The Death Knell

Chapter 5348 Happy Playing

But as a speedster, Barry is too poor.

There is no way. If he uses the Speed ​​Power to speed up his work efficiency, his consumption will also increase. Intuitively, his appetite will increase.

High-calorie foods are usually mostly butter or fat. It's not that Barry can't eat vegetables to replenish his energy, but that will only lead to eating more.

Common high-calorie foods in the United States are basically fried chicken or pizza. The significance of these foods being born as fast food is that they are 'full' and can provide enough calories for manual workers.

Take the cheapest pizza without any brand effect as an example. A 12-inch large pizza usually costs about 12 US dollars. After running, Barry will eat about ten to fifteen portions in one meal. This is based on his I didn’t go through high-intensity battles, and I didn’t overdraw my body.

A simple calculation shows that a large part of his salary is spent on food. The rest, apart from the necessary bills such as rent, water and electricity, Barry also has a small hobby, that is, he likes to modify cars. .

Although Su Ming also knew that in his previous life, there was a saying that the poor had cars and the rich had watches, but it was different in the DC universe.

The first Batmobile that Batman built was a bulky one that looked like a tank, costing a billion dollars. His later improved and cool Batmobiles that could fly, escape, and dive were even more impressive. One is more expensive.

Expensive things may not always look good, but generally speaking, things that look exaggerated are expensive.

Therefore, Barry's hobby of playing cars is actually not in line with his consumption level, especially since his lightning car also needs to be equipped with a lot of high-tech equipment, plus things like a speed treadmill.

This was also the method used by Barry to bring people into the Speed ​​Force plane in the past. If someone sat in a car and he jumped on the treadmill on the roof of the car and ran wildly, he could open the passage to the Speed ​​Force plane, and then take people through other places. Parallel worlds, or achieve some time travel effects.

In fact, Barry can just pick up the person and run away. Anyway, Su Ming doesn't understand why the Flash wants a car. Isn't this just taking off his pants and farting?

But he also thought that Superman also has a 'Superman Car'. Although Clark doesn't usually drive it, that thing does exist. It can only be said that Americans do have different feelings about cars. They just like things with four wheels.

Su Ming had been to Barry's home last time. It was 12 o'clock at night on the east coast of Earth 0. The lights were dark inside the small building, and steady breathing could be heard. Xiao Shen was probably having sex with his girlfriend. I went to bed and slept soundly.

The mercenary outside the door shook his head. How could the Flash sleep without the speed force? Anyway, if it were me, I would definitely not be able to sleep.

But then he rolled his eyes and thought of an idea. After snickering, his body in the darkness wavered and turned into the appearance of Batman.

As soon as he had an idea, he disappeared out of the door and went directly to Barry's bedside in the bedroom on the second floor. Without saying a word, he stood beside the bed like a sculpture, staring at Barry's sleeping face.

Maybe it was because the moonlight was blocked, or maybe it was a nightmare. Xiao Flash, who was still drooling with his mouth open, seemed to feel something. He frowned in his sleep and started to chirp.

Su Ming found it funny and released a little more darkness. The ink-like black mist condensed into the shape of tentacles, and slowly got into Barry's bed to scratch the soles of his feet.

Sure enough, the Flash is the one who relies on his legs the most in the Justice League, and his feet are also very sensitive. It can be said that as soon as the cold dark substance was applied, the Flash shrank into a ball in his sleep, as if he was having a cramp. Same.

Moreover, his breathing rate also changed, and he was obviously about to wake up.

The evil-hearted Deathstroke immediately adjusted his expression, turning the corners of his mouth downwards, playing the role of Batman. The moment Barry opened his eyes, he said in a hoarse voice changer:

"Flash, the earth is going to be destroyed, we must evacuate now!"


Barry, who had just woken up and was still confused, was stunned, with a black question mark expression on his face.

Although he realized that the person who suddenly appeared next to the bed was Batman, he was not frightened and screamed, but he suddenly said that the earth was going to be destroyed and that he needed to be evacuated. There was no sign of it before he went to bed. So sudden?

However, as a user of the Speed ​​Force, Barry's mind moved very quickly. He found flaws in Batman's behavior and language.

If the earth is really going to be destroyed, how can the bat stand by the bed waiting for him to wake up? I'm afraid that a basin of cold water would have been poured on my head long ago, right? Or just pick him up and slap him?

Barry is a veteran of Zhenglian. He has seen Batman fan Nightwing and fight hard. That child was often educated through physical means, but the following Robins did not receive such treatment.

In other words, Nightwing is actually the experimental field for Batman to practice his education methods. The Dark Knight learned a lot from the poor boy and improved his own education methods.

It's easy to go astray when your mind spins too fast. Barry quickly shook his head to get those thoughts out of his mind and rubbed his face with his hands:

"Slade, you're pretending to be Batman again, and that's no fun."

"Haha, I think it's quite fun. You get dressed first, and I'll wait for you in the living room downstairs." Su Ming was a little surprised to see that he was found out. This shows that Xiao Shen has become smarter again and has learned to reason.

However, his girlfriend is still sleeping next to him, and neither of them is wearing clothes. It is not suitable for him to stay for a long time, so he should be more conscious and go downstairs.

With a sway of his body, he disappeared into the darkness without making any sound or bringing up a breath of wind.

The speechless Barry yawned, got dressed quietly, went to the bathroom and wiped his face with cold water, and followed him a minute later.

When he came to the living room, he saw that Deathstroke had changed back into his black and yellow armor and was sitting on the sofa, eating the half-box of pizza that Barry had left last night. Obviously, the taste of the pizza did not faze Slade. Satisfied, he wrinkled up after taking a bite.

"It tastes so bad. There's so much cheese in it. My mouth feels like cement is being stirred. It's all sticky."

"This is enough calories. I asked that store to make it specially for me and paid extra for it." Barry replied in a low voice with a smile. He picked up the pizza box and said, "And it will make people feel tired when it gets cold. , if you want to eat it, I will heat it up for you in the microwave."

"No need to bother, just sit down and talk."

Su Ming stretched out his finger, and the pizza in the box automatically began to heat up, and soon the aroma of butter emerged. This adjusted the frequency of movement between atoms, allowing them to rub against each other and generate heat. Is this an application of nuclear energy?

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