The Death Knell

Chapter 5347 Start repairing

"Okay, let's try to complete the script of the Holy Jar War within three days on the Origin Earth."

Deathstroke, who was floating in the air and drinking wine, patted his cousin's back. The wet and sticky feeling was transmitted to his palm through the black and red uniform fabric. He sighed and took back his palm:

"Superman doesn't have any decent opponent here. It all depends on his acting skills. Remember to remind him at critical moments to make sure he doesn't make mistakes."

"Well, aren't you going to stay here and direct it yourself?"

Wade collapsed on the sofa. He always felt that it would be better to lie down and pick his nose:

"If you leave now, you might miss the happy ending where Superboy is recognized as the people's hero and is admired by everyone, and then her girlfriend becomes the President of the United States and the family lives happily together, right?"

"Happy people are basically the same. Unlucky people all have their own misfortunes." Su Ming had no intention of stopping. He shook his head: "During the last battle with Prolaya, the speed force plane changed. The situation is unclear now, so I’m going to find Barry to find a solution.”

As mentioned before, Barry is the origin of the Speed ​​Force. Unlike other speedsters who consume the Speed ​​Force every time they run, he is born with the Speed ​​Force every time he takes a step.

Although the Speed ​​Force plane currently refuses access to any speedsters, and it is unknown what is going on inside, Su Ming believes that Little Flash is still special to it.

The Speed ​​Force can't lose Barry Allen any more than the West can lose Jerusalem.

"Don't you have the concept of quantum? Can't you clap your hands and give it an order or something?" Wade's nostril-picking hand turned over and he dug deeper, as if his entire index finger was stuffed into his nostril. .

At Superboy's house, Deadpool, who has been groping around these days, naturally also saw some comics related to Doctor Manhattan. Although Superboy-Prime is a twisted Superman fan, as a member of DC fans, classic comics like "Watchmen" , of course it is a collection.

I still bought three books at once, one to read by myself, one to use for preaching, and one to keep in a vacuum-preserved negative pressure box as an heirloom-style collection.

This is another topic. Anyway, after reading the Watchmen comics, Deadpool felt that the blue fruit man was really strong. The "artificial god" people said in the comics was absolutely correct.

In addition to being restrained by the flow of tachyon particles, Dr. Manhattan can achieve almost anything he wishes, whether it is creation or destruction, or even changing the shape of the multiverse, with just a thought.

So he thinks that his cousin seems a bit conservative in his use of quantum concepts?

"Quantum is indeed everywhere, and its versatility is also very broad." Su Ming did not directly answer whether he could do that. He just raised his finger and pointed at his head: "But excessive use of it will make me lose my hair and become a hairless person." Absolutely rational monster of emotions, are you sure that would be good for you?"

"Well, forget it, I think being a human being means to be happy. If you lose your emotions and only have absolute reason, you will definitely not be happy. Unless you take out your heart and cut it open on the physical level, cousin, you You don’t really want to blow me up into bloody fireworks in the snow, do you?”

After thinking about it for a while, Deadpool felt that it was better to let his cousin maintain the status quo, because if Slade became an emotionless thing like Dr. Manhattan, his end might be no better than Rorschach.

Rorschach doesn't like bathing, and he doesn't like bathing either; Rorschach has skin diseases, and he has skin cancer; Rorschach is poor, and he himself is also poor.

So Wade's brain full of cancer cells came up with a formula, himself = Rorschach, which filled him with a sense of crisis.

"Of course not. Rorschach was killed because the conflict between his beliefs and reality was too serious." Su Ming shook his head. He looked at the garbage pile beside him and took out more food and drinks from his pocket. Prepared for my cousin: "We are different, neither of us are idealists."

"Yeah, then go and do your work. I'm here to teach Superboy how to act."

Deadpool, who had no ideals at all and was extremely realistic, nodded happily. He immediately went to look for the most valuable among the new drinks:

"In terms of combat ability, Superboy-Prime is indeed very strong, but these days I can tell that this kid is not very smart and he lacks some spirituality in acting."

"Okay, I can't talk nonsense with you anymore. I find that once I start chatting with you, it will never end."

Su Ming, who found himself chatting endlessly, walked towards the door, lowered his head, lit a cigarette, and stretched his neck:

"Also, take your time when arranging those plans, you know? No matter how beautiful you are, you can't stop the crackdown on pornography, and no matter how interesting your soul is, you are afraid of account violations."

"Don't worry, I won't let my live broadcast room be blocked. The most I can do is arrange for Superboy to supervise others. It's nothing."

The bitch stretched out his hand and made an OK gesture. He looked very confident.

After leaving the Origin Earth, Su Ming wandered around in this single universe again. After confirming that there was no sign of the Hand of Creation or the Origin Court yet, he returned to Earth 0 and prepared to find Barry.

Midtown, as the name suggests, is in the middle of the United States. It is not too far from Metropolis and Gotham, but it is not particularly close either.

The closest one to it is Keishi City, which is often considered a satellite city of Zhongcheng and the territory of the Lightning family.

Of course, because they are places where speedsters frequently appear, the security environment of these two cities is relatively good. Compared with Gotham and Star City, it can be said to be a paradise on earth. The social atmosphere is even better than that of the metropolis. .

As I said before, this is mainly caused by the different ways of dealing with things between The Flash and Superman.

Still the classic fire-fighting example, Xiao Shen often only rescues people from the fire scene, puts out fires in buildings, and handles the aftermath, all of which are left to the fire brigade.

But Superman is different. He saves people, puts out fires, and rebuilds houses. All related things are done instantly. He is a hero among superheroes, leaving the Metropolitan Fire Department completely idle.

As a result, Barry won the title of honorary firefighter in Midtown. Firefighters all liked him because he didn't have to risk saving people in the fire, which made the job much safer.

While Superman is in Metropolis, he is hostile to various government emergency agencies. Whether it is fire fighters or police, he has almost laid off all of them.

It is the combination of all these things that has led to the Flash's reputation in Midtown being very good. Everyone likes him. It feels like Spider-Man from Marvel is treated in Brooklyn.

Good neighbors to people.

After getting along like this, of course the social atmosphere has improved, and Barry himself has become much more relaxed. At least he has time to sleep, which is not easy for most superheroes to achieve.

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