The Death Knell

Chapter 5344 Assigning tasks

"So, you're going to find the Joker?"

The blinking Deadpool looked at his cousin, his white eyepieces showing an emotion of wanting to watch the fun.

The basement is so big, and the dry air is filled with the putrid smell of his body. Su Ming is probably the only one who can survive here for a long time, but it is inevitable that his mood will deteriorate.

"No, the recorder's position should be neutral, and he is not someone who must be killed. All I need to do is to keep driving him away to prevent my information from being known to him, at least not now."

Deathstroke's tone of voice was a little harsh when he was talking about business. He knew that he couldn't be nice and gentle to his cousin, otherwise the bitch would just rub his nose in his face and become more and more bitchy.

"From what you said, he looks like a paparazzi, or the origin of paparazzi."

The sniffling Deadpool nodded. He seemed to understand something. He picked his butt and continued to watch Superboy killing the Lizardmen with his cousin:

"You can be sure that he doesn't have too much hostility, but you can't guarantee that the information he discovered will not be seen by Origin, so you have to guard against him? Oh, it seems that the handstand before was quite effective. My mind is very clear now."

"It's not as simple as you think, but it's not bad that you can see the second floor."

Su Ming, who was accustomed to mysticism, laughed and shook his head slowly. He was floating in the air and smoking a cigarette. The smell of nicotine covered up part of Deadpool's body fragrance:

"You don't need to take care of these things for the time being, but after you finish the work on the Origin Earth, I do have another job for you. Have you heard of the Hand of the Void?"

When this name was mentioned, the darkness in the basement seemed to become more active. Something seemed to be shaking in the shadows, but when I looked over, there was nothing.

"The tone of your words is so familiar to me. It's like the time I took the subway to buy a comic-linked airplane cup from a bookstore near the Central Station. I met a stranger on the road and he asked me very enthusiastically if I had any. I’ve heard of Amway.”

With a slightly suspicious expression on his face, the fiery red mercenary seemed to have become wary.

"Oh, because Wilson Enterprises does not sell daily necessities directly, I know that companies like Amway have appeared in this blank market." Su Ming touched his nose, took another puff of cigarette, and exhaled the smoke: "But direct sales in the United States are not It’s not illegal, but the Amway salesman is very keen on recruiting people to join the gang, how did you get rid of him?”

Speaking of this, Deadpool's attention was indeed diverted from the danger of the Hand of the Void. He smiled triumphantly and replied quickly in high-speed:

"I said 'Long live Hydra'. He introduced me to the advantages and products of Amway, and I introduced him to the work content and past and present life of Hydra. After hearing that he often needs to participate in suicide bombing activities, he has dental insurance. After that, he happily called the police. As you know, all basic communications in the United States have been monitored by the Prism Project since a long time ago. His call to the police mentioned the Hydra organization, so the police hadn't arrived yet. , SHIELD's Quinjet and field team arrived first, and I was fine. After all, the leading agent was also an acquaintance of mine. But the guy was knocked unconscious and taken away. If he is not dead now, he may still be in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. In the big underwater prison, right?"

It can be seen that Deadpool is very proud of his cleverness. Although he often forgets some things because of his mental illness, as long as he recalls it, he can show it off and talk a lot of nonsense.

However, this result is also foreseeable. It is best for ordinary people not to mention the word Hydra. Nick Fury likes to kill the wrong ones without letting go.

The King of Agents doesn't care that much about the lives of ordinary people, especially when it comes to Hydra. Hei Lu Dan will only use all means to attack the enemy and ensure that relevant information will not be leaked.

The naughty Deadpool told the unlucky salesman a lot of information about Hydra, causing this guy to know too much. Even if he won't be silenced by SHIELD, he will at least be under house arrest for life.

"The 'raft' you are talking about is a prison for super-powered criminals. Ordinary people will not be locked up there. The secret prison of SHIELD Minotaur over in Montenegro should be the place for this guy."

After pinching the cigarette butt and putting it away, my cousin gave this explanation.

SHIELD has many dark prisons. The highest level is the prison that uses Pym particles and Stark energy shield technology. It is code-named 'Villa' and looks like it is 30 centimeters high and 30 centimeters long and wide. It's a square villa model, but in fact it houses a large number of aliens, not very friendly ones.

Unlike the military's infamous Area 51, the 'villa' locked underground in SHIELD's 'playground' base is not an experimental institution. The conditions for the aliens inside are pretty good, including food and drink. At least not vivisection sectioned.

If you are willing to trade alien technology, you can further improve your living conditions.

Because it is mainly used to hold alien criminals, I heard that this prison will be handed over to the Tianjian Bureau. I don’t know if Carol will take over, but this is a trivial matter. Anyway, if the unruly aliens are encountered by Su Ming, they will There is no chance of going to jail.

Another legendary prison of S.H.I.E.L.D. is "Happy Hill", a small town in Connecticut. The residents living there are criminals transformed by memory cleaning technology. They are mainly relatively capable high-tech talents. It can be said that An extension of Project Paperclip during World War II.

They were instilled with the thoughts and memories of being peaceful and friendly, and contributing wisdom and strength to mankind. They believed that they were born Americans. Working in this town, they would never have the need to leave the town.

In fact, they are locked up in an invisible cage. This cage is their hearts and memories. Deputy Director Maria Hill used to be the prison supervisor here. Her serious character was also revealed as the prison chief. .

"The Minotaur Prison, oh, you're talking about the high imitation version of Arkham on the island in the middle of Skadar Lake."

Wade, who had just come out of the toilet and started eating without washing his hands, nodded. He tilted his head and recalled:

"I know that place. I heard that eating fish three meals a day there is very good for replenishing the brain. Whether it is an anti-human lunatic, a fanatical cultist, a cannon fodder brainwashed by Hydra, etc., it doesn't take long to get there. Heaven, they will all be nourished into little smarties who can only drool and giggle, and step on the sewing machine to make clothes."

The Supreme Cousin thought this joke was a good one. He laughed, looked at the projection screen and said:

"Actually, that is not the effect of eating fish, but a frontal lobe resection. Now the technology has advanced. Sixty years ago, to perform this operation, you still needed to use a large iron hook to penetrate the patient's eye socket to stir the brain. Now I only need laser craniotomy, do the surgery in the morning, and go to work in the afternoon, which is more convenient than painless abortion.”

"Cool, I mean a little dark, but still cool."

Deadpool, who was sucking his finger after eating a spicy stick, gestured with a wet thumb. SHIELD really knew how to play, and the hearts of those agents were as dark as the skin color of their director.

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