right?" Su Ming thought about it and felt that this information was of some value.

"I know the three squirrels, but I don't know much about the three clowns. Oh, besides, they are Batman's old enemies. I have no other advantages, but I don't care about other people's old enemies. So isn't that a kind of NTR? And I, the passionate Red Rose in the mercenary world, actually just love the party. Really, I don’t even watch movies with hat plots. It’s too cruel and too dark. I’ve seen that kind of thing in my life. If you pass it too much, you don’t want to see it again in works of art.”

Wade, who has a mean tone, has a gentleman's expression on his face, and uses vivid descriptive sentences to express that he never steals other people's popularity, let alone that person being Batman.

People and clowns achieve each other's success, so I have to step in. What's the point?

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