The Death Knell

Chapter 5345 Exclusive Plan

In the dark basement, there is only light reflected from each projection screen, like a mosaic.

Deathstroke wandered around the topic, making Wade forget about the Void Hand, and accepted the task inexplicably. It wasn't until he got the 30% deposit in advance that he finally came to his senses.

"Uh, Slade, what did you ask me to do before?"

Although he forgot what mission the two were talking about before the prison science topic, Wade still subconsciously counted the money in his hand at high speed and put it in his pocket with saliva on his face.

"It's not a big deal, you see, it's a specimen of a dark concept."

Su Ming took out a bottle of wine to moisten his throat. As he spoke, he raised his hand and formed an opaque black ball in his hand. It looked fluffy, like an enlarged model of the coronavirus, and showed it to Wade looks at:

"But after killing Uncle Da, I only gained the darkness in the multiverse 1 and the Omega universe. On the level of the super-time flow, there are two existences that use the concept of darkness as power."

This small black ball exudes eerie energy fluctuations, as if it is the darkest thing in the world. It feels like being thrown into the basement of a funeral home that has been abandoned for decades and is still haunted in the middle of the summer. There is a cold air coming from it. The soles of his feet crawled along his back and into his head.

Having said this, Deadpool shivered. He pulled out a large piece of blood-stained dead skin from his pants, gasped, and said:

"I understand, you want me to help get rid of them and help you become the only 'Great Darkness' in the DC universe, right? The veterans in the live broadcast studio have learned to answer questions."

"Well, that's about it. I was reading some new comics that Superboy bought, and I found a place where it seemed like the editors were eating settings. Now the Hand of the Void seems to have become the Great Dark Horseboy. This is different from what I knew before. The information is different, so I plan to ask you to go to Multiverse 2 where it is located to take a look after you finish your leisure activities here."

After quickly explaining the task arrangement, the Supreme Mage patted his cousin on the shoulder and looked at him with encouraging eyes, but did not give him a chance to regret it.

The deposit has been collected, and it's too late to regret it.

"It's normal for editors to take advantage of settings, especially the editors of DC Comics. They are very dark and thick-skinned."

Realizing that he could not regret this, Deadpool finished a pack of spicy sticks, but couldn't find a drink anywhere. It was so spicy that he danced the cancan dance on the spot, raising his legs high and saying:

"But why me? I might not be interested in dealing with the Hand of the Void, right? He's at least a super-cosmic-level boss."

Most of the time, Deadpool is very confident, claiming that there is never a task that he cannot complete.

But in fact, he still has some B-numbers in his heart. He simply won't take on tasks that are beyond his capabilities.

But that was just an external behavior. The matter entrusted by his brother must still be handled, but he felt a little unsure. He was not familiar with the Hand of the Void, but the veterans in the live broadcast room had already told some information, which was a bit scary.

"There is no such thing as a super universe in DC. There is a single universe, a multiverse, and the next step is super time flow."

Su Ming corrected his cousin's statement and started popular science that he didn't even know was right or wrong:

"The Marvel Universe is only divided into four levels, single, multiple, super, and omnipotent. In fact, there is no need to separate the super universe into one level. It has no real meaning. You can think of it as level two and a half, not Level three.”

"Oh, that's it, but even if the Hand of the Void is at the multi-level level, I can't seem to be able to deal with it?" Wade asked with his fingers in his mouth. He felt that his cousin seemed to be very confident, more confident than himself. Why? ?

"Don't underestimate yourself, my stupid Ou Doudou." Su Ming threw a bottle of soda to his cousin, letting him fully experience the power brought by orange juice mixed with carbon dioxide: "Although the Hand of the Void controls a multiverse, He has countless garbage gadgets under his hands, and he can also summon the power of darkness. At the same time, there are so many powerful people among the powerful and evil-minded people that any one with a name can kill the monitor alone just like he is doing it."

"Well, you're going to say 'but' next, right?" Deadpool was looking forward to it. Is there any advantage he hasn't discovered yet?

"You have nothing, but you have me. Your brother and I are very strong." Su Ming pointed to his nose and said seriously: "So the Hand of the Void is a multi-level, and you are He is a stable, almighty universe-level person, why are you still afraid of him?"

The main reason is that the ability of the Hand of the Void is a bit disgusting. The monsters under his hands are all deformed sarcomas, mutated creatures. He can also use darkness to make creatures cancerous, giving them infinite but painful lives.

When Su Ming couldn't leave on his own, it was most reasonable to let Deadpool, who was already covered in cancer cells, take the front line.

There was a period of silence in the basement. Only the chirping of insects in midsummer could be heard outside the window. Maybe it was cicadas, maybe it was crickets. Anyway, after two calls, it fell silent again.

After listening to his cousin's words, Wade was thinking hard. The small white eyepiece on his mask was blinking like eyes. But looking at the firm and expectant look in his cousin's single eye, he felt that these words did make sense. .

"So... I am actually at the level of the Almighty Universe. Am I so strong? I didn't notice it in the past, haha."

Deadpool smiled crookedly, like the urban dragon king, and he easily accepted his strong point of view:

"Understood, oh, just leave him to me. I'll go check on him and, if conditions permit, kill him. Then we'll dance on his corpse."

"Very good, very energetic!" Su Ming nodded with satisfaction. Wade would not disappoint.

Although he is a gossip like Star-Lord, but unlike the latter who always slips up at critical moments, Deadpool is usually careless but never fails in major matters.

"You said before that there are two people besides you who are still using the concept of darkness. Isn't this stealing your mine? So besides the Hand of the Void, who else is there? You might as well add some money and I'll make the other one too. .”

Now someone's self-confidence is extremely inflated, and he wants to make another fortune.

"The other is a giant beast." Deathstroke replied with a smile.

"The one arm wrestling with God?!"

The expression of the wretched Deadpool became a little strange, and he coughed:

"Well, that guy is hard to find, and I have carpal tunnel syndrome. I can't fight with others. If you want to deal with it, you'd better find someone else. For example, what do you think of Cable? He has The arms are made of metal, and you can tell he’s really good at arm wrestling at first glance.”

He even spoke English with a Bayan accent.

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